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Topic: NBN (Read 6745 times) previous topic - next topic
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Just wondering if any posters are yet on the NBN and if so what are their experiences? Cheers guys.
Reality always wins in the end.


Reply #1
Just wondering if any posters are yet on the NBN and if so what are their experiences? Cheers guys.

NBN!  What's that?

I'm in a safe seat so I'm not expecting the NBN anytime soon.  However, my son lives in Carlton (I'm the only one of five generations not to have lived there!) and he reckons that the NBN is a quantum leap ahead of our internet service; instant connections, fast downloads, no buffering.  However, he is still not entirely happy as it could have been better.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball


Reply #2
NBN!  What's that?

I'm in a safe seat so I'm not expecting the NBN anytime soon.  However, my son lives in Carlton (I'm the only one of five generations not to have lived there!) and he reckons that the NBN is a quantum leap ahead of our internet service; instant connections, fast downloads, no buffering.  However, he is still not entirely happy as it could have been better.

Thanks for the info DJC. We are supposed to be getting it next year so I am hopeful of an improvement. My cable service is very patchy -good at off peak times but sometimes bad to unuseable during peak times. My PC does not seem to be as bad as my Android tablet but it can sometimes taper off.Sounds like NBN will be an improvement.
Reality always wins in the end.


Reply #3
Just wondering if any posters are yet on the NBN and if so what are their experiences? Cheers guys.

Hopeless as far as I'm concerned.
Noticeable improvement in speed uploading photos, videos etc......  but no dramatic improvement in general speed downloading.
Constant dropouts when streaming...and the home phone is a waste of space.

Of course a lot of that could be the constant spamming I receive from this particular site


Reply #4
Been on 100MB/40MB connection for three or four months, great for moving large files about but no noticeable change in general browsing. Really the day to day stuff depends more on the servers of the sites you visit than the NBN. But in fairness I already had 17MBs DSL so the is probably already above average.

No real improvement noticeable in things like Skype or similar video streaming services, again the quality of the connection at the other end limits your experience.

No major drop outs or other problems, we have the backup battery option installed which apparently makes a difference.

Will be getting FibrePhone, but no problems noticed with the VOIP service.

Had to have the alarm service moved to 3G.

Bit upset with the installation, first part put the box and fibre in a conspicuous place. The second part was hidden.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"


Reply #5
Wasn't there some hoo-ha about changing the implementation ? It was originally intended to be wired to the home, but then the government cut costs and wired it only to the exchange ?


Reply #6
Wasn't there some hoo-ha about changing the implementation ? It was originally intended to be wired to the home, but then the government cut costs and wired it only to the exchange ?

Depends where you live, we got fibre to home. Some areas are getting HFC(Foxtel Type Coax), others are going to be the new high speed DSL.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"



Reply #7
Did anyone notice the stories today about people being abruptly cut-off from phone and Internet because the missed he opportunity to connect to the NBN?

On talk-back radio it seems a lot of people are losing out because they hang up on the cheap foreign call centers the likes of Telstra and Optus use to connect with their clients. It's impossible to tell who is a legitimate caller and who is a fraud when they all use call centers based in the same countries!

Further, it's common for people to report NBN install workers turning up in unmarked white vans, allegedly they are operated by 457 visa holders!

What hope does the average person have, they cannot trust the callers and the people on the ground lack clear identification!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"


Reply #8
We're in the process of moving to a new home and I had the misfortune to try to explain the situation to a young person from a Telstra call centre.  It was painful having to repeat everything and asking the young person to repeat everything.

Finally, it got to the point where the call centre person was out of her depth and had to transfer me to a technician ... and an Aussie at that.  She got everything sorted and is going to call me back next week to finalise arrangements!

We will get the NBN in August but I'm not sure what type of connection we will have.  My daughter had the NBN connected a couple of months back and there is no discernible difference in performance  :(
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball


Reply #9
Timing for NBN connection in our area now seems in doubt having slipped a couple of times already. Apparently it will be made via HFC (FTC?) as there are existing Telstra fibre cables in the street but no firm plans settled yet afaik.  ???

