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Re: General Discussions

Reply #465
I'm not a big subscriber to feeling guilt for the sins of the father, if our 1st Nations want to put a spotlight on people in that frame of reference they best be very careful what they ask for in terms of anthropology and genetic determinations because the how, why and who changes almost weekly. With the history of who is actually here and how they came to be dominant being far from certain.

They may have to redefine it to "The sins of the father in the last two centuries" to ultimately retain a definitive crown!

It really reminds me of the Pacific Islander debates, which are defined in the modern day more by politics at the exclusion of some science.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: General Discussions

Reply #468
How ordinary is the media these days?

I've just read about that young Gabby Petito while I was having lunch. We have been bombarded over the last month with stories about her plight, until a couple of weeks ago it was "Where is Gabby", "Gabby was last seen here", Gabby was tracked there", all the time the young lady was already deceased at least a month before her body was found a week or two back.

I suppose the media didn't know, but it does seem to say something about the quality or morality of modern reporting!

In the old days you would say nothing until you had the proof or at least some semblance of proof, now it's make the spurious claims as soon as possible to be first, and deal with the fallout later!

How the families of these victims must suffer to provide the some media monarch with another fancy dinner!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: General Discussions

Reply #469
1959 School Morning assembly...the Pledge.

I honor my God
I serve my Queen
I salute the which point we saluted the flag.

Times have changed. ;D

Re: General Discussions

Reply #470
1959 School Morning assembly...the Pledge.

I honor my God
I serve my Queen
I salute the which point we saluted the flag.

Times have changed. ;D

These days this is what it is instead Lods:

'I begin today by acknowledging the Traditional Owners of the land on which we <gather/meet> today, and pay my respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. I extend that respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples here today.'
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: General Discussions

Reply #471
1959 School Morning assembly...the Pledge.

I honor my God
I serve my Queen
I salute the which point we saluted the flag.

Times have changed. ;D

I remember the unseemly rugby scrum to get out of the picture theatre before being forced to stand for the national anthem at the end of the evening program.  😄
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: General Discussions

Reply #472
I remember the unseemly rugby scrum to get out of the picture theatre before being forced to stand for the national anthem at the end of the evening program.  😄
Errr, I'm not sure whether to take that light heartedly or with shock and awe! :o

Should I roll out the player piano, and turn on the limelights?

On a serious note, there are good and bad aspects of both sides of this old argument. Nationalism had it's place, but utilitarian as it may be it can lead to awful things, it's major modern critics talk about how divisive it can be retrospectively, suppressing identity, etc., etc..

Yet with some irony, to me at least, it's never been clearer than at the moment that the very inverse is divisive as well!

Perhaps it's not the what but the how, or perhaps it's that the what has become so confused and blended that it has almost become ubiquitous?
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: General Discussions

Reply #473
Some people never learn ................ and have no face!

Seen below the former head of ICACistan picking up a few last minute G&C* trinkets on the way to the courthouse!

*Def. G&C,
Graft and Corruption, (aka. Gift and Collusion), pronounced .......... goodies!
Typically consisting of a Bottle of Wine, New Shoes, Diamond Necklace, Rolex, keys to a new Astin Martin, keys to a new Front Door or Top OS Bureaucratic Appointment, Untraceable Bearer Bonds, A Royal Pardon, or an All Expenses Paid Holiday to Rodd Island!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: General Discussions

Reply #474
Gladys is rumoured to be getting her ScoMo reward and will get a run at a Federal Seat...probably vs that nuisance independent Zali Steggall in Warringah who knocked over Brother Tony Abbott last election in a very dirty affair where Abbott's campaign of digging dirt vs Ms Steggall ended up costing him the seat with a big loss.
Dont like Gladiola's chances but a good showing might have her get a cushy govt job with ScoMo's crew if he can win vs Albo...

Re: General Discussions

Reply #475
Gladys is rumoured to be getting her ScoMo reward and will get a run at a Federal Seat...probably vs that nuisance independent Zali Steggall in Warringah who knocked over Brother Tony Abbott last election in a very dirty affair where Abbott's campaign of digging dirt vs Ms Steggall ended up costing him the seat with a big loss.
Dont like Gladiola's chances but a good showing might have her get a cushy govt job with ScoMo's crew if he can win vs Albo...

Yep, I’m sure young Gladys will be well taken care of.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: General Discussions

Reply #476
Anything would be an improvement over Steggle.

Re: General Discussions

Reply #477
1959 School Morning assembly...the Pledge.

I honor my God
I serve my Queen
I salute the which point we saluted the flag.

Times have changed. ;D

In Victorian schools it was the Patriotic Declaration:

"I love God and my country, I will honour the flag, I will serve the Queen and cheerfully obey my parents, teachers and the law."

I suspect that it didn't achieve the desired effect; the baby-boomers were probably more likely to take part in civil disobedience than  those who came before and after, and they deserted the established churches in droves.

The Patriotic Declaration is very different to the acknowledgement of Traditional Owners Thry.  The declaration was intended to instill obedience and adherence to a set of values imposed by Government.  The acknowledgement is simply paying respect.

By the way, I wrote the first Traditional Owner acknowledgement for the Victorian Government at the request of Steve Bracks.  It was meant to be a form of words to follow when folk weren't sure how to respectfully acknowledge TOs.  Public servants, MPs etc were encouraged to tailor their acknowledgement to the occasion.  It's changed a bit since then and is often parroted rather than tailored ... and I don't really understand how you can have "emerging elders"  ::)
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: General Discussions

Reply #478
As a kid, be it 7 or 17 I simply couldn't relate to a god or royalty. So I recited the words that the Spotted One mentioned above to prevent getting in the shizen. With my father having a landscaping business which employed many labourers from Italy, Greece, UK, US, NZ and Canada, I grew up with a fascination for other countries, not just my own. As for my parents, well I quickly learned to do what I was told if I didn't want 'hiding' as my folks would word it.

Since venturing into the big wide world my appreciation, even love, of other nations only increased... and my love our country grew pretty huge but not at the expense or demonizing of other lands, peoples or cultures.

Personally, I'd be much more in favour of kids acknowledging values and principles rather than deities, people and geography... pledging allegiance to such things as humanitarianism, honesty, decency, respect (for all life), empathy, kindness, curiosity, education and learning seem to be far greater avenues to growing a great culture and humanity.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17


Re: General Discussions

Reply #479
In Victorian schools it was the Patriotic Declaration:

"I love God and my country, I will honour the flag, I will serve the Queen and cheerfully obey my parents, teachers and the law."

I suspect that it didn't achieve the desired effect; the baby-boomers were probably more likely to take part in civil disobedience than  those who came before and after, and they deserted the established churches in droves.

The Patriotic Declaration is very different to the acknowledgement of Traditional Owners Thry.  The declaration was intended to instill obedience and adherence to a set of values imposed by Government.  The acknowledgement is simply paying respect.

By the way, I wrote the first Traditional Owner acknowledgement for the Victorian Government at the request of Steve Bracks.  It was meant to be a form of words to follow when folk weren't sure how to respectfully acknowledge TOs.  Public servants, MPs etc were encouraged to tailor their acknowledgement to the occasion.  It's changed a bit since then and is often parroted rather than tailored ... and I don't really understand how you can have "emerging elders"  ::)

Same same.

How people felt about the oath is how this looks to me.

We didn't do either at high school.  We stood for the anthem and that was about it.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson