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Re: General Discussions

Reply #975
Sexuality and Gender are not same same but different.  More gay people won't spurn more gay people.  More people will be curious about it, maybe even give it a go, but sexuality is unique.  Pheromones make up a larger part of attraction and I think the right mix in the right person might attract you to someone of the same gender from time to time.  This is scientifically viewable.

Trans is a bit different.  You have avoided this part of the debate in a slippery manner with different analogies, but what can being male or female mean?  Is it behaviour?  Is it attire?  The point I am making isnt about the gender, its about the gender CONSTRUCT.  The role people believe a man or woman play and ergo, by extension question if they are that role.  Not that gender.  Identity is shaped by gender, not gender by identity.  ITS BACKWARDS THINKING.  How can i convey this message in any other way? 

Back to your analogy about the American Indian community.  From the same culture, The tale of the two wolves portrays the good and evil that lives within us, represented by the conscious and the unconscious desire of man. If we are unconscious of our thoughts, we are at the mercy of feeding the evil wolf. Our unconscious thoughts are the unresolved or repressed parts of our psyche.

Lets not make it good evil but its more about how you nurture your identity and the masculine and the feminine.  Sexuality is a much more biological process.  Not all women turn me on, but I am turned on by women.  I am fundamentally straight.  Feeding a gay component of my body will not limit my attraction to the women, but it may increase my ability to be turned on by men.  I am not gay, but I can appreciate a good looking rooster, and my thought is that he would do well with the ladies (or maybe even the men if so inclined). 

Trans on the other hand becomes a cycle of questioning ones self.  Feeding the wolf.  I am a woman in a mans body is repeated to the point that it is true.  Its programming, unless you belong to the very minute percentage born with some level of genetic ambiguity.  Its not honest to become a female if you arent one or vice versa.  Its actually a bit deceitful.

Not to mention, its actually not real based on my definition of Male: Human with male genitalia or Female:  Human with female genetalia.

What is it, about a trans person that makes them feel a different gender to their biology?  Ive asked this, I dont really get an answer, just what they feel makes them happy.  I feel happy when I buy new stuff, but that isnt the key to happiness.  When I am going through a tough time, I remember to be thankful for what I have acknowledging that I am quite fortunate for the things I have, and try to dismiss the things I don't.  THAT is the key to happiness.

With that point in mind, apply that to your question 4.  Be thankful for what you have.  Others would love to have your issues instead of their own.

2.  Read your link.  As I expected this is a completely no comparison.  The hand having a "mind of its own" isnt about getting it cut off at all, is sporadic, and amputation isnt given as a treatment option in your link.  It is effectively nuero diagnosed, and potentially treatable but in some cases where the neuro pathways are broken beyond repair, not the same thing. 

3.  Foot fetish.  The fact that you even state its a wiring issue in the brain, makes me state you already have your answer to this question.  You dont approve of that either.

Are you going to tell me, how these people somehow are granted the ability to find out how it feels to be a woman when they arent one or vice versa?

I can call you she, her, if you like, that still doesnt make you understand what menstruation or menopause feels like.

LODS has answered point 1 better than I can, but walking into a cubicle with a man dressed as a woman makes me feel a little uncomfortable, and I imagine females might feel the same.  Guess I am trans after all....  :D

My reasoning for bringing in 'gay' and alien limb/hand syndrome is this. Its a 'feeling' and one that you can't quite explain to someone who doesn't feel the same way. WHY are you attracted to females? WHY do you feel your hand is not your own?
Trying to explain WHY one person feels this or that is not easily done....and that extends to this debate.
FWIW, that link was just for an overview of the disease. Look into it further and you'll find as i described....happy people once their 'issue' is no longer there, ie amputated.

All of the above is down to your brain.....after all its responsible for all your feelings one way or another, so if there is something 'different' about people and how they feel, thats where you'll find it.

I'm not sure what you mean by 'not approving'.

