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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4995

Once a liar always a liar in my book. Don’t trust a word that comes out of his mouth and never will.

And he is different from 99% of the other politicians in this country how?
And before you post a reply, I am neither a supporter or otherwise.   Do not live in that state or have any association,  just pointing out that most of them, federal, state or otherwise constantly tell us lies.    It's just lies by degrees, according to each individuals' needs at any given time  -  all entirely funded by the ignorant taxpayers.     :o


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4996
And he is different from 99% of the other politicians in this country how?
And before you post a reply, I am neither a supporter or otherwise.   Do not live in that state or have any association,  just pointing out that most of them, federal, state or otherwise constantly tell us lies.    It's just lies by degrees, according to each individuals' needs at any given time  -  all entirely funded by the ignorant taxpayers.     :o
I'm still waiting for those 4000 icu beds/staff Dan promised with that 1.3 billion he allocated. Wonder where that money went?
Maybe he paid that private security firm that he doesn't know who approved or allocated the funds for..
Most politicians are good liars, Dan couldn't even claim to be that...

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4997
I'm still waiting for those 4000 icu beds/staff Dan promised with that 1.3 billion he allocated. Wonder where that money went?
Maybe he paid that private security firm that he doesn't know who approved or allocated the funds for..
Most politicians are good liars, Dan couldn't even claim to be that...

Couldn’t have said it better EB.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4998

Then again his back can’t take another accidental fall down the stairs either.
Do you believe Luke Sayer pushed him down the stairs because he cracked on to his underage daughter?

Do you really believe he was pushed?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4999
I'm still waiting for those 4000 icu beds/staff Dan promised with that 1.3 billion he allocated. Wonder where that money went?
Maybe he paid that private security firm that he doesn't know who approved or allocated the funds for..
Most politicians are good liars, Dan couldn't even claim to be that...

He can't recall @ElwoodBlues1

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5000
Why did he not submit to a RC.
Why did he hide Cedar meats.
Why did he suddenly have an attack of the "don't recalls".
Why was he called a liar in Federal Parliament by the use of the ADF.
Why didn't he disclose the financials of his hirings of hotel security staff.

He is a born liar.
Didn’t they have any inquiry into the hotel quarantine issues? That was Peta Cretins ‘silver bullet that would bring down the Andrews gov’ yet here we are 🙄
How did he hide cedar meats?
I’d suggest when you’re busy like a Mofo you don’t actually recall everything said and done in meetings and phone calls to the T.
The security firms were on the Federal list of who to use.
VicPol didn’t want the ADF on the ground due to them wanting to be the only dept armed on the ground plus they decided the optics of having armed soldiers would alarm citizens and cause more tension on the ground.

NSW used private security firms too - have you found out who they were and who paid for them?

There were leaks from NSW quarantine too but you wouldn’t know it from the media reporting.

I mean the driver that has spread delta was working for NSW quarantine service with no PPE 🙄 yet we seem to all move past those discretions just fine.

Re the tradies, they disrupted streets for one hour max on a Friday, peacefully protesting.  Personally I think they’re morons but what point is there for Dan or Foley to mention it - I suspect
setka is working hard to get the issue resolved, at least if he has any decency he would be.

Are you in support of those protestors today that have put 10 cops in hospital? Were you there?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5001
I'm still waiting for those 4000 icu beds/staff Dan promised with that 1.3 billion he allocated. Wonder where that money went?
Maybe he paid that private security firm that he doesn't know who approved or allocated the funds for..
Most politicians are good liars, Dan couldn't even claim to be that...
What’s this about and when was it said? What do you think has happened to that money? Do you think he’s put it away for himself or given it to the unions? Legit Question.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5002
Also didn’t it come out the hotel quarantine breach wasn’t security anyway - which was just a ruse my Murdoch and cretin and co to distract and confuse - it was the night duty manager of the hotel which took it home to his family which then spread out.

So if 800 old people in aged care died and 99% of those were in Federal run homes, I don’t understand the logic that Dan killed them. At all. I don’t see how anyone can see that?

