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Re: 2014 Australian Open

Reply #120

You asked, and you shall receive LP.

You still failed to connect the progression of a spur or cam with exercise, there is no evidence of it being progressed by exercise and that is the case the AAOS make.

As the website states the progression of the disease is generally considered to be genetic and not related to exercise. It links the deterioration of the labrum to exercise, with or without the presence of FAI like condition and that is obviously why the AAOS can successfully argue for the lack of evidence that an FAI like condition is an contributing cause.

Some Orthos state more study is required, others state there is already enough evidence to prove it isn't worth proceeding.

In my opinion the Tomic camp is building a bridge between a set of disparate conditions to justify his withdrawal and that bridge is at best very tenuous. Tomic's post tournament scan and proclamation of FAI with his withdrawal from the tournament as a causal effect of a groin strain (Grade 1) is just a grandstand attempt to save face! Excuses, excuses. AFL players are managed through whole seasons with equivalent injuries and that is in a sport that includes heavy direct hip contact.

By definition FAI is a disease of genetic origin, it develops over a very very long term, it is not something to progress over one tournament. So why do you pull the trigger in a match when your sport has only a couple of such opportunities a year, not likely if you have a Grade 1 tear. That would be like an AFL player pulling out of a GF with a bruise, it just would not happen!

I am not sure why Tomic's team would even announce that he has a genetic condition, think about it from a sponsor's point of view. If Tomic's claims are true as a sponsor do you spend your money on a bloke who has a questionable long term sporting future or do you back the up and coming kids? I think Tomic's team dig themselves a bigger whole with every utterance and every new excuse!

Add to that it is disrespectful, like diving for a penalty in soccer. It is at least as disrespectful as Serena Williams claiming back injuries after her shock loss to Ivanovic, and Williams is being lambasted in the media about her press conference. Serena should have just shut up and said was beaten and a well played to Ivanovic. She was beaten on the day and the excuses post match are pathetic!

There seems to be a culture in tennis, players collapsing from heat, injuries and illness, but only when they are likely to lose! Would Tomic have pulled the pin if he had a good draw and was likely to progress to a bigger pay cheque?
The Force Awakens!

Re: 2014 Australian Open

Reply #123
It's interesting to contrast Tomic with the attitude of Sharapova who has been playing with a hip injury for eight months!

Tomic pulls the pin a few seconds in under oppressive conditions against an opponent he can't beat, with a condition he finds out about days later after the crap hits the media fan. Is that a good description?

William's blames a back injury after her "shock loss", holding back tears and sitting there like she "Can't believe she is sitting there!"

Sharapova enters the tournament with known hip and shoulder injuries. Makes it through several rounds some in the 40 degree heat, and then vows after her loss to come back better than ever. Where do we find some more players like that instead of the Prima Donna's we are lumped with at the moment!
The Force Awakens!

Re: 2014 Australian Open

Reply #124
Nobody forces anyone to like him, move on  ::)
Excuses year 1, blame year 2, contract extention year 3........

Re: 2014 Australian Open

Reply #125
It's interesting to contrast Tomic with the attitude of Sharapova who has been playing with a hip injury for eight months!

Tomic pulls the pin a few seconds in under oppressive conditions against an opponent he can't beat, with a condition he finds out about days later after the crap hits the media fan. Is that a good description?

William's blames a back injury after her "shock loss", holding back tears and sitting there like she "Can't believe she is sitting there!"

Sharapova enters the tournament with known hip and shoulder injuries. Makes it through several rounds some in the 40 degree heat, and then vows after her loss to come back better than ever. Where do we find some more players like that instead of the Prima Donna's we are lumped with at the moment!

Good call, Sharapova's just a class act (apart from the screeching !).  Speaking of class acts, Roger blew Tsonga off the court last night.  Looked very, very good.  But what sort of a horror draw has he got  !



Life is pain....... anyone who says differently is selling something.

Re: 2014 Australian Open

Reply #126
Malo he either would have had Nadal or Djokovic. All the others including Murray are beatable. It wouldn't make much difference what side of the draw he would be on. He needs to find a way to beat Nadal and Djokovic. Stefan Edberg might just be the man to make it happen. His serve volley game might be what it takes. this baseline rally type tennis plays right into Nadal and Djokovics hands. All the others can be beaten because they are a class level below the two top players. Federer is in a class between the two. If he can prove a point he may get to be number one all over again. One can wish. ;)
This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.

Re: 2014 Australian Open

Reply #127
The Joker out  :o

Re: 2014 Australian Open

Reply #128
The Joker out  :o

Wawrinka is a good player and mimics his game off Federer. Just with more power. That typical swiss one handed backhand shot. he played well and held his first service to a high percentage which helped. Powerfull player but just can't let himself be intimidated by his opponent, because he has never gone this far in tennis. For his years in the game it is unusual. If the Joker was going to lose, I was happy to see Rinka do it. Love quality swiss and Swedish players. As humble as they come. ;)
This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.

Re: 2014 Australian Open

Reply #129
Fed putting on a clinic against Murray (watch this jinx)

Re: 2014 Australian Open

Reply #131
Fed putting on a clinic against Murray (watch this jinx)
He is so good to watch.

REALLY ? It is definitely not one of his better games at all. Murray is not up to winning after his back surgery. Federer was great in the first set. Since then he has been ordinary by comparison. If he brings this game against Nadal, he will lose in straight sets.
This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.

Re: 2014 Australian Open

Reply #132
Fed putting on a clinic against Murray (watch this jinx)
He is so good to watch.

REALLY ? It is definitely not one of his better games at all. Murray is not up to winning after his back surgery. Federer was great in the first set. Since then he has been ordinary by comparison. If he brings this game against Nadal, he will lose in straight sets.

Federer was much better against Tsonga granted but Fed can take Rafa who looks out of sorts imo....

Heck, baby Fed should have been 2-1 up today (sets).
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: 2014 Australian Open

Reply #133
Did you just see him choke in the 3rd set tie break ? What was he 6-3 or 6-4 up and had the 2 serves to go to close out the set. Ends up losing 8-6 ? Its like he is just chipping the ball back straight to Murray and depending on Murray missing a shot to win the point. This style of tennis will not beat a Wawrinka, Nadal or any decent player.
This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.


Re: 2014 Australian Open

Reply #134
Fed putting on a clinic against Murray (watch this jinx)
He is so good to watch.

REALLY ? It is definitely not one of his better games at all. Murray is not up to winning after his back surgery. Federer was great in the first set. Since then he has been ordinary by comparison. If he brings this game against Nadal, he will lose in straight sets.

Federer was much better against Tsonga granted but Fed can take Rafa who looks out of sorts imo....

Heck, baby Fed should have been 2-1 up today (sets).

The commentators were saying last night that Rafa has bad blisters on his hand which is preventing him from holding the racquet as he normally would. Can't serve properly either.

Fed at $2.40 is looking juicy.