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Re: Bush Fires

Reply #15
Couldn't agree more. Most people are spending too much time blaming politics of every side. Let's just listen to the people who understand the land and know how to manage it, and start managing it!

I agree too.


Its important we understand a few things.

The running of our nation, requires resources X.

The actual resources we have is Y.

Y is actually a much smaller number than X.

The results are as follows.

Raise Y.

Decrease X.

To increase Y means that we need to pay more tax or we need better foreign deals.

To decrease X, means to neglect things.

What the governments and Politics is all about, is trying to minimising raising Y, whilst trying to decrease the gap between Y and X.

The problem?  They dont spend Y wisely enough as an overt Generalisation.  They spend it flippantly on crap that doesnt matter in the scheme of things (like a marriage equality referendum) meaning we have less of Y left over to spend on the real X's that matter.

Had the government had a back bone, perhaps there would be more funds available to undertake those tasks such as the burning mentioned by this indigenous fella.  The problem?  These idiots are too busy feeding from that trough, to actually do it appropriately.

This isnt about over politicising things either.  Its about ensuring we hold the politicians accountable, and I for one have had a gutful of politicians riding the gravy train for life at the expense of Joe Average, and the next generations fire policies.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Bush Fires

Reply #16
I agree too.


Its important we understand a few things.

The running of our nation, requires resources X.

The actual resources we have is Y.

Y is actually a much smaller number than X.

The results are as follows.

Raise Y.

Decrease X.

To increase Y means that we need to pay more tax or we need better foreign deals.

To decrease X, means to neglect things.

What the governments and Politics is all about, is trying to minimising raising Y, whilst trying to decrease the gap between Y and X.

The problem?  They dont spend Y wisely enough as an overt Generalisation.  They spend it flippantly on crap that doesnt matter in the scheme of things (like a marriage equality referendum) meaning we have less of Y left over to spend on the real X's that matter.

Had the government had a back bone, perhaps there would be more funds available to undertake those tasks such as the burning mentioned by this indigenous fella.  The problem?  These idiots are too busy feeding from that trough, to actually do it appropriately.

This isnt about over politicising things either.  Its about ensuring we hold the politicians accountable, and I for one have had a gutful of politicians riding the gravy train for life at the expense of Joe Average, and the next generations fire policies.
Good work Thry. The bottom line is still that they are are incompetent and to blame for the the problem.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: Bush Fires

Reply #17
I'm apolitical, but the problem I see is that both sides are as bad as each other. We can change the government, but all we'll get is a new lot with their noses in the trough trying to line their own pockets. Decades ago the major parties used to stand for something, and they were different ideologies. Now there is virtually no difference between the major parties, an extreme lack of competent and rational individuals in them, and close to zero governance over what they get away with. The minor parties range from scary to diabolical

Re: Bush Fires

Reply #18
The difficulty is that there isn't government for the greater good - there is government to suit their ideology, and if that means stopping a program that works, or not starting one that may, then they will do that.  Government departments are now politicised and instructed what to do by pollies that often have little experience in that field.  Governments used to go to the public service for advice.  This meant that ideological changes weren't as extreme.

There was a stark difference between parties at the last election.  One had policies that were spelled out, but couldn't convince the electorate to accept them.  The other had policies that strongly align to the top couple of % of the country.

Good example is East-west link in Vic.  Liberals gung ho and going to do it at any cost.  Labor gung ho and not going to do it at any cost.  Reports not really read/acted upon. 

Another current example is MacKenzie going against the advice of her department to award grants.

Sorry for going off topic - there will be bushfire implications in all of this as well!

Re: Bush Fires

Reply #19
The difficulty is that there isn't government for the greater good
My goodness that is both powerful and sad. As JB said above, once upon at time, pollies worked for the people. Now they work for their retirement benefits (pension, free travel, office and secretary). They are an utter disgrace. The poor decisions they make are un punished. Zero accountability, meanwhiles forests burn, lives are lost as well as homes and livelyhoods. How do these cretins sleep at night?
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time