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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4965
I thought both were acceptable spellings.

(but these days I get my 'here' and 'hear'... and 'there' and 'their' mixed up when I'm writing ) ;D
These days your US softhair redrived autodirect spiel chucker does it for you!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4966
FFS, having a baby and not being vaccinated is about 1500% riskier than having a baby and being vaccinated, mostly doctors avoid making the call to ensure they are not left liable by mere coincidence.

Even after the local Feds legislated to removed legal liability, many local medicos follow on the behaviour and recommendations of overseas doctors who still have legal liability. Much of social media makes commentary ignoring the issue of legal liability altogether!

This is a problem made by lawyers, not a problem caused by science, vaccines or politicians.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4967
We get led on that once we are fully vaccinated and the population reaches a certain percentage of vaccination our lives can go back to some level of normality yet the longer his pandemic goes on ‘mr I can’t recall’ finds new ways to justify more pain for citizens that have followed his advice.
Wow, the penny has just dropped for the "let's force everybody to attend a pox party, whether they want to or not" camp. Covid 0 was the evil that had to be ended, pronto. No doubt the theory was that this would hasten re-opening. But it doesn't seem to have worked out that way, has it?

The irony is that we had a lot more freedom when he had Covid 0. And a well-vaccinated population would have made it a lot easier for contact tracers to maintain that long-term but inherently unstable solution.

Now, due to the behaviour of absolute ass-hats, we're facing lockdowns and restrictions stretching on ad nauseum. Because no Australian government will allow exponential growth of Covid, if only because the health system would collapse. 

Well, it's your pox party so you can cry if you want to, as the song says.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4968
There are some terrific ideas on social media about dealing with Sars-CoV-2 and letting it rip, letting a few people die for the greater good, dynamically improving the gene pool while saving a few dollars!

Really innovative stuff, not heard since Sir Francis Galton and Josef Mengele were boys!
The Force Awakens!


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4969
Wrong.  Unless you ignore this

According to who?   An American of course.   Giving an American opinion, and according to American authored journals..    And they are never wrong, are they?  About anything.
Frankly,  idgaf which spelling,  it's a bit like gaol/jail to me  -  we all know what it means.
I thought the posters here were above semantics.... 

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4970
According to who?   An American of course.   Giving an American opinion, and according to American authored journals..    And they are never wrong, are they?  About anything.
Frankly,  idgaf which spelling,  it's a bit like gaol/jail to me  -  we all know what it means.
I thought the posters here were above semantics.... 

So why raise it when I did not?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4971
Wow, the penny has just dropped for the "let's force everybody to attend a pox party, whether they want to or not" camp. Covid 0 was the evil that had to be ended, pronto. No doubt the theory was that this would hasten re-opening. But it doesn't seem to have worked out that way, has it?

The irony is that we had a lot more freedom when he had Covid 0. And a well-vaccinated population would have made it a lot easier for contact tracers to maintain that long-term but inherently unstable solution.

Now, due to the behaviour of absolute ass-hats, we're facing lockdowns and restrictions stretching on ad nauseum. Because no Australian government will allow exponential growth of Covid, if only because the health system would collapse. 

Well, it's your pox party so you can cry if you want to, as the song says.

That's the best excuse/argument you have to my post implying its sad that regional employees who are fully vaccinated followed all the rules are within the spate of 48 hours out of work if they work in metro Melbourne. These are not rule breakers rather the opposite. You do understand not everyone that challenges the running of the pandemic is a D-head, protesting in the 1000s or doing lines of coke at illegal parties. The shear majority may not agree but follow the rules. I know that doesn't suit your narrative but its a fact. The same way as this virus has a 95% survival rate. Again doesn't suit your spin but its a fact.

If you want to blame every F up this 'i cant recall' leader makes on the minority of idiots who break the law and do self minded acts, you really are showing your bias and your ignorance. 

The man you blindly seem to support no matter what is the very same man with the blood of 700 plus lives lost last year due to his stubbornness on quarantine or maybe again it was the 1% of the population who broke the rules.

And maybe Dan simply did not recall any of his decisions when questioned.   :o  :-X     

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4972
No, I just love anti-vaxxers trying to act like normal people so they can sew confusion. Love the attempt you made to float the idea that the vaccines are mutagenic and it's an outrage that women would need to run that risk in order to work. I'm surprised you didn't try it on with the other half of the population as well. After all, Professor Nicki Minaj has revealed that vaccines can make balls swell, rendering men impotent and sterile. Wow! How could anybody look himself or herself in the mirror after forcing men to run that risk!

So let's see, vaccines shouldn't be taken by any female who is still capable of having children. And it shouldn't be taken by any males who may wish to have children later on or have penetrative sex at some point. And of course it goes without saying it would be an outrage if children were to be vaccinated as we should wait until they turn 18 and can make that decision as adults. And of course anyone in the 60+ age group should boycott vaccines if they can't choose their own favourite.

Looks like we won't go close to herd immunity, doesn't it? After all, the 70% figure only equates to about half of the population, and we should really be looking at a population-wide coverage of 80% or maybe 90%.

