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Topic: AFLW- Round 1 Carlton V Collingwod-Match thread. (Read 23013 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: AFLW- Round 1 Carlton V Collingwod-Match thread.

Reply #32
Wow. An easy win against the arch enemy at PP. Just like old times.

I enjoyed that. Considering they're not full time footballers, it was pretty enjoyable and about as skillful as one could expect. The ball movement, structures and link play were pretty reasonable IMO.

Well worth watching. Well done girls.

Trivia question - why does the umpire call "holding the man" ?

And yes, DV, should be teaching Cas how to kick.

Re: AFLW- Round 1 Carlton V Collingwod-Match thread.

Reply #33
Make no mistake lads, what we just saw there was the dawning of a new era for our club. The opportunity that women's footy provides could be a serious game changer that can't be ignored. Sponsorship, members, merchandise, gate takings - the commercial implications of this are huge.

The positive implications for our brand are also huge. Our girls played an exciting, tough and team first game that was really great to watch and made me proud to be a Carlton fan.

Take a bow ladies. The names Vesico, Jakobson,Davies and Arnell are hopefully going to be huge in the history of our club.

Get on board lads - they will surprise you and make you proud to be a Carlton supporter.

Re: AFLW- Round 1 Carlton V Collingwod-Match thread.

Reply #34
Early days yet but there were some very promising signs tonight.

I think that we must have put a lot of work into drafting players with the attributes to play the game style we have chosen.  Our players are very well drilled and their execution and willingness to take the game on is outstanding.  Collingwood certainly has some very good players but the talent seems to drop away.

It was interesting to hear Bolton talking about the integration of the men's and women's teams and I suspect that he would be more open to that than some other AFL coaches. 

My best players were Davey, Jacobsson, Vescio, Downie and Hardiman but I'm probably being unfair to several others.

It was great to see third woman up on several occasions and the umpiring was generally pretty good.  Apart from the frenzied start to the first quarter, the game flowed quite well.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: AFLW- Round 1 Carlton V Collingwod-Match thread.

Reply #35
It goes without saying the standard was well below what we're used to seeing but we also have to keep in mind that this is their first serious game together other than practice matches so there is still a lot of "team understanding" that needs to be developed.

I dare say that was the most intense pressure the girls have experienced too, so that may also have had a big effect on skills. It will be interesting to compare the performances at the end of the season.

There seems to be a big gap between the top players and the rest of the pack so depth will also be a major issue for a while.

Quite enjoyed it though...and nice to go into a last quarter knowing it's very unlikely we'll lose :D

( My 28 year old daughter just messaged me to say she might play Australian Football rather than Soccer this year  :D)

Re: AFLW- Round 1 Carlton V Collingwod-Match thread.

Reply #36
Just got through watching the end of this. Wow.

If our blokes played with the same amount of discipline, pride in the jumper, and support of their teammates, we'd be finals bound without a doubt.

Vescio is possibly the best forward on a carlton list.
Jakobsons hands are the equivalent to that of casboults.
Arnell and Davey have proven to be very smart choices.
Brazzalle and Exon dominated early.
Hosking is a footballer who knows how to play the game, be good to see her sister out there with her in the future.

....and Steph showed why she was chosen as Captain for the pies, clearly a step above the majority of her teammates. Played well.
Not sure about her fend off with a forearm to the head, or a knee to the face of our player on the ground. I wouldn't say dirty, but straight out of the Juddy playbook. ;-)

Re: AFLW- Round 1 Carlton V Collingwod-Match thread.

Reply #37

( My 28 year old daughter just messaged me to say she might play Australian Football rather than Soccer this year  :D)

AFL need to make sure that the 'injury' factor doesn't come into play like mothers preferring their sons to play soccer.  Wait until some girl has her nose splattered by an accidental errant elbow and it's shown close up and the gloss unfortunately might go out of it.


Re: AFLW- Round 1 Carlton V Collingwod-Match thread.

Reply #38

My best players were Davey, Jacobsson, Vescio, Downie and Hardiman but I'm probably being unfair to several others.

I pretty much agree with your best players although I would add Loynes, not so much for her possessions but for the unbelievable intensity of her tackling and attack on the ball.

Better intensity and more interesting to watch than an AFL pre-season game.

Re: AFLW- Round 1 Carlton V Collingwod-Match thread.

Reply #39
At the risk of being unpopular, if that standard is the norm for women's football, then omfg.

