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Messages - jayjay

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Are we "hard" enough
yes some good points made regarding todays game v past games but I didnt mean going the biff  the way it used to be before videos and extra scrutiny helped to clean up behind the play incidents coupled with more awarness of a persons safety  Different times, different era, altogether in footy and life in general.More about wrenching that perception of Carlton that we are a little predictable or soft back a notch Last nights game got me reflecting on this as going through other teams I can see certain players that I would call MODERN day tough They can influence and shift a game not when things are rosy and winning but when  fighting to get back into a game and also with that air of unpredictability perhaps that makes opponents not take things for granted.Our captain is a geniunely tough footballer on a CONSISTENT basis Would just love to see a couple more,that show the seeds of that at junior level and not just passing certain athletic tests. I watch a lot of local football and enjoy the contests and passion that the players show and genuine commitment on a part time basis.Currently when I watch the baggers at this time I HOPE for a switched on Carlton but used to expect it every match I think we have stepped up in so many areas off the field in the last few years and continue to grow but just on field it feels like here we go again Just want to see more consistent care and passion for the jumper? thanks for listening people i dont post much but love to read your opinions during the good and bad weeks J
Robert Heatley Stand / Are we "hard" enough
As usual recently after a few days reflection ranging from disappointment through annoyance to resignation of another year gone,but we had injuries i tell myself.Yes but I was disappointed in some tactics,team selection,poor umpiring etc which we use week by week as the situation arises.So I say ah well next year as I rejoin MCC and dutifully tick the Carlton membership option also.Now i think thats all i can do for my team though I wish I could run out with em sometimes.Ive had 60 odd years of loving my blues being taken as a bub by my mum and dad who both loved the blues till the day they passed ,so ive seen great times hell yeah but for too long now we are over run.looked.tackled, by other clubs.Where I work we are laughed at and the opposition supporter diehards say we get what we deserve but i dont hear a lot of respect which hurts me more.So I Know we dont have the
Walls Mcclures Buckleys,Dominators,rhys jones so on so on and different era i know but I just dont see current crop of players in the "if i hurt them will they hurt me back" category including physicality,scoreboard,pressure act or just being niggardly.I know modern footy is more like a modern workplace now where rules and regs abound but you can still earn respect by the way you present.I want to see our key forwards run through the 2 defenders which are usually manning them,our midfielders who are fallen on and crushed get up and do it back to the opposition not see the defender who has  given up a cheap goal patted on the back and told gee bad luck..Maybe this time get some players or young guys in with a bit of grunt and tude as they say We seem to overlook these types for leaner type athletes but maybe we need a better mix? Forgive long rant but I do love my club.Most weeks reading this forum gets me over a loss or enjoy a win even more Interested to hear others feelings of how to step forward and get back where we should be.A proud successful club that never lets you down!    
The Sports Desk / Re: Melbourne Storm
What about our forwards without big Nelson :o Normally their pack monsters us also new rule regarding teams protecting their kicker allowed us to put pressure on cleary  great effort from welch after losing captaincy to show real grunt back to his old form hopefully! GO STormers
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Post Game Passion; AFL Rd 21: Carlton vs Gold Coast
Wow i cant believe that effort could not ONE player fume like I was doing watching it and make a the flag...say we want to THEY did.There is no excuse for not manning up sticking a tackle making them earn a bloody kick not waltz through us like a bunch of arm waving flags.Looking at that last quarter even kicking down the line to nothing mind you gc muppets were engaging us to stop a lead and then peeling off as ball is kicked while we still wave our arms around. We have no confidence thus we lose skills lose our faith in who is doing what 2 players go into tackle loose man outside see ya that coaching I just dont dont know we need leaders on the ground that bust a gut but moreso inspire confidence that all will be ok..Touk Miller anyone? This mob has just about done me in Ias I have to finally admit I cant see where the change will come from nothing really in the twos to look forward to no quick always just a freakin struggle every game with the media circus sucking us down every chance and other clubs supporters loving our swimming in quicksand. Ive loved my bluebaggers for 50 +years but Im sorely tested to give anything to this club at the moment from top to bottom Unreliable.