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Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2370
Sooo, if Biden does win, he will spend the next four years pushing sh1t uphill and arguing / fighting instead of getting anything done. Sounds like time, money and effort well spent. Would you like a side serve of blue shyte or red shyte ?

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2371
Remember that Mitch McConnell’s control isn’t absolute. The most famous example is John McCain breaking ranks and voting against the GOP attempt to repeal Obamacare.

The GOP Senators aren’t a uniform voting block. In ruby red states, very conservative Senators can win easily. But in purple states, GOP candidates have to be more moderate in order to win. An example is Susan Collins in Maine who has pitched herself to voters as an independent voice who votes on principles rather than on party lines. That said, she has pretty much gone along with Trump for fear of his base turning on her. If Biden wins, she’ll be free of that threat and may vote with Democrats on at least some legislation. Another example is Mitt Romney who voted to impeach Trump.

It’s also possible that the 2 Senate spots in Georgia will end up in run-off elections later this year. As long as The GOP only has a small majority, Mitch McConnell will always have to worry about his Senators breaking ranks.

A President can buy off 1 or 2 opposing Senators to push through legislation. Does Senator X want the Army to buy another billion dollars of weaponry manufactured in his State? Does Senator Y want the FBI to move its headquarters to her State? Politics isn’t pretty, but there you go.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2372
Mav, I find it hard to get as enthused as you do about the details of all this. I see the Democrats as a Republican lite, and whilst I am normally grateful for mercies both big and small, feeling grateful (as I do) that Trump may be booted out does little to convince me that we are even close to where we should be. Biden winning should become the reference example of a pyrrhic victory IMO. 

It's good having you back. IMO, it's like having our own in-house, American Political correspondent / political analyst.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2373
Sooo, if Biden does win, he will spend the next four years pushing sh1t uphill and arguing / fighting instead of getting anything done. Sounds like time, money and effort well spent. Would you like a side serve of blue shyte or red shyte ?

Which flavour of oligarchy would sir like today? 🤪
Reality always wins in the end.


Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2374
Paul, I agree with you that this isn’t a great outcome. But we have to remember that the US is a foreign country. We tend to think of it as being like us, but it isn’t. It IS a lot more right wing and we just have to accept that. The problem is that it influences what happens to us. For instance, Trump’s anti-mask stance has no doubt inspired anti-maskers in Oz. And Trump’s transactional relationships with other countries have created problems for us. Just having someone moderate and mentally stable in the White House will improve things for us.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2375
I just finished listening to ABC journalist interviewing US Voters who are based in Sydney.

There was one US citizen who voted for Kanye West, seriously voted for him not just taking the piss with the journalist! This voter is a person of apparently considerable marketable technical skills and knowledge, that we have expensively imported to work here as a replacement for local talent!

God Bless America!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2376
@DJC‍ , I don't think there will be significant political consequences of losing, the politicians are way too savvy to shoot themselves in the foot by making laws that could turn against them in the future.

But the lack of political action won't help Trump in avoiding commercial consequences, he's been hiding from debtors using the Presidency as cover for many years now, they'll be after him now!

It's not the political classes that the POTUS is apparently worried about, apart from several state prosecutors, etc.  It's more about the folk to whom he owes $1B, the regulators' responses to the exposure of his business dealings, and folk (mainly women) that he has wronged.

“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2377
Sooo, if Biden does win, he will spend the next four years pushing sh1t uphill and arguing / fighting instead of getting anything done. Sounds like time, money and effort well spent. Would you like a side serve of blue shyte or red shyte ?

That depends on whether the Democrats take the Senate.  I think the House of Reps will stay in Democrat hands but the Senate will be tight.

I think Biden won't get much opposition from fellow Democrats and not in the way that Republicans opposed some of the POTUS's  initiatives.  Voting on party lines isn't really a thing in the USA, it's more about what's popular with one's constituents. Of course, Biden still has to win.

