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CSC Facebook Page

Have we advertised this site? I had a casual chat to a couple of Carlton supporters at the Carlton vs Port Adelaide game (MCG) last year, and none of them knew of this site at all. Nobody had heard of it. Most of those people I would place in the 30 - 45 years bracket.

It's a great idea.
I guess the question I guess is... how?

You could post a link on one of the Facebook fan pages but I doubt it would get past the admin of those pages.

We could set up our own Facebook page which would link to anyone searching for a Carlton fan page or forum and from there back to this site....we would lose a bit of personal anonymity. The plus there would be a useful back-up when the CSC site struck trouble. The problem with that is that I think the name 'Carlton Supporters Club' has already been taken.

Others more familiar with the social media the young-uns use may have some ideas for advertising on those platforms.

One idea that was suggested in the past was that we print out some business cards with the site's web address and hand them out to anyone wearing Carlton gear at the games. You'd get a pretty good coverage in an afternoon. It could be done on a home PC.

Apart from that we're probably a bit limited as to advertising options.

Re: CSC Facebook Page

Reply #1
It's a great idea.
I guess the question I guess is... how?

You could post a link on one of the Facebook fan pages but I doubt it would get past the admin of those pages.

We could set up our own Facebook page which would link to anyone searching for a Carlton fan page or forum and from there back to this site....we would lose a bit of personal anonymity. The plus there would be a useful back-up when the CSC site struck trouble. The problem with that is that I think the name 'Carlton Supporters Club' has already been taken.

Others more familiar with the social media the young-uns use may have some ideas for advertising on those platforms.

One idea that was suggested in the past was that we print out some business cards with the site's web address and hand them out to anyone wearing Carlton gear at the games. You'd get a pretty good coverage in an afternoon. It could be done on a home PC.

Apart from that we're probably a bit limited as to advertising options.

I just did a quick fb search and “Carlton blues supporters club” is there, but our name appears available…
I suspect most of CSC members here, would prefer some type of fb real estate that guided posters/readers back here (as opposed to focusing discussion in a fb group ) ?
So possibly publishing effectively a link and headline to threads back here ?
Let’s go BIG !

Re: CSC Facebook Page

Reply #2
We now have a Facebook group 😎

I don’t know how to, but I’d envisage posting links to individual CSC Forum posts and hopefully getting some traffic to come here.
People here who are adverse to having their real names known would have no need to use the Facebook side.
Some people will only post/comment on Facebook and that’s ok.

What I’ve done is purely a “beta” it can be promoted, canned and/or I’m happy to add or hand over admin rights.

Robblues has suggested that admin/mods of CSC should send out a group email to the member database asking them to come back or a survey about why they do/don’t post anymore.

A penny for your thoughts please…
Let’s go BIG !

Re: CSC Facebook Page

Reply #3
Robblues has been lured out of forum retirement, almost…
He’s trying, but is unable to log in with his new password, can anyone help here ?
Let’s go BIG !

Re: CSC Facebook Page

Reply #4
Probably just need to check that the admin/mods on here are OK with this process.

If they are, they should probably be included as admin on the facebook site on the understanding that their profiles will probably be public.

The page's purpose should primarily be to promote and direct to this site.
Links, announcements interesting topics on the forums can be referenced.
We want it to add to the conversation on here not diminish traffic.

Let's treat it as a work in progress for the moment and nut out any issues.
There might be some problems we haven't foreseen.

Re: CSC Facebook Page

Reply #5
Robblues has been lured out of forum retirement, almost…
He’s trying, but is unable to log in with his new password, can anyone help here ?

Rob is showing up as active in the last 60 minutes.

Re: CSC Facebook Page

Reply #6
Rob is showing up as active in the last 60 minutes.

Thanks Lods, Robblues a great bloke but not the sharpest tool in the shed… 😇🤣🤣
Let’s go BIG !

Re: CSC Facebook Page

Reply #7
Probably just need to check that the admin/mods on here are OK with this process.

If they are, they should probably be included as admin on the facebook site on the understanding that their profiles will probably be public.

The page's purpose should primarily be to promote and direct to this site.
Links, announcements interesting topics on the forums can be referenced.
We want it to add to the conversation on here not diminish traffic.

Let's treat it as a work in progress for the moment and nut out any issues.
There might be some problems we haven't foreseen.