Yep, let's just let it rip instead as herd immunity is a pipe dream.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4973
If you want to blame every F up this 'i cant recall' leader makes on the minority of idiots who break the law and do self minded acts, you really are showing your bias and your ignorance. 

The man you blindly seem to support no matter what is the very same man with the blood of 700 plus lives lost last year due to his stubbornness on quarantine or maybe again it was the 1% of the population who broke the rules.

And maybe Dan simply did not recall any of his decisions when questioned.   :o  :-X     
Can I ask - what is your super beef with Dan? I don’t get the ‘Dan is locking us up for his power trip’ rhetoric at all. I do not see any advantage to him as a leader whatsoever in these lockdowns.

You know he is given advice to follow in accordance with public health orders, right?

Why are you so personally against him but don’t seem to have the same level of vitriol to Slowmo and his inept leadership and fellow MPs in Hunt Frydenburg Dutton and co? Is it just dyed in the wool Liberal ideologies across the board? Or has a state ALP directive personally effected you badly along the way? I am really curious.

I don’t follow Dan’s leadership blindly but i trust in the advice he’s been given plus I admire him following thru with what he’s said he’ll do - which is mostly and only needs to change due to the ever changing nature of a worldwide pandemic.

The only reason 95% survival rate has been achieved is there’s an bazillion people with underlying health conditions - which by the way include obesity, asthma, diabetes; Which many people have - that have had no choice but to have hidden themselves away from having a chance of catching it.

Feds were responsible for the 800 aged care deaths - they didn’t bother to take any learnings from the Newmarch deaths in NSW and left those poor people unprotected. In Viv State run homes the number was not many at all.

But hey for some Reason Slowmo seems to walk thru these conversations like a hero snd Dan is a dICtaTOR - it’s such a juvenile and incorrect response.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4974
And don't forget it's apparently Dan who's trying to force people to vaccinate rather than SloMo & Gladys (even though they're reliant on vaccinations to open up). Naughty Dan!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4975
Can I ask - what is your super beef with Dan? I don’t get the ‘Dan is locking us up for his power trip’ rhetoric at all. I do not see any advantage to him as a leader whatsoever in these lockdowns.

You know he is given advice to follow in accordance with public health orders, right?

Why are you so personally against him but don’t seem to have the same level of vitriol to Slowmo and his inept leadership and fellow MPs in Hunt Frydenburg Dutton and co? Is it just dyed in the wool Liberal ideologies across the board? Or has a state ALP directive personally effected you badly along the way? I am really curious.

I don’t follow Dan’s leadership blindly but i trust in the advice he’s been given plus I admire him following thru with what he’s said he’ll do - which is mostly and only needs to change due to the ever changing nature of a worldwide pandemic.

The only reason 95% survival rate has been achieved is there’s an bazillion people with underlying health conditions - which by the way include obesity, asthma, diabetes; Which many people have - that have had no choice but to have hidden themselves away from having a chance of catching it.

Feds were responsible for the 800 aged care deaths - they didn’t bother to take any learnings from the Newmarch deaths in NSW and left those poor people unprotected. In Viv State run homes the number was not many at all.

But hey for some Reason Slowmo seems to walk thru these conversations like a hero snd Dan is a dICtaTOR - it’s such a juvenile and incorrect response.

Many questions I've been wondering myself.
Let’s go BIG !

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4976
Scomo and Dan are both flogs but only one of them has locked Victorians up for 7 months. By the way where was Dan's gestapo yesterday when his construction workers were blocking the roads yesterday?
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4977
Its fairly easy for me to sit here in Darwin and point this out to you, but if the self important among you southerners would just sit still for 2 weeks you'd then be able to ease up on the restrictions.
You'd be better served directing your ire at them than any of the politicians
Let’s go BIG !

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4978
You wouldn't believe the idiocy or plain lawbreaking that's been going on down here, Northernblue. One family in Newport tested positive for Covid and were required to quarantine. As everyone knows, that means they had to stay at home 24/7, no ifs or buts. They were repeatedly found down the shops doing their shopping and buying food. Nothing could stop them from going out short of incarceration and their neighbours were not amused.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4979
Scomo and Dan are both flogs but only one of them has locked Victorians up for 7 months. By the way where was Dan's gestapo yesterday when his construction workers were blocking the roads yesterday?
Again, why is it a personal thing that ‘Dan has locked us up for 7 months’? It is not him personally alone with opposite health advice doing this to get his rocks off? It takes strength in leadership to stick by unpopular decisions that are in the best interests of the many, even if the many don’t see it like that.

The hero tradies spent a total of 45’minutes clogging up roads, then it rained and they all ran home. Pitiful.  What has been explained to me today is that the tradies have fought hard for proper amenities to be provided by builders on site which is why they took offence when the sheds were taken away. Not because they couldn’t sit next to their mate but be able to actually sit down for a break. Personally I think the Optics were shocking - partner is a tradie and came home with bluster about it yesterday but then saw the anti vaxers jumped onboard as an anti-lockdown, anti-vax movement, which they were not aiming for - stupid.