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Messages - milosevic747

Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Chopper Read passes away
Trust me when I say this, Chopper Read is like a lot of other 'self professed big time crooks', in that he drinks his own bath water on most occasions.  The man is a liar and a fool.  He made money off his so called fame, and most of it, like the Underbelly crap, is only 50-60% of the truth.  Dont get caught up in anything this man says or does.  The world is a better place without him.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: Duigan's run up
If Duigan has a quiet  or shocker game this week do we all think that one glory game last week is enough to save his career.....?

He's been good for three weeks EB. you think thats enough given Mick didnt want to know him during the season?....if we get hammered by the Swans he might go back to the bad Mick and want to wipe out the list again...

He might, but like someone else mentioned Duigan might also be a poster boy for MM's philosophy (whatever that is ) plays a game early, gets dropped, works his way back and when he gets a game he performs in a final no less.

Anyway, I don't know but I like a confident Duigan in the side. His best does lift the side.

I reckon Duigs and Laids will both survive the cull. MM is similar to Phil Jackson on the Bulls and Lakers. Plays the mind games with the senior players to keep them mentally fresh, but is cut throat with rookies or younger players. Players like Joseph and Davies and probably O'Keefe who have been around for a while are at the front of the cull queue IMO.