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Topic: Trumpled (Alternative Leading) (Read 423855 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3120
Much, much wilder....because the more moderate American right-leaning voter have seen what he can be.
He was 'different' they know the consequences of that difference.
The level of support for Trump is very dependent on the performance of Biden.
Biden seems to be picking up in that area in recent weeks.

Anyway Trump's going to be tied up in legal issues for some time to come.

Any weakness towards China or hardship due to interest rises in the USA will lead to calls for Trump to be the savior again IMO.
Trump is a false prophet but his type garner support when the country is at its lowest ebb, China think Biden doesnt have the gonads to take them on and I'm interested to see how the Taiwan situation unfolds given the tough recent talk from China's propaganda team that they are intent on military action to get what they want.
Any weak response from Biden and team will have Trump or similar back in the frame imo...

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3121
The error in your logic, Lods, is that you assume the US is a democracy. At best, it’s a very distorted one. Gerrymandering and voter suppression is well established over there and the conservative majority in the Supreme Court appears ready to walk away from defending equal voting rights.

The attempted coup on 6/1/21 might also be a dry run for what’s to come. Just wait for Red States to pass legislation allowing the Governors, Secretaries of State or State Legislatures to forward their own slates of electors to the Electoral College if they have the slightest concern about the conduct of elections in their States.

At the end of the day politics is all about alternatives.
If Biden's approval rating was up in the 60-70% range we woudn't be talking about Trump.

Where there may be an issue is that the USA is a bit like Europe in terms of the variance in thinking of individual states.
However there's often a fairly even split between Republican and Democrat, so the idea one party can dominate in such a threatening, overruling manner..even with a stacked court, is probably not going to happen.

If it was as bad as all that, Trump would still be President.

But it may be you turn out to be right.
We'll watch this space...and if Trump is President elect in 2024 I'll buy you a dinner...and a drink...we'll both need one. ;)

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3122
If it was as bad as all that, Trump would still be President.
That almost happened. If Pence had gone along with the idea of accepting the fake slates of electors or at least using them to justify a refusal to certify the results of the election in the “disputed” States, the House of Representatives would have voted in Trump as each of the 50 States would have had 1 vote and the Republicans controlled the votes in 26 States. And just imagine if Pence had been killed by Trump’s followers. What would that have done to the certification process? Trump’s coup was a serious effort but poorly executed. They’ve had 4 years to prepare for the next effort. To that end, Trump loyalists are running to replace State officials in charge of elections such as Secretaries of State and lesser election officials.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3123
It's hard to understand motive, especially when you do not have access or ability to examine or measure the resources, but superficially it appears that Murdoch Media has turned on Trump, and maybe it's a sign Trump's become a dead duck.

News Ltd will have Readership and Viewer poll results, most of it will be kept private, but what is not private are the headlines and by-lines appearing on various News Ltd product. In other words they may write one thing but act in some other way. So it could be a call to arms, or it could be a tell as well, it's 50/50.

Should we be surprised, I suppose Trump boosters will claim he is playing rope-a-dope, while others will just assume he is a dope!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3124
It’s like déjà vu all over again. After the insurrection, it looked like the GOP would dump Trump. Why would you continue to back a loser? Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, the GOP leaders in both houses of Congress, condemned Trump and even Senator Lindsay Graham, one of Trump’s lackeys, declared he was done with him. But over time, they all backflipped. Within a week, McCarthy went down to Maralago to kiss the ring and the MAGA crew started to hunt down those who wouldn’t pledge their allegiance to him.

After the midterms, it looked like the GOP would turn against Trump. De Santis did well in Florida and it looked like he might be able to challenge Trump. And there was a lot of anger towards Trump because he saddled the GOP with weak candidates and did little to help them financially or by campaigning with them. The hoped-for red wave became a red ripple and the Dems unexpectedly retained control of the Senate. But now the GOP is going back to its usual submission to Trump, aided by the MAGA fans in Congress and GOP officials.

Unless prosecutors bring him undone, there’s every chance Trump will again be the GOP candidate. Perhaps De Santis might beat him, but there’s every chance Trump will humiliate him out of contention, aided by his MAGA supporters who are able to put their fingers on the scales when settling the rules for the primaries in each state and the debates. And De Santis is really just a less charismatic version of Trump anyway, so if he wins the nomination there’d be little cause for relief.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3125
Evil is what evil does!

That bloke has no interest in anybody but himself, and the stupidity of the US public is staggering, how they ignore his actions and believe his spin is beyond me. It's like they are addicted to hearing they are loved while they are being kicked in the nuts!

I mean FFS. He built a wall to keep out the Mexican's to preserve American jobs, and to keep out the criminals who are always "someone else over there", but his US hotels are almost exclusively staffed by Mexicans, and most of the hard edge crooks wear suits and live in Manhattan!
The Force Awakens!


Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3126
De Santis will beat him.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3127
De Santis will beat him.

Let's hope you are on the money with your prediction again.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3128
I think this one isnt as clear cut as people think.  The last US election wasnt a landslide, and many could consider that Trumps leadership may have led to better policy during the last couple of years.

Irrespective of what the truth is, and what happens next, it will be an intriguing watch.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3129
Remember that Trump may be able to effectively gerrymander the primaries. If he has States he expects to win, he can get his minions to change the rules so they’re winner-take-all States while trying to turn pro-DeSantis States into proportional primaries. He can win even if he loses the popular vote or loses more primaries than he wins.  Being in control of the GOP nationally and at State-level can help him out. And it wouldn’t shock if DeSantis went to the Republican Convention with more delegates than Trump but Trump staged a convention fight amid claims of rigged elections and threats to run as an Independent if DeSantis were to be nominated.

He can also use his lackeys at the GOP to give him a boost during the debates. The chair of the RNC, Ronna McDaniel, is one of his supporters, for example. If Trump engineers a big field onstage (rather than the smaller fish having an undercard debate), neither DeSantis or he would have much time to answer questions about their policies but Trump might benefit by butting in at will and humiliating the other candidates, especially DeSantis. He could even end up with MAGA moderators who allow him to behave as he wants.

Don’t assume Trump will fight fair.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3130
Don’t assume Trump will fight fair.
He can't afford to fight fair, and I doubt anybody expects him to do so, because if he loses he might well go to the wall!

Trump's Presidency and his future Candidacy is all about buying time to avoid prosecution, you know it, they know it, everybody knows it!

His enemies aren't prepared to take the risk attacking him just in case he actually wins, because he will be unrestrained in his vengefulness.
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3131
Yep. The more I think of it, the more I think Trump will threaten to wreck the place if Republican voters don’t renominate him. And he’ll do it as soon as any other candidate looks like being competitive. He won’t wait until the Convention to unleash the threat. He may even unleash it before the first primary is held. Voters will have to contemplate that voting for DeSantis might end up with the Democratic candidate winning in a walkover. It’s not as though they could be sure it would be an empty threat.

As with most things involving Trump, retaliating by making the same threat would probably backfire on DeSantis. Marco Rubio responded to Trump’s mockery by doing the same back to him. He quickly lost ground. Trying to out-Trump Trump doesn’t seem to work. As the old saying goes, never argue with stupid people as they’ll drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3132
Like narcissists before him, the orange orangutan will destroy all around him before there's any chance of him stopping his rampage.
Only one strategy works against narcissists - accountability, relentless accountability. Use only cold hard facts. Never try to combat them at their own game... they love it.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3133
Like narcissists before him, the orange orangutan will destroy all around him before there's any chance of him stopping his rampage.
Only one strategy works against narcissists - accountability, relentless accountability. Use only cold hard facts. Never try to combat them at their own game... they love it.

That's terribly disrespectful towards orangutans Shane ...
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3134
That's terribly disrespectful towards orangutans Shane ...
Agreed, I quite like orangutans, I got to meet one up close once on Borneo.

They left me with an impression of intelligence!
The Force Awakens!