I watched the 2nd half and I don't need to watch another second of it in my lifetime, wow, it was an absolute trainwreck. I was unpleasantly surprised at the skill level or moreso lack thereof.....for all the hype this league and this particular game has generated, what a letdown.

I'll never complain about having to watch the half time Little League ever again.....that standard is light years ahead of what was on display tonight.

To summarise, it was appalling and 24,000 people appear to have been duped.

If it's a success, then good luck to them, but it's not for me and was every bit as disappointing as I expected it to be.
Football is life, there is nothing else....

Re: AFLW- Round 1 Carlton V Collingwod-Match thread.

Reply #40
To be fair guys, the Men have over 100 years on the women. It will take time. But one things for sure, We have a great game, and no matter whether its Aus kick, Under 12's, country, Local, VFL, Women's / Mens AFL - FOOTY IS FOOTY! AFL is by far the greatest game on the planet! I Live in the US now and to see Clips of OUR team beating the FILTH at OUR HOME in front 25,000 was sensational! Imagine if we lost? Im proud as punch!

Re: AFLW- Round 1 Carlton V Collingwod-Match thread.

Reply #41
Enjoyed it. Talent pool is a bit low, the good players are good, but big gap. That will only improve.

Sung the song at the end and good work to all involved.

Jacokbsen... are we allowed to say the women are cute? Number 35 never looked so good.
"We are a club in a hurry"

#united #reset

Re: AFLW- Round 1 Carlton V Collingwod-Match thread.

Reply #42
Wow. Went to the game. Princess Park looked magnificent under lights.

Very happy I went. Stood for the entire match - like about a third of the crowd. Long time since I have done that at the footy. The atmosphere was electric - the crowd was really enjoying the experience.

The crowd was different than for a regular match - lots of families, lots of couples, lots of groups of friends. Lots of folks picking a team to support on the night. Lots of cheering - No boo-ing - except when a bunch who wanted to start a mexican wave could not get the next bay along to keep it going.
No grumpy guys braying like a donkey for the whole match - that was nice.

Our team took a little time to settle down. The team tacked hard, and attached the ball with intensity. They went in hard, with a run-up. Agree on the smart recruiting, our women hit hard, but can also run fast.

The defence was _really_ well organised. When ever the pies went forward there were at least three defenders between the pies players and the goal - with midfield support coming back to defend the half forward line.

Our No 22 had the Magpie forwards s**t scared. Felt sorry for their full forward, reminded me of when Fev was one out and double or triple teamed, with very limited support, and not much ball making it from the centre square into the forward line.

Our full forward was really good - ran rings, bangles and necklaces around the pies defenders. Just faster, smarter, and better supported by her team mates.

The photo was taken at the Legend's stand end when the first Carlton goal was kicked.

Re: AFLW- Round 1 Carlton V Collingwod-Match thread.

Reply #43
Being at the game tonight was one of the best footy experiences of my life. Having played women's footy (albeit really poorly) for a number of years before my body had enough, I've seen a lot of these women come through the ranks. I was so proud at what they were able to achieve in terms of attendance and pure atmosphere at the game. Princes Park was well and truly alive.

The skill level wasn't elite, but I've seen poorer efforts at time in the AFL. Keep in mind these women were playing in front of the biggest crowd most of them would have ever played in front of. Nerves would have been a factor. This is also the infancy of this comp. it's going to take time to grow. But the sheer excitement of the game is going to generate interest and increased participation, which will only increase the talent pool.

I know first hand how hard these women have worked to get to this point, but it's still only the beginning. Instead of being critical and trying to compare apples with oranges, let's celebrate what is growing here. Let's support it so that soon there won't even be anything to comment on, it'll just be another game of footy we can all watch...which is never a bad thing!

Re: AFLW- Round 1 Carlton V Collingwod-Match thread.

Reply #44
A 5 goal shellacking over the old foe Collingwood, in front of a full house at PP. Does it get any better than that?!!

Welcome to womens footy, I reckon for the 1st game of AFLW this was a huge success, and for Carlton to come out winners on the field, will do wonders for the club off it as well. Tonight is only 1 step, but it will do wonders for helping get Carlton back to where it belongs.

Who said we'd never see AFL(W) played at Princes Park ever again?!!
Mens sana in corpore sano - A healthy mind in a healthy body.

Navy, it's not just a color, it's an attitude !!!