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Re: Solomon Sogavare

Reply #1
Just remind me, who were the PM, the foreign affairs minister & the defence minister? Were they Labor people? Maybe those 3 should have seen this coming and done something about it. I can almost hear their excuses: "that isn't my job".

Re: Solomon Sogavare

Reply #2

Well well well ... anything to say albanese?  Feel like a clown? 
His people don't agree with him but try voting him out when the polling station is a Chinese army base.
Current affair had a segment on him tonight and it's a clear threat to Pacific security with Townsville seen as a military target given it would be a military base for our forces.
Disgraceful views on Ukraine and he is just singing from the Xi song book of world politics. He needs removing and that agreement with China torn up.

Re: Solomon Sogavare

Reply #3
You realise that singing from the Xi songbook is part of the deal (and given the partnership with no limits with Russia, that involves being pro-Putin)? The idea was to prevent the deal from happening.

Re: Solomon Sogavare

Reply #4
You realise that singing from the Xi songbook is part of the deal (and given the partnership with no limits with Russia, that involves being pro-Putin)? The idea was to prevent the deal from happening.
You realize there was no chance of the deal not happening given China had bought out Sogavare and his ministers not just with money but with the promise of keeping him in power.....not Liberal , not Labor was going to stop this going through unless Sogavare was removed from office but he was already touring China in 2019 setting the wheels in motion. The USA sat back and did nothing....the Solly Islands will now have a nice new airstrip to land those Chinese J20's on and a brand new sports stadium to learn about drug cheating at the Olympics.
They already have a foothold in Solomon islands business and mining their resources, sadly its too late as expansionist China have won this battle. The only way is a military coup like Fiji had before China get their military sorted on the islands........

Re: Solomon Sogavare

Reply #5
You realise that singing from the Xi songbook is part of the deal (and given the partnership with no limits with Russia, that involves being pro-Putin)? The idea was to prevent the deal from happening.

You realise that his lust for money and power overrode any possible maintenance of an  alliance with what Australia might have been able to provide?   You realise he's just played off the Yuan against the Australian dollar and destroyed a decades long friendship?

The Robert Mugabe of the South Pacific.

Re: Solomon Sogavare

Reply #7
So, it's another case of things that can't be blamed on Slomo. Pity Labor wasn't in power so you could go on about how the pinkos in power allowed China to waltz right into our backyard.

Re: Solomon Sogavare

Reply #8
It happened on his watch.   Sounds like at least one government department was asleep at the wheel.
DrE is no more... you ok with that harmonica man?

Re: Solomon Sogavare

Reply #9
If folks think this is a recent problem that could have been resolved with a bit of an intervention in the last year or two they should probably have a bit of a look at the Solomon Island history over the last thirty years.

There have been deep divisions in the country between different island groups.
Sogavare has far from universal support.
There has been Chinese influence (including bribery) for many years resulting in a lot of anti-Chinese feeling.
Sogavare has always been a bit anti Australian and pro Chinese.
He resented the presence of Australian and New Zealand forces way back in the early 2000's
His government withdrew recognition of Taiwan a few years back.

The place is basically rooted, despite a lot of intervention from regional countries in attempts to restore order.
The troubles will only get put in that position who do we think Sogavare will call on  to help him retain his position and maintain order.

It's a complex situation, and has been a long while in developing than just the last year or two.

Re: Solomon Sogavare

Reply #10
All the media coverage is ignoring the extreme displeasure that the locals have about the situation. Just like Fiji and most Pacific Island nations, the locals see Chinese and Indians as job stealers that weasel their way into local businesses and bureaucracy with filthy lire by buying politicians.

There is no prim and proper political correctness in these regions, they don't even like the tribe down the road!

Do not disregard the distress and distrust this will cause on those islands, possibly the only way Sogavare can survive this for any length of time is inviting the devil in as his bodyguard and that also seals his fate!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Solomon Sogavare

Reply #11
A perfect recipe for civil unrest.  I think the population deserve a helluva lot more than this blatant corruption.

Re: Solomon Sogavare

Reply #12
It was interesting to see the former Australian high commissioner to the Solomon Islands manhandled by Scotty's protection detachment when he tried to speak to Scotty about the Government's inept handling of the CCP's incursions into our neighbourhood. Apart from another example of Scotty refusing to listen to folk who know a hell of lot more than he and Mr Potato Head, how is it that our PM's protection detachment can assault a harmless, elderly fellow?

Our new Government will have quite a challenge in turning the Solomons situation around.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Solomon Sogavare

Reply #13
Samoa the latest Pacific nation to be bought off by the Chinese Yuan, doesnt matter what Governement is running Australia we cant compete with the offerings of the Chinese and these poverty nations will fall like dominoes as the Chinese ramp up their interest and military position in the Pacific.
The Federated States of Micronesia......?never heard of it?, either had I, but they are not so keen on any Chinese partnership but thats understandable given the USA subsidize this collection of states that join as a country.
Wonder how many more Pacific islands will become part of the Chinese empire.....