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Messages - Navy Maven

Ladies Lounge / Re: AFLW 2019 Rd 1: Carlton vs North Melbourne
Such a disappointing game, but I'll be interested to see how other teams fare against North before determining how we actually performed. I always thought the AFL were far too generous in their recruiting allowances for the new teams. North in particular have cherry picked some very talented players, and they've had the benefit of seeing these women play for a couple of seasons first.

Our midfield is certainly still a weakness, and what disappoints me the most is that we got rid of Maddie Kerryk who got 16 disposals and 6 tackles for Geelong on Saturday...tell me we couldn't have used her in the middle on Sunday?? And even though it wasn't through choice, letting Kate Gillespie-Jones faff off to North Melbourne has already hurt us and we're one game in.  Worst part of it is that we're going to have to survive another recruiting raid this year, this time with two Melbourne metro teams, and even if we finish last, again we won't get the top draft pick. I don't see how we're going to be able to lure midfield talent in.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: SSM Plebiscite
Don't log on for a few days and come back to one hell of a read lol.

What I can add from personal experience; I think a lot of Kate's article resonates with me and I dare say a lot of women in the LGBTQI community. In saying that, I have no doubt that the same happens to men (albeit not quite in the same quantities) in regards to people thinking they can 'convert' a same sex attracted person.

What I do find ironic though is that a lot of the types of men who think it's ok to try and 'convert' a lesbian, are the exact same men who would freak the hell out and get aggressive if a gay man did the same to them.
The Sports Desk / Re: Left Hand Turn
Unfortunately, many cyclists - and many motorists for that matter - don't know the road rules and don't particularly care!

I did know the one about cyclists giving way to left turning vehicles.  That applies whether or not there is a bike lane.

It's a long time since I rode a motorbike but I believe that it is OK to lane split and to overtake a vehicle in the right lane on the right.  It's not OK to pass on the left of a vehicle in the left lane.

With regards to the lane splitting, from memory (after working in insurance claims) lane splitting is only permitted in stationary traffic, although that might have changed.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Colin Sylvia
I think that is a slippery slope NM, and outside the facts it's not worth discussing, there are too many cases that are actually decided on hearsay, reported as a definitive ruling then over-turned in mostly media silence.

I know directly of one specific case with a young AFL player, not a 2nd hand rumor but 1st hand, of a player accused of all sorts of indiscretions by a jilted lover in a widely published media barrage. You may have even read the stories yourself. Accused of things that he could not have been guilty of because at the time that he was supposed to be acting in this manner he had sneaked interstate out of the media spotlight, and was sitting having lunch with family, friends and myself more than 700km away from the accuser. He didn't fight the allegations publicly for a number of reasons, primarily he wanted them to disappear quickly for his mother's sake, secondly his lover had been diagnosed with mental health disorder, he actually had pity and still cared for her to a degree but could no longer live under the same roof. Yet for him he lives out the remainder of his AFL career under those very public allegations, allegations categorised in some circles as indiscretion, domestic abuse or sexual assault!

Not a whisper or remorse or apology from the media accusers, not a single retraction that I have ever found!

Freedom does not and should not come at any price!

And as a result he wasn't convicted of a crime, correct? So a bit different that what I'm talking about.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: When Actors claim Defamation!
I think the problem is here the breadth of the definition of "sexual assault", some read it purely as rape, while others can label a disgruntled relationship or unsatisfying intercourse as an assault.

Well with the statistics I was referring to, most related to children, so I don't think there's any grey area there.

And I don't think anyone is putting their career on the line for unsatisfying sex. As I said, these accusers aren't actually benefiting from any of this. Can you name one person who has landed more acting gigs following them making a complaint?
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Colin Sylvia
I don't normally get involved in these type of posts; however, YOU DON'T KNOW, the situation regarding the stalking OR domestic violence charges, now you talk about not wanting to 'canonise' people after their deceased. I have no real knowledge of his personal situation, but I have seen first hand how the law is now applied to the most menial situations with very serious charges now applied. An argument, or 'lovers tiff', can very quickly be turned to a story to which you have no defense. I saw this happen to somebody I know.

Colin Sylvia may have been guilty of a lot more - I don't know, but doubt you know either. Fine don't 'canonise', but don't 'demonise' either.

Well I'm assuming the judges that CONVICTED him did know the facts. They weren't baseless accusations, they held up in a court of law.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: When Actors claim Defamation!
There is so much in the posts above that I want to address.

Firstly LP, I don't think any accusers have professionally benefited from coming forward with their stories of abuse. Sure, some have received publicity, but I can't think of a single one who has found an increase in work because of it. In fact in nearly every case, the work for the accuser has dried up.

As for the prevalence of victims, it's probably in line with society as a whole and is not isolated to Hollywood. Statistically speaking (using Australia as an example), according to the ABS approximately 28% of women and 18% of men reported some form of sexual abuse prior to the age of 16, and 17% of women 15 or older and 4% of men also experienced a sexual assault. Those are huge numbers. I remember talking about it with a group of friends in my early 20's and of the 5 women chatting, 3 disclosed that they had been abused as kids, and that's not uncommon.

Capcom, to state that 'many' accusations of sexual assault are fraudulent is pretty appalling. What benefit is there for any person to create a fake abuse accusation?  It is true that only 17% of reported cased end in a conviction, but that that is due mostly to our poor judicial system and certainly not because of false accusations. I think it's actually a very sad indictment on the values of our society.

The fact of the matter is, most cases of abuse won't even make it to court, or even be reported for that matter, mostly because of the attitudes above. Until we stop victim blaming and shaming, and actually hold perpetrators accountable for their actions (in an actual courtroom, not just a media courtroom), no one is safe.