I was suffering from intermittently bad internet performance and outages for a while recently but of late this seems to have settled down. It may be coincidence but I was running a mixed WIFI/Ethernet home LAN which I recently rationalised and moved mainly to WIFI leaving only a Humax PVR on Ethernet connection directly to the modem/router.
Reality always wins in the end.


Reply #10
We're in the process of moving to a new home and I had the misfortune to try to explain the situation to a young person from a Telstra call centre.  It was painful having to repeat everything and asking the young person to repeat everything.

Finally, it got to the point where the call centre person was out of her depth and had to transfer me to a technician ... and an Aussie at that.  She got everything sorted and is going to call me back next week to finalise arrangements!

We will get the NBN in August but I'm not sure what type of connection we will have.  My daughter had the NBN connected a couple of months back and there is no discernible difference in performance  :(

I find the Telstra live chat better, when we moved recently we were assigned a moving manager who handled all the phone/internet etc, all worked a treat when we connected our gateway, actually went from ultimate cable to ADLS2 and got better speeds :o
On the NBN subject, mate at work has it and said it started off with great speeds etc but has gradually got worse....dont expect Telstra's service to get any better either, they have lost their monopoly on the mobile network with TPG winning the rights to build their own network and are paying dividends in excess of their profits and their revenue has fallen....that means cutting costs and service.
Wouldnt be signing up with TPG for anything either, paid double overs for that right to build their own network which means they will be cutting costs too as they dont have the money to build it..
Telcos in Aus and the NBN will be a ballsup down the track IMO...


Reply #11
Having just moved back to Richmond, in my new place I have am on NBN, previously i was with optus in glen Waverley, and that was Optus Cable (not adsl). In the 15 years I was with Optus the connection was pretty muck rock solid, there was a period where my modem fell over and was getting dc'd but that was resolved.

From my experience, i find very little difference regarding NBN and optus. I do play a fair bit of online gaming and there is no way i can tell the difference in the gameplay. I do also download a fair bit via torrents using a VPN, and again the speed is pretty much the same for me.

I'm on a wireless router here, my pc is around 15 months old, in the 4 months i have been on NBN (hosted by iprimus) i have had a total of 2 dc's and they were resolved within a minute. It required no technical knowledge to resolve (I am somewhat pc savvy) just a reboot of the router and i was back online. So overall i would give the NBN a thumbs up.
SOS - "I hated losing"


Reply #12
Guys ditch ringing telcos and go into a shop.

The service is simply better.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson


Reply #13
Guys ditch ringing telcos and go into a shop.

The service is simply better.

I agree 100%, especially if you are not up to scratch on the technical stuff.

As mentioned we obtained FTTP about 10 months ago, for most of that time it's been great.

We noticed a bit of degradation in Ping and Bandwidth around 6~8 weeks ago. It turns out as they roll out NBN locally the exchange will reach capacity before they do a backend upgrade. Basically I think they wait to see if enough people adopt the service before they spend the money on the exchange upgrade. Once the exchange upgrade went through the NBN was back to it's previous best.

With 100/40MB we now find the streaming experience is greatly improved. Individually, many downloads and uploads are not that much better than a 25/12MB connection, but the big difference on 100/40 is that when 3 or 4 people are all streaming or downloading at the same time, you don't get the stutters. I've got say it has made services like Stan and Netflix seamless.

We cop a few NBN scammers calling, they are mostly Indian callers claiming they are from NBN or Telstra and they want you to either read them numbers off the fibre modem or talk you through a swap of ports on the modem. I let them "lead me on" to see what they were up to! I think it's like the old "Your PC has a problem scam!" Getting hold of the data they are after lets them identify your physical MAC address and once they have that they can hack your connection.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"


Reply #14
Guys ditch ringing telcos and go into a shop.

The service is simply better.

Absolutely!  First class customer service.  However, because of the delay in moving, I had no option but to call up.  All of the donkey work was done in the shop by an extremely helpful young bloke.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball