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Re: State Elections

Reply #15
Gotta love Bolt's headline in the Hun
Wounded Andrews should Quit :)

Why would he quit? He's the greatest politician in our nation's history. He had as bad a term as you possibly could have and still won easy.
The Liberals are finished, they will lose more seats next election. The greens will take over quicker than we all think.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: State Elections

Reply #16
The problem that I think is the best explanation of what is happening to the coalition, is they listen too much to the screaming idiots. For example Andrew Bolt , Alan Jones, people who think they matter because they live in an echo chamber with a lunatic minority , and take the loudest screams as a measure of support.

And there you have it, Spotted One. Well said.

The far right of the LNP has hijacked the entire party moving way too far away from the Menzies model, a more moderate model. It's like they're neurotically scared of looking too much like the Labor Party or are so mired in authoritianism / boys club mentality they've failed to notice the rapid changes in society, especially social media, women and many of the complex issues facing folks today.

One commentator suggested that the LNP has to do some soul searching. I'd suggest the HUN needs to do the same, they became a shameless promotional arm for the LNP, proving just how out of touch and lacking in influence they are (as you noted, Spotted One) listening too much to the archaic meanderings of their opinion writers who cater to a small, loud gang of malcontents (the angry/hate merchants). The LNP Feds should also take note of the voter's preference for more moderate leadership and far greater inclusiveness for women - the electorate is not much interested in patriarchy any more (apart from our malcontent friends).
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: State Elections

Reply #17
Daniel Andrews is our Trump.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: State Elections

Reply #18
And there you have it, Spotted One. Well said.

The far right of the LNP has hijacked the entire party moving way too far away from the Menzies model, a more moderate model. It's like they're neurotically scared of looking too much like the Labor Party or are so mired in authoritianism / boys club mentality they've failed to notice the rapid changes in society, especially social media, women and many of the complex issues facing folks today.

One commentator suggested that the LNP has to do some soul searching. I'd suggest the HUN needs to do the same, they became a shameless promotional arm for the LNP, proving just how out of touch and lacking in influence they are (as you noted, Spotted One) listening too much to the archaic meanderings of their opinion writers who cater to a small, loud gang of malcontents (the angry/hate merchants). The LNP Feds should also take note of the voter's preference for more moderate leadership and far greater inclusiveness for women - the electorate is not much interested in patriarchy any more (apart from our malcontent friends).

What far right? What country do you think you live in?
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: State Elections

Reply #19
What far right? What country do you think you live in?
Australia. And we have plenty of loud far right and far left people.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: State Elections

Reply #20
Australia. And we have plenty of loud far right and far left people.

You said the party is far right. Who is far right in the LNP?

Bolt and co are blaming these losses on them moving to the left and not offering an alternative to Labor.

2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: State Elections

Reply #21
What country do we think we live in? That’s probably a question you should ask Sky News hosts & News Corp scribes. Rupert seems to think we’re living in the Deep South of the USA. Maybe he should stop trying to make fetch happen.

On a different point, how about the 2 candidates who should never have been up for election? Catherine Cummings is a sitting independent MLC who was running this time for the Angry Party. She was the one who said she wanted to see Dan Andrews disappear in a red mist. The police have decided not to charge her but that comment should see her barred from Parliament. She explicitly linked the comment to the military term “pink mist” which describes the droplets expelled when a sniper shoots an enemy in the head. That sort of violent rhetoric has no place in Victorian politics.

Even more bizarre was the suicide by a National Party candidate running in Narracan that caused a failed election in that seat. That means a separate election has to be held in the coming weeks. He was facing sexual offence charges, including rape, that were going before a court next week.  When I originally found out about that, I assumed those charges were laid after the election was called and caught this guy by surprise. But no, the charges were laid a year ago. Why did the Nationals allow him to continue as a candidate and why didn’t he withdraw his nomination or pull out of preselection? I thought major parties vetted their candidates. But it seems that their vetting process is no better than Essendon’s.


Re: State Elections

Reply #22
You said the party is far right. Who is far right in the LNP?

Bolt and co are blaming these losses on them moving to the left and not offering an alternative to Labor.

I didn't say the party was far right, I said elements within it were pulling the party further to the far right. If you're going to quote me, please be accurate. As for what the far right looks like, with names... see Wingman MAV's post.

And when you start quoting Bolt, you know you're on shaky ground.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: State Elections

Reply #23
Shaky ground?
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: State Elections

Reply #25
You said the party is far right. Who is far right in the LNP?

Bolt and co are blaming these losses on them moving to the left and not offering an alternative to Labor.
That Jones/Bolt line is a smokescreen excuse given by people who want to become even more extreme right.

Do not confuse extreme fundamentalist Christian right with outright extremists, we aren't discussing Nazi's.

For example do you have a daughter or a sister? Do they deserve the right to have control over her own body, over their own reproductive plan, god pray they aren't raped and declined an abortion by the extreme Christian right. This right, the fundamentalist Christian right that has invaded the coalition, think a show like the Handmaid's Tale is the story of paradise gone wrong!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: State Elections

Reply #26
Shaky ground?
Yes, it's shaky ground, because what the likes of Jones and Bolt say publicly isn't reflected in their private life or beliefs, so it's bullcrap. In effect deliberate chain rattling for profit.

Do you really think Alan Jones, Andrew Bolt or Rita Panahi think their daughters have less rights than you?
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: State Elections

Reply #27
I didn’t know until recently that some/many (?) right-to-lifers want to ban IUDs. They argue that the IUD prevents fertilised eggs attaching to the womb, so women who use them are as much murderers as women who have abortions. Oy vey!

Re: State Elections

Reply #28
I didn’t know until recently that some/many (?) right-to-lifers want to ban IUDs. They argue that the IUD prevents fertilised eggs attaching to the womb, so women who use them are as much murderers as women who have abortions. Oy vey!
This years Vic State election was infested with has-beens from Scomo's fundamentalist Christian coalition, they had some success in NSW with Perrottet getting the top job and when they were kyboshed they moved from having Federal ambitions to State ambitions.

But Australia / Vic isn't full of motivated nuffies like the USA, sure we hear and see them in the media but they are clearly the minority, and voting here is compulsory not subject to the whims and wishes of a highly active lunatic fringe.

Long term, like Labor has already started to do, the Liberal's will need to swing towards majority interests or it will perish. I suspect the Teals are the start of this, modern Small L Liberals. You don't have to believe people like Bolt or Jones to have liberalist views. Fundamentally, a liberalist view is about small government and deregulation, it is not about suppressing human rights or imposing religious beliefs.

What Perrottet and Scomo did was hijack a political party to impose minority beliefs, they just tried the same thing in Vic and got their ar5e kicked!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: State Elections

Reply #29
Guy has run away again, he did this last time.

Rather than face the music, take responsibility for setting a new coarse and rebuilding the Liberal party, he fecks off and avoids facing the blame or doing the long term hard work. It the political equivalent as life as a sniper, but one who is a shizen shot, an unsuccessful assassination attempt then a swift get away!

Have we have dodged a bullet, I think so?
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"