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Re: Ben Cousins Jailed

Reply #45
This site is such a small sample of society, but in three pages there are several that are addicts and suffering because of them. If this is representative of our society then the problem is massive.  There have been a couple of posts that have increased my understanding (particularly Baggers & Flyboy) - thanks for that.

Two comments/questions - they are genuine and maybe simplistic, but maybe someone can help:
1) Are there more addicts just due to general awareness of addiction then say the 80s
2) Is the decline of face to face interaction - loss of human relationships, easy use of social media (ie generally showing your best, rather than vulnerabilites) and proliferation of, say, gambling sites factors that are increasing addictions?

Also, without wanting to be intrusive, is there anything a common person like me can do to help a person who is showing addictive traits or has an addiction?

Re: Ben Cousins Jailed

Reply #46
The cake is not big enough to deliver everybody a slice, unfortunately the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few!

Mr Kennett decided the less expensive thing to do was to close facilities rather than fix them up! Then years later someone like my Ex.personal trainer, who happened to be a Paramedic in training, herself with three small children living in the area one of them a junior cricketer, had to be first on the scene when a lunatic used a knife and cricket bat to kill his son and commit suicide by police officer!

How does sympathy and empathy help when a political bank balance always takes priority?

I'm pretty sick of the how could we know argument, the I'm so sorry this should have never happened, but that is all you get post fact!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Ben Cousins Jailed

Reply #47
@ Dodge.

Unfortunately mate most of what can be done atm is help clean up the mess. There just doesn't appear to be the funding or the will to try to effectively prevent it. A lot of well meaning people are swimming against a massive tide.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Ben Cousins Jailed

Reply #48
This site is such a small sample of society, but in three pages there are several that are addicts and suffering because of them. If this is representative of our society then the problem is massive.  There have been a couple of posts that have increased my understanding (particularly Baggers & Flyboy) - thanks for that.

Two comments/questions - they are genuine and maybe simplistic, but maybe someone can help:
1) Are there more addicts just due to general awareness of addiction then say the 80s
2) Is the decline of face to face interaction - loss of human relationships, easy use of social media (ie generally showing your best, rather than vulnerabilites) and proliferation of, say, gambling sites factors that are increasing addictions?

Also, without wanting to be intrusive, is there anything a common person like me can do to help a person who is showing addictive traits or has an addiction?

DODGE, you ask important and intelligent questions and I get that you're serious about learning more and 'doing your bit.' I'll try to help out a bit.

Your first question is a ripper and it's both mate. There is more reporting/awareness AND there is more and growing addictions/abuses of drugs.

I reckon you have realised that your first question in many regards is answered by your second question. You bet there is cost in the loss of 'community' which is being rapidly replaced by the 'instant gratification' you get from computers. I recall a forensic psychologist buddy saying to me many, many years ago that with the advent of the computer and 'push button results/pleasures' that human relationships will suffer. Drugs, sex, gambling, shopping, eating excessively, alcohol etc deliver 'instant gratification' big time.

So what's right at the core of so much trouble - your 2nd ripper question. We're communal creatures finding it very difficult to live in an economic model full of it's expectations and pressures. Then comes along the seductive ads promising distraction from our sadness and/or troubles with all these yummy drinks,  relationship fulfillments, computers, iPhones that just do everything and so many other things we can 'buy' for immediate pleasure.

There are things you can do to help someone who is an addict. But it's limited. You're really trying to help them to admit they've got a problem, because until they do that they may very well suck the life out of you before moving onto someone else. Sometimes the best things you can do is walk away from them! But rather than potentially bore everyone even more by going into further explanation... how about we PM each other and I'll try to help out? I work in this area and am always, always keen to help out in any way I can. And well done for asking.

Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17