So who cares there was security instead of ADF
at VicPol request - they had nothing to do with the spread anyway I don’t believe.

Again how did Slowmo not have the foresight to build proper quarantine facilities at the beginning of a pandemic rather than rely on mid city hotels? Again, this guy walks thru unchallenged much about that.

I do actually thank you both Capcom
And Shawny for answering my question. I am always interested to hear why someone feels a way and how they see it compared to me.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5003
So little time, so many "look over there" comments.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5004
Why did he not submit to a RC.
Why did he hide Cedar meats.
Why did he suddenly have an attack of the "don't recalls".
Why was he called a liar in Federal Parliament by the use of the ADF.
Why didn't he disclose the financials of his hirings of hotel security staff.

He is a born liar.

And don't think for a second I'll defend Berejiklian or Hazzard over the Ruby Princess.  I won't.

As to your first point, were the findings of the Coates Enquiry not to your liking?

As to your third point, he was not called a liar in Federal Parliament: the relevant minister disputed Dan's version of events.  Given the current memory failures of current ministers and the complete breakdown of ministerial responsibility, who knows who is right. The allegation that he was called a liar can be sheeted home to - surprise, surprise - the Murdoch press and Sky News.

I see that you haven't been critical of the role Scomo has played over the last 18 months, so I suppose it is then open for Dan to use the Scomo Defence for the other three points you mention  "I don't hold a hose, mate."

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5005
You've got one short memory.  The liar said he was never offered ADF support.  Records show he was, multiple times.  A VERY senior officer in the Army told the Senate he was.  It was on TV.  Watch it.

But of course it's all Murdoch.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5006
FMD, 120 pregnant women in isolation due to Sars-CoV-2 exposure, I hope like hell it works out for the best!

Think about that 120 number, and the typical COVID statistics!

Get vaccinated, one little baby suffers because of protester antics then as far as I'm concerned all the protesters deserve to be gutted like a fish. I realise some of the protesters do not value children and women, they can always breed a few more eh?

But I value them, and most of us do!

Infants don't get a choice in your selfish protesting ways!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5007

Re the tradies, they disrupted streets for one hour max on a Friday, peacefully protesting.  Personally I think they’re morons but what point is there for Dan or Foley to mention it - I suspect
setka is working hard to get the issue resolved, at least if he has any decency he would be.

Re setka, he has been pretty public during this covid crises, taking out ads on the radio throughout.
His latest ad is telling construction workers to get the jab. He consulted his doctor and he got it and wants everyone else to do the same.

It's a voice of reason from a group that fails to see it. Not sure if it will make a difference, but it certainly can't hurt.

Fwiw, I'm very much anti cfmeu. Protesting having smoke outside is a very union complaint. Someone get those union boys some cement quick smart.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5008
What’s this about and when was it said? What do you think has happened to that money? Do you think he’s put it away for himself or given it to the unions? Legit Question.
Well he isnt giving to I said previously they are leaving the job and most wont be coming back. Underpaid, over worked and Dan
isnt looking after them.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5009
FMD, I'm going to sit in the middle of a road in the Australian midday sun, eating a charred mystery bag of meat substitute cooked in monounsaturated oil simulant and wrapped in bread loaded with preservatives and three dozen synthetic alternatives to food, then lean back and have a smoke next to a guy who hasn't cleaned his teeth today, washed his hands or wiped his ar5e properly since his last on-site cubicle crap sans sink and toilet paper. Then I'll suck down a second Winnie Blue quickly before smoko ends.

At the end of the day drop by my mates for a snort of speed, joint or a slab of VB on the way home, before taking a K to help me get to sleep! Sometimes I do go to the gym on the way home, but I'm fresh out of roids this week and don't want to waste workout!

But feck me if I let those dangerous health workers and medicos stick me with that deadly needle!

Reminds me of the Norbits that keep telling me safety harnesses are dangerous, ............. you know deadly like seatbelts!
The Force Awakens!