So again, why does trans person FEEL the way they do? Why does anyone FEEL the way they do??
Trying to explain to a blind person the concept of red is impossible. Yet you know it, i know it and majority of people do.
There are some things that people simply cannot comprehend unless they experience it themselves.

Last question....
male = male bits
female = female bits

What about those that have both? Or parts of both? What are they??
Suddenly its not so black and white.

Look, i'm no expert in the manner and don't pretend to be.
Like you, i like analysing things and sorted through it all.

For me, there is very much a grey area between men and women, even in terms of non-traditional chromosome makeup (xx vs xy).

Do i think its simply fashionable to be trans? No.
Do i think its something that has only recently become a thing? No.
Do i think every person has legitimate claims and there are no people doing it for the wrong reasons? No.
Is it potentially a 'wiring issue' within the brain? Sure. Does that mean they feel it any less? No.
Phantom pain still hurts as much as actual pain, even if there is no legitimate reason behind it (or at least that we know of).

Simply, i don't know, but i give the benefit of the doubt based on what i do know.

Re: General Discussions

Reply #976
Have you ever heard of a gag of flags?

It's happening right now in Yarra Council, a gag as in a joke and a gag as in a choke, diversity and political correctness self-destructing as the council fails to agree on who's what!

Soon it will be one flag flying for every resident, they are all unique and special, very special! ;)
The Force Awakens!

Re: General Discussions

Reply #977
Amazing example of how politics plays into science reporting.

I notice that NASA has released a bunch of James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) images. These are outstanding, but they left me a little blah, not because the images aren't great but because there was nothing to compare them to. I thought NASA missed a trick by not making direct comparisons between images from JWST and HST, like for like. 

However, when a queried an associate who works as a professional astronomer it was explained to me that the scientists do not want to diminish the remaining worth of the HST. So the decision was made to deliberately not make any overt direct comparison in the initial public offerings. It's probably there somewhere buried in the background info, but they won't highlight it. Because they don't want funding for HST cut prematurely, and they fear this might happen if public perceive HST as redundant.

It's bit sad and a bit cynical, is it an opportunity lost?
The Force Awakens!


Re: General Discussions

Reply #978
Amazing example of how politics plays into science reporting.

I notice that NASA has released a bunch of James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) images. These are outstanding, but they left me a little blah, not because the images aren't great but because there was nothing to compare them to. I thought NASA missed a trick by not making direct comparisons between images from JWST and HST, like for like.

However, when a queried an associate who works as a professional astronomer it was explained to me that the scientists do not want to diminish the remaining worth of the HST. So the decision was made to deliberately not make any overt direct comparison in the initial public offerings. It's probably there somewhere buried in the background info, but they won't highlight it. Because they don't want funding for HST cut prematurely, and they fear this might happen if public perceive HST as redundant.

It's bit sad and a bit cynical, is it an opportunity lost?

My oldest brother is an astronomer and he would never compromise science for political purposes.  If anything, he is dedicated to using science against political agendas.

I haven't spoken to him about the James Webb Telescope images but I noticed a comparison of James Webb Space Telescope images to Hubble's pictures:
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: General Discussions

Reply #979
My oldest brother is an astronomer and he would never compromise science for political purposes.  If anything, he is dedicated to using science against political agendas.

I haven't spoken to him about the James Webb Telescope images but I noticed a comparison of James Webb Space Telescope images to Hubble's pictures:
Yes, maybe that comparison is a 3rd party effort, I can't see how what they did compromised the science at all. In fact they are trying to preserve as much of it as possible. For me the lost opportunity was about outreach, and I fully understand the risks to ongoing funding by having JWST make HST look redundant.

As much as I'm sure your brother's heart is true, everyone I know in science generally does stay true as they are so invested in the process of discovery, however most NASA administrators are political appointments and often career bureaucrats not scientists, and we know the business of space science is big big dollars! ;)

Personally, I'd like to see HST signed over to the UN and be funded globally, I'm sure someone like SpaceX could with it's low cost operations treat it's servicing as marketing exercise. Someone just needs to fund it, and at that time access can be opened up to HST for outreach and training purposes. But it's going to be tough when even countries like Russia threaten to pull the pin on things like the ISS.
The Force Awakens!