The other side of the coin is that a re-elected POTUS may have to deal with a hostile Senate and House of Reps.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2378
For weeks and months Trump has been telling the world postal voting is corrupt and fraudulent, casting doubts about the postal voting process, firstly because postal votes favour democrats/conservatives, secondly because he wanted to lay the groundwork for challenging if things didn't go his way.

It seems mostly it was his own supporters that believed him and they didn't vote postal, which left Biden with a disproportionate amount of postal vote support!

Trump's overt negativity has come back to bite him on the ass!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2379
One of the more appalling things about this election was Trump’s deliberate attempt to cripple the US Postal Service in order to ensure that all postal votes wouldn’t be counted. He appointed one of his donors to run it, Lewis DeJoy, who set about removing vote dropboxes and dismantling mail distribution machinery. A judge had ordered the USPS to conduct sweeps to locate 300,000 missing postal votes but the USPS failed to do so. It’s a scandal that Trump was able to do this out in the open.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2380
Paul, I agree with you that this isn’t a great outcome. But we have to remember that the US is a foreign country. We tend to think of it as being like us, but it isn’t. It IS a lot more right wing and we just have to accept that. The problem is that it influences what happens to us. For instance, Trump’s anti-mask stance has no doubt inspired anti-maskers in Oz. And Trump’s transactional relationships with other countries have created problems for us. Just having someone moderate and mentally stable in the White House will improve things for us.

I agree, but to me this last sentence highlights how vacuous this has become. This election was IMO, basically a referendum on Trump, and when you cut to the chase, Biden's main platform was "I'm not Trump." How far that country has fallen...........

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2381
One of the more appalling things about this election was Trump’s deliberate attempt to cripple the US Postal Service in order to ensure that all postal votes wouldn’t be counted. He appointed one of his donors to run it, Lewis DeJoy, who set about removing vote dropboxes and dismantling mail distribution machinery. A judge had ordered the USPS to conduct sweeps to locate 300,000 missing postal votes but the USPS failed to do so. It’s a scandal that Trump was able to do this out in the open.

Yes, my son told me about this last night. There's other shenanigans as well.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2382
Heard an interview this morning with a Republican senator (not sure if a current one).  He said how much any sitting Republican is scared stupid of Trump and won't do anything to cross him, as the consequences are too great, citing Mitt Romney as an example.

He then implied that with Trump gone and Biden in, the two parties might be more of a chance to work together a little more constructively.  Everyone can only hope!

This would then lead to the Republicans being able to nominate a more moderate candidate for next election, which may help bring a more unified country.  (Democrats as well!)

I had a zoom with a philanthropic org this morning.  They are certainly Republican, but not necessarily Trump.  There is a lot of uncertainty with Biden and how things are going to pan out.  They may be jumping at shadows with some of their actions, but that is what uncertainty brings.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2383
Theres a lot of crap slung at Donald, and people who support him.

As someone who finds this election completely hilarious irrespective of outcome, I find it hilarious that they resort to attacking his personality, and the way he talks (which ironically he draws ire for doing to Biden).

Its very play the man, not the way he played the role.

Either way the only thing I was thinking was likely to occur was a split decision.

What I find interesting is how they have declared Biden a winner in some states where the voting seems to be unfinished?

I.e.  Arizona.  On a map I am looking at it shows 86% reporting (as of about 2:30pm) and Biden has 51% of the vote vs Trumps (this discrepency has increased only recently) and shows Trump at 48%.

Less than 100k votes split the difference, and we still have 15% unaccounted for (if they vote at all).  Declaring a winner, seems to be, crowing early.

To show my bipartisan nature.  the inverse is true in Texas although Trump has a 6% lead there and has been given the win. 

Also, I see Nevada and Georgia as the only states in real dispute.  Nevada has Biden at .6 ahead, so that one is the only real state outstanding, but the aforementioned make up a large portion of seats.

Who knows.  I could have it wrong.  I know nothing about American politics, but I do know that although from the outside looking in a Trump government looks bad, I think there are some things that have been handled way better from a war mongering perspective than others.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2384
I don't find the election (or American politics in general) even remotely hilarious. They're taking the planet down with them on a number of fronts.