Yes to all of the above Lods.
It was more a matter of grabbing (securing) the fb name there and then.
Let’s go BIG !

Re: CSC Facebook Page

Reply #8
Yes to all of the above Lods.
It was more a matter of grabbing (securing) the fb name there and then.

That makes sense to lock the name in.
We can then thrash out any problems folks might see.
In the mean-time it might be interesting to see if any Carlton tragics find the page and register.

Re: CSC Facebook Page

Reply #9
I added Rob and he added a mate, so there’s 3 of us at the moment… 🙄🤣
Everyone else will need to follow the link above or search fb, even you Lods 👍🏼🤣
Let’s go BIG !

Re: CSC Facebook Page

Reply #10
Just joined and approval has come through.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17


Re: CSC Facebook Page

Reply #11
For anyone interested, on fb I go by the username of Glenn Grant 😎 and for the moment are the sole admin of CSC fb group.

The desired anonymity of some people here is understandable but sort of antiquated nowadays in my opinion.
I’m a member of several fb groups and pages and the “identities” of other members of those groups who are often spread all over the world, is frankly of no interest to anyone.
Fb does allow you to effectively close your profile to anyone who you are not a friend of, so people can read your words in relation to CSC on fb,  but not see your private life (cat pics, last nights dinner etc… 🙄)
In the past we’ve had posters who have held official and volunteer roles at CFC, who have felt they couldn’t have contributed to CSC without their anonymity.
This way they still can as they don’t NEED to join or post to the fb side.
For people who use fb, the CSC fb will be a prompt to visit the forum, they’ll have the ability to comment on fb and or to visit the forum.
Let’s go BIG !

Re: CSC Facebook Page

Reply #12
Thanks to Glenn for setting things up
I'm just holding off for the minute.
The main reason is I want to hear from the CSC mods and admin that they're comfortable with the addition of the facebook page.

I'm also keen to see in the next week or two how effective the move is in attracting new members.

I have no problem with the anonymity side of things.
There is no pressure for existing members to join the facebook page anyway as the only real benefit would be if there were crashes on the main site.
They're already rusted on.

Will it be effective?
Will that traffic flow through to the main site?
Will we have a group that never progress past the FB page?
Will some existing members find that they increasingly prefer the facebook site?

The aim is to attract new folks to the main forum.
We don't want to create an alternative CSC.

Now it's probably worth mentioning that our main rival "TalkingCarlton" runs both a Facebook page and a twitter account without any apparent detriment to their main site.
It can work.

We post a photo, news story or thread idea on the Facebook page and then a "comment" or "join the discussion on the forum" link back to the main site.

Re: CSC Facebook Page

Reply #13
I think that Lods has summed up the situation very well, although I’m not sure whether the moderators’ views are particularly relevant.  BBB may have something to say though.

I guess it comes down to whether folk are comfortable with Facebook and giving up the anonymity that CSC affords.

Lods’ point about the FB page complementing CSC rather than becoming an alternative is worth bearing in mind.  Should membership of the FB page be limited to CSC forum members?

I suspect not, but it would be worth asking folk wanting to join the page if they are members.

Looking forward to hearing other opinions.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CSC Facebook Page

Reply #14
Thanks to Glenn for setting things up
I'm just holding off for the minute.
The main reason is I want to hear from the CSC mods and admin that they're comfortable with the addition of the facebook page.

I'm also keen to see in the next week or two how effective the move is in attracting new members.

I have no problem with the anonymity side of things.
There is no pressure for existing members to join the facebook page anyway as the only real benefit would be if there were crashes on the main site.
They're already rusted on.

Will it be effective?
Will that traffic flow through to the main site?
Will we have a group that never progress past the FB page?
Will some existing members find that they increasingly prefer the facebook site?

The aim is to attract new folks to the main forum.
We don't want to create an alternative CSC.

Now it's probably worth mentioning that our main rival "TalkingCarlton" runs both a Facebook page and a twitter account without any apparent detriment to their main site.
It can work.

We post a photo, news story or thread idea on the Facebook page and then a "comment" or "join the discussion on the forum" link back to the main site.

Yes again Lods.
Personally I don’t twit or insta.
Thanks for splitting this off into its own thread too 👍🏼
Let’s go BIG !