Re: General Discussions

Reply #980
LP, you’re creating issues that don’t exist
Let’s go BIG !

Re: General Discussions

Reply #981
LP, you’re creating issues that don’t exist
There is no issue, it's just an observation about the release of the data, and the explanation I was given about how it was staged and why.

Much of the funding gets secured through the decadal survey, but it's not entirely immune to the effects of public perception.
The Force Awakens!

Re: General Discussions

Reply #982
There is no issue, it's just an observation about the release of the data, and the explanation I was given about how it was staged and why.

Much of the funding gets secured through the decadal survey, but it's not entirely immune to the effects of public perception.

If you read nasa's fb feed or website youll see plenty of posts promoting both telescopes.
There was one article that had a screenshot of a Hubble tweet (I think) congratulating the new kid on the block and looking forwards to working together into Hubbles old age.
Let’s go BIG !

Re: General Discussions

Reply #983
If you read nasa's fb feed or website youll see plenty of posts promoting both telescopes.
There was one article that had a screenshot of a Hubble tweet (I think) congratulating the new kid on the block and looking forwards to working together into Hubbles old age.
I think you've missed the point of the discussion, you need to read my opening post on the issue not DJC reply.

I never claimed NASA was bashing or demoting the HST, I was discussing why they didn't provide the general public with some context by making direct comparisons between JWST and HST during the JWST image launch.

It's understandable, a lot of people still depend on funding that is basically delivered courtesy of the general public's opinion.
The Force Awakens!

Re: General Discussions

Reply #984
It just goes to show you how fickle the media can be!

Whether you agree or disagree with Bec Judd and her argy-bargy about Brighton crime, I've got say I feel for her now because it looks like some of the media are turning on her to paint her as some sort of elitist who bashes the downtrodden. When it was Bec versus Dan the media were all Bec Boosters, now as the more details emerge about some of those unfortunates involved in the crime it's become a media Bec Bashing time. All driven by a bunch of politically correct woke commentators.

The media are not held accountable for what they say or write, and not only is it damaging but potentially deadly for someone like Bec Judd, you just need one psycho to take on the media cause and next thing you've got another stalker to report about!
The Force Awakens!

Re: General Discussions

Reply #985
Bec didn't do herself any favours when she
complained on social media about red dust in her pool when bushfires were raging and lesser well off folk were losing everything.
It wasn't malicious but she just couldn't read the room or have awareness of others issues and the magnitude of despair they were suffering.
Bec needs a bit of education in how the other half live and why her home was targeted rather than a bashing in the media. I remember reading that Jerry Seinfeld bought an expensive flash mansion/property years ago that he bulldozed to the ground and was asked why and his reply was "because I can"....
Hopefully Bec never gets to that level and can learn a bit more about being humble and I reckon then her local crime problems might go away...

Re: General Discussions

Reply #987
Bec didn't do herself any favours when she
complained on social media about red dust in her pool when bushfires were raging and lesser well off folk were losing everything.
It wasn't malicious but she just couldn't read the room or have awareness of others issues and the magnitude of despair they were suffering.
Bec needs a bit of education in how the other half live and why her home was targeted rather than a bashing in the media. I remember reading that Jerry Seinfeld bought an expensive flash mansion/property years ago that he bulldozed to the ground and was asked why and his reply was "because I can"....
Hopefully Bec never gets to that level and can learn a bit more about being humble and I reckon then her local crime problems might go away...

Exactamundo. Snobbery is never attractive.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: General Discussions

Reply #988
Exactamundo. Snobbery is never attractive.

We, collectively,  create the society we all have to live in. Complaining snobs never really help in improving things.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: General Discussions

Reply #989
What an absolute schemozzle is the Manly NRL pride jersey debacle.