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At the 2022 Federal Election which party will receive your first preference?

[ 7 ] (26.9%)
[ 8 ] (30.8%)
[ 2 ] (7.7%)
One Nation
[ 0 ] (0%)
United Australia Party
[ 3 ] (11.5%)
[ 2 ] (7.7%)
None of the Above
[ 4 ] (15.4%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Topic: Election 2022 (Poll added) (Read 30241 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #420
I take Phasing out as a Yes and it will go through parliament as legislation, I take not in the term of this Government as a No and we might think about it if you elect us again.
I believe Libs 2IC Susan Ley would have supported the proposal as she was keen to support the idea a while back.
Happy to concede I am a meat eater but I wont eat meat that comes from known inhumane treatment sources or where baby animals eg Lambs, Veal or young Pigs are slaughtered. The thought of sheep being thrown into live mincers or some asian slaughterhouse beating cattle heads in with Sledgehammers makes me want to do same to the perpetrators so for me I'd like to see some bipartisan agreement reached where proper standards both here and for export are adopted.
As I said I enjoy my rib eye/scotch fillet and a parma but I want my Aus animals treated properly in the process...
x2 Don't want my meat from barbarians.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #421
Over promise and under deliver is standard business for parties/politicians.
There is an old saying that Truth comes at a price, Lies are cheap...
I would feed any of them.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #422
Parties do get a honeymoon early on, and that's when they need to go hard with the tough decisions.  Hopefully by the time the next election comes around they're in a position to hand out a few sweeteners.

It's gonna be brutal :)

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #423
Not sure the pressure will build now that Dutton has announced that the Liberals see no need to tack to the centre. He says they'll stay where they are and wait for the electorate to swing back towards them. Way to learn lessons from an electoral defeat! They're doing a reverse George Costanza: it's you, not us.

This was hardly unexpected though. It's like the old days watching Mark Philippoussis serving. When he missed with a 220 kmh bomb, you just knew the 2nd serve was going to be a 240 kmh missile. Always double down. That seems to be the mantra on the right wing. 

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #424
Not sure the pressure will build now that Dutton has announced that the Liberals see no need to tack to the centre. He says they'll stay where they are and wait for the electorate to swing back towards them. Way to learn lessons from an electoral defeat! They're doing a reverse George Costanza: it's you, not us.

This was hardly unexpected though. It's like the old days watching Mark Philippoussis serving. When he missed with a 220 kmh bomb, you just knew the 2nd serve was going to be a 240 kmh missile. Always double down. That seems to be the mantra on the right wing.

But the thing, is it's quite logical to just sit back and wait.
They don't have to stand for anything for the next 18 months or so.
No one will really care what they're about or what their message is.
All the focus will be on the government.
As we get closer to the next election they will have to make some calls on points of difference... but they have the luxury of waiting to determine where and when to attack.
There's no guarantee that Dutton will still be leader at that stage.

Was anyone really fussed about Labor in opposition.
It was more about the failings of the Government and Morrison's judgement in particular that drew all the focus.

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #425
You’d be right if Dutton’s able to STFU and get his culture warriors to do the same. Fat chance of that!

The other thing is that you’re equating a new government with one that was at the end of its life after 4 terms. In particular, the “miracle” win in the 2019 election should have been a huge warning to the LNP as such miracles are usually only a temporary reprieve before the electorate finishes the job (e.g. Keating’s sweetest win of all in 1992). You have to go back a long way to find a 1-term government, so unless the LNP makes something happen in the 1st term, it’s unlikely something will. Abbott was a scumbag, but even his biggest detractors would have to admit that he didn’t just sit around waiting for Labor to hand him an election win.

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #426
Gentleman Jim Chalmers has decided he wants to appoint a panel of independent experts to review the Central bank(RBA)
Obviously Jim doesnt like the umpires decision on interest rates and where thats going to take the economy under his stewardship.
Not much leeway for Jim when you have a trillion dollar debt, promises to keep and Phil Lowe telling him he wants an inflation target of 2-3% with interest rates heading Nth at a rapid rate especially as we follow the USA where extensive rate rises are a given and inflation is rife.

The AFR reported that the review would  consider the composition of the RBA board members, the appointment processes, the 2% to 3% inflation target and the joint statement on the conduct of monetary policy between the treasurer and governor”.
Thats code for Gentleman Jim wanting Phil Lowe and his team out and a more Government friendly/influenced team in to what economists would say massage interest rates rather than raise them.....

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #427
What a norbit Scomo has turned out to be, lost the gig and now basically wants to crap on the carpet before burning the house down.

No wonder he got on so well with Trump!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #428
What a norbit Scomo has turned out to be, lost the gig and now basically wants to crap on the carpet before burning the house down.

No wonder he got on so well with Trump!

Holy crap, never heard someone from the opposition say don't trust the governement before.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #429
The sermon was about 50 minutes. Without a proper context, it's hard to analyze too closely those juicy soundbites, but taken on face value, that childish, dogmatic, approach to religion, with a few ignorant cheap shots at the UN etc., is pretty depressing. I don't think his comment about governments was about the Labor Party, it was a expressing a hierarchical statement that you trust God or the Lord more than governments. Either way, it's rubbish.  

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #430
Gentleman Jim Chalmers has decided he wants to appoint a panel of independent experts to review the Central bank(RBA)
Obviously Jim doesnt like the umpires decision on interest rates and where thats going to take the economy under his stewardship.
Not much leeway for Jim when you have a trillion dollar debt, promises to keep and Phil Lowe telling him he wants an inflation target of 2-3% with interest rates heading Nth at a rapid rate especially as we follow the USA where extensive rate rises are a given and inflation is rife.

The AFR reported that the review would  consider the composition of the RBA board members, the appointment processes, the 2% to 3% inflation target and the joint statement on the conduct of monetary policy between the treasurer and governor”.
Thats code for Gentleman Jim wanting Phil Lowe and his team out and a more Government friendly/influenced team in to what economists would say massage interest rates rather than raise them.....

The thing is that the RBA board is made up exclusively by appointees from the corporate world, none of whom are experts in monetary policy.  No other equivalent advanced economy central bank board lacks that core responsibility expertise and requiring it would seem to be an improvement over the current jobs for the girls and boys.  There's also scope to change the mandate of the RBA so that it may consider the impact of its monetary policy on other economic issues like house prices and unemployment.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #431
Holy crap, never heard someone from the opposition say don't trust the governement before.

It was "don't trust governments" rather than the current lot.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball