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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #2776
I went to the Austin and apart from a few goons in the ER who had nothing wrong with them, the service and attention was outstanding, I have zero bad to say about the Austin (Main, ONJ and Repat).
The Austin is the best of the public system hospitals if you are Melbourne based IMHO, my daughter worked there for a while in orthopedics as a Nurse and she said it was the best that she had worked in. We had a mature part time Nurse at my last employer and she also worked in the ER at Austin part time and said same, one of the few publics that wont kick you out early unless you are fully recovered and right to go.
Its not a given that Private hospitals will treat you any better staff wise but they want to make a dollar out of you therefore will initiate diagnosis/treatment earlier and of course are happy to let you occupy a bed and then give you generous amounts of rehab all in the name of being to able rack up a healthy bill on your insurance.
The worst I have seen is Sunshine Hospital, the Government need to build another public hospital out West and resource it properly, overcrowded, too many rookie staff and the experienced staff are just overworked to the max.
Its a growth area out West and the people deserve better than what they are getting. I'd bang on about the lack of police resources as well but this isnt the thread for it..

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #2777

Worth a look
Fark me a person born every 2 seconds!
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #2778
The Austin is the best of the public system hospitals if you are Melbourne based IMHO, my daughter worked there for a while in orthopedics as a Nurse and she said it was the best that she had worked in. We had a mature part time Nurse at my last employer and she also worked in the ER at Austin part time and said same, one of the few publics that wont kick you out early unless you are fully recovered and right to go.
Its not a given that Private hospitals will treat you any better staff wise but they want to make a dollar out of you therefore will initiate diagnosis/treatment earlier and of course are happy to let you occupy a bed and then give you generous amounts of rehab all in the name of being to able rack up a healthy bill on your insurance.
The worst I have seen is Sunshine Hospital, the Government need to build another public hospital out West and resource it properly, overcrowded, too many rookie staff and the experienced staff are just overworked to the max.
Its a growth area out West and the people deserve better than what they are getting. I'd bang on about the lack of police resources as well but this isnt the thread for it..

They are building Melbournes biggest hospital in Footscray unless I am mistaken.  Will likely link up with VUT to be and education hospital as well.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #2779
Fark me a person born every 2 seconds!
Yep thats scary and more scary when you see how those kids end up, seen Hindi kids washing in water direct from a sewage drain and their mothers washing their clothes in the same water further down the line.
Then you look at where they live, the best building in the villages is always the little brick shrine where they worship at.
You look at the Chinese one child policy and how cruelly they enforce it but thats the only way for India.
When I was young I remember reading how the Indian Government tried to encourage the use of condoms and offered vasectomy's free in these sterilization camps to encourage the men they gave them a free transistor radio.
Ended up with a lot of sick Indians, mutilations and zero return in terms of birth control....

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #2780
They are building Melbournes biggest hospital in Footscray unless I am mistaken.  Will likely link up with VUT to be and education hospital as well.

They need it but they need one closer to the growth areas like out in Werribee, Caroline Springs etc where young families are....I was horrified when I saw how one of my kids was treated. Nurses unable to setup a drip correctly for antibiotics, couldnt work out the maths and I'm talking RN's not enrolled Div 2's. The patient my daughter had to tell them what to do....lack of infection control, she ended up with an infection in her hand after a dog bite after being left for a day without proper antibiotic treatment.
The plastics team stuffing up her operation on her hand, staff running around with exposed hypodermics, we were fortunate one of her friends was working as a midwife there and was able to help and get her properly treated.
They also need to scrap this idea of offering residency for trainee overseas nurses, half of them dont care about the job and just want to live In Australia and see this as a way of being able to stay here and they get out of nursing as soon as they can.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #2781
Interesting, when you consider the science there are lots of questions why only AstraZeneca and not J&J, Pfizer or Moderna are being questioned, maybe the reason is not scientific at all.
The Press Council considered whether its Standards of Practice were breached by an article published by the Herald Sun online on 10 December 2020 headed “Allergy warning over Pfizer COVID vaccine”.

The article reported “People who suffer severe allergic reactions have been advised by UK regulators not to take the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine after two British nurses who received the jab suffered allergic reactions.” The article went on to report, under the sub headline “SIX PEOPLE DIED DURING PFIZER TRIAL”, that “Six people that took part in the Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial died – including four who had received a placebo shot but the vaccine was unlikely to be the cause of their death.”
That's the compulsory publication of a Press Council finding, while it doesn't say where the complaint come from , it's not hard to imagine.

Maybe being litigious helps, suppress the debate rather than have it!

In a media heavily driven by legal concerns, it can be easy to confuse the absence of negative reports with better efficacy and safety, but reality might be nothing of the sort.

Which organisation would you trust, the one that publicly publishes it's science and then debates and defends it in the public sphere, or the one that publishes nothing and uses it's legal muscle to remove debate from the public domain?
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #2782
Interesting, when you consider the science there are lots of questions why only AstraZeneca and not J&J, Pfizer or Moderna are being questioned, maybe the reason is not scientific at all.That's the compulsory publication of a Press Council finding, while it doesn't say where the complaint come from , it's not hard to imagine.

Maybe being litigious helps, suppress the debate rather than have it!

In a media heavily driven by legal concerns, it can be easy to confuse the absence of negative reports with better efficacy and safety, but reality might be nothing of the sort.

Which organisation would you trust, the one that publicly publishes it's science and then debates and defends it in the public sphere, or the one that publishes nothing and uses it's legal muscle to remove debate from the public domain?

I cant speak for whats going on globally, but from the brief snippets I heard on SBS news earlier this week, Moderna and J&J are now in the gun for similar blood clot issues.

Even Sputnik is being analysed.

Its only a matter of time until Pfizer comes under the gun as well.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #2783
I cant speak for whats going on globally, but from the brief snippets I heard on SBS news earlier this week, Moderna and J&J are now in the gun for similar blood clot issues.

Even Sputnik is being analysed.

Its only a matter of time until Pfizer comes under the gun as well.
The irony is I don't think any of it is warranted. The reason is because I've read the background case rate should be 5 to 8 cases per million, but in vaccinated people the case rate is 3 to 5 cases per million. It actually seems the vaccines prevent 2 to 3 cases per million even though they are linked with others.

By staying mum and letting AstraZeneca wear the heat for purely commercial or political reasons, the other providers have now shot themselves in the foot because they won't get the public perception back in the bottle.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #2784
I cant speak for whats going on globally, but from the brief snippets I heard on SBS news earlier this week, Moderna and J&J are now in the gun for similar blood clot issues.

Even Sputnik is being analysed.

Its only a matter of time until Pfizer comes under the gun as well.

Bit of third party gossip, maybe those with CSL connections might be able to confirm but I was told that the Astraz has poor results
in terms of the new variants and is being rejigged so those wanting the Astraz would be better waiting till the end of the year/new year.That info is via a CSL employee....

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #2785
Bit of third party gossip, maybe those with CSL connections might be able to confirm but I was told that the Astraz has poor results
in terms of the new variants and is being rejigged so those wanting the Astraz would be better waiting till the end of the year/new year.That info is via a CSL employee....

Hardly surprising.

I always thought we were being sold a magic bullet fix that is too good to be true.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #2786
Hardly surprising.

I always thought we were being sold a magic bullet fix that is too good to be true.
Perhaps by politicians but not scientists.

The scientists have always said the vaccines will be like the Influenza vaccine, and have been formulated so they can be regularly tweaked. The concern is how often and how fast!

I won't comment on the behaviour of the corporates, their motive is self-evident.

PS; The clotting being investigated is commonly associated with Herparin blood thinners, the claim is the vaccines mimic Heparin in causing blood clots. But the problem is the numbers do not stack up, in either counts or categories. For example women are no longer thought to be more at risk, because the women are more likely than men to get this type of clot anyway even if they got a placebo.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #2788

This article made a lot of sense IMO, gave a good perspective and explained the situation well.
I'd question the effectiveness of the present Astraz vs the variants , its one thing talking about Blood Clots and the risks but
its not proven against the variants at all and the " its better than nothing approach" doesnt encourage people to have a vaccine that is already under the microscope.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #2789
This is an ongoing study following the AstraZeneca rollout in the UK.  It’s not conclusive but it suggests that AstraZeneca is very effective.

Two doses of the Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine may be around 85% to 90% effective against symptomatic disease, Public Health England (PHE) said on Thursday, while cautioning that it did not yet have enough data to be conclusive.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball