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Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3150
The Foreperson of the Georgia Grand Jury was asked if the Grand Jury had recommended indictments against Trump. She said,
“You’re not going to be shocked. It’s not rocket science,” Emily Kohrs told the outlet Tuesday. “You won’t be too surprised.”

“I will tell you that if the judge releases the recommendations, it is not going to be some giant plot twist. You probably have a fair idea of what may be in there. I’m trying very hard to say that delicately.
She said the indictment list is not a short list.

Unusually for Trump, he put himself front and centre by making a threatening call to Raffensberger while telling him to find enough votes to make Georgia a win for him. Making the threats on tape was highly unusual for Trump who usually operates with the circumspection of a Mafia boss who knows the FBI might be eavesdropping. And his efforts to set the dogs on the State officials who were in charge of the election has only hardened their resolve.

Sadly for Trump, the charges will be laid under Georgia’s laws, so Trump won’t be able to pardon himself even if he becomes President again.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3151

Sadly for Trump, the charges will be laid under Georgia’s laws, so Trump won’t be able to pardon himself even if he becomes President again.
As much as this is a most-deserving outcome, I will believe it when I see it.  And even if he is indicted, it will drag on for years until Donald is no longer relevant in GOP circles.  
This is now the longest premiership drought in the history of the Carlton Football Club - more evidence of climate change?

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3152
The funny thing is that Trump could run for President from a jail cell! An independent candidate did exactly that around 100 years ago. The argument is that the Constitution lays down only 3 requirements: he must be 35+, be a natural born American, & must have lived in the US for the last 14 years. There’s no requirement that he be free or without convictions. But Trump would set a new first by being the first candidate of one of the 2 major parties. Yay! Another first for Trump, maybe.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3153
Emily Kohrs is either incredibly stupid or a big Trump fan.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3155
One bad practice match and these non-footy threads goe berserka!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3156
Looks like we might be about to get a picture (front and side view) of Donald courtesy of a Grand Jury indictment ;)

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3160
Trump tried to undercut Stormy Daniels’ claims using his usual defence that she wasn’t his type. He called her “Horse Face”, saying he would never have touched her.

Of course, his MAGA twitter trolls then had their instructions and one had a twitter exchange with Stormy Daniels:
Flamingo: President Trump wouldn’t touch you with a 10ft pole.
Stormy Daniels:  True. He used a 3 inch one.

Game, set and match Ms. Daniels  😂

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3162
How will Trump fare if he’s found to have raped E Jean Carroll by the jury in the civil trial? Assuming Trump doesn’t change his mind about testifying, final addresses will be next.

The smart money would be on Trump losing. E Jean Carroll apparently gave compelling evidence that Trump had manoeuvred her into a cubicle at the Bergdorf Goodman store in New York, pinned her against the wall and raped her. Pretty much immediately afterwards, she complained of it to a couple of her friends but was hesitant to report it to police fearing Trump would make her life hell. Criminal proceedings were time barred but after the Me-Too movement the NY legislature allowed a once-only opportunity for sexual assault victims to sue in the civil courts and she took advantage.

E Jean Carroll is a somebody as she was a long-time agony aunt for Elle magazine and comes across as a chatty, funny lady. Trump’s lawyer apparently conducted the sort of scorched earth cross-examination that could well have alienated the jury. Unfortunately for Trump, his lawyer seems to have spent part of his time attacking her over something that may well be Trump’s motive for raping her. The lawyer tried to exploit her account that she had tried to parry Trump’s dominant behaviour via humour. She said he wanted her to try a slip but she joked with him that it would look better on him and invited him to try it on while draping it over his shoulder. If there’s anything we’ve learnt about Trump’s malignant narcissism, we now know that was unfortunately destined to lead to him becoming enraged and taking revenge.

Trump refused to testify or even be present during the trial but parts of his video deposition were played. He resorted to his usual defence when accused of sexually assaulting women. He claimed E Jean Carroll wasn’t his type. In other words, she was too ugly to rape. In addition, he denied he’d ever met her. He was shown a picture taken at a charity event of Trump talking to a woman. Trump identified the woman as his former wife Marla Maples and he agreed she was definitely his type. Unfortunately for Trump, the woman in the picture was E Jean Carroll who was a looker back in the day.

The knife was twisted by the Plaintiff’s lawyer who played the famous “grab them by the pussy” tape and called a couple of women who had been molested by Trump. One woman had had the misfortune of being seated next to him on a plane and Trump, without making any attempt to talk to her, tried to explore her nether regions and kiss her.

It seems the only thing that could save Trump would be a majority of the jury being MAGA fanatics and the odds of that aren’t great in NY.

So, what happens if he loses? Sure, he’ll appeal and claim he’s the victim of a hoax. But surely he’d be dead politically.  Imagine political ads calling him a proven rapist. He needs more than his MAGA fans in a general election. Kiss goodbye to the votes of suburban women or values-voting independents. He might become a hero for incels and those who love Jordan Pietersen and the Tate brothers, but I suspect he already had their support along with the racists anyway. Growing his vote would be a harder task.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3163
How will Trump fare if he’s found to have raped E Jean Carroll by the jury in the civil trial? Assuming Trump doesn’t change his mind about testifying, final addresses will be next.

The smart money would be on Trump losing. E Jean Carroll apparently gave compelling evidence that Trump had manoeuvred her into a cubicle at the Bergdorf Goodman store in New York, pinned her against the wall and raped her. Pretty much immediately afterwards, she complained of it to a couple of her friends but was hesitant to report it to police fearing Trump would make her life hell. Criminal proceedings were time barred but after the Me-Too movement the NY legislature allowed a once-only opportunity for sexual assault victims to sue in the civil courts and she took advantage.

E Jean Carroll is a somebody as she was a long-time agony aunt for Elle magazine and comes across as a chatty, funny lady. Trump’s lawyer apparently conducted the sort of scorched earth cross-examination that could well have alienated the jury. Unfortunately for Trump, his lawyer seems to have spent part of his time attacking her over something that may well be Trump’s motive for raping her. The lawyer tried to exploit her account that she had tried to parry Trump’s dominant behaviour via humour. She said he wanted her to try a slip but she joked with him that it would look better on him and invited him to try it on while draping it over his shoulder. If there’s anything we’ve learnt about Trump’s malignant narcissism, we now know that was unfortunately destined to lead to him becoming enraged and taking revenge.

Trump refused to testify or even be present during the trial but parts of his video deposition were played. He resorted to his usual defence when accused of sexually assaulting women. He claimed E Jean Carroll wasn’t his type. In other words, she was too ugly to rape. In addition, he denied he’d ever met her. He was shown a picture taken at a charity event of Trump talking to a woman. Trump identified the woman as his former wife Marla Maples and he agreed she was definitely his type. Unfortunately for Trump, the woman in the picture was E Jean Carroll who was a looker back in the day.

The knife was twisted by the Plaintiff’s lawyer who played the famous “grab them by the pussy” tape and called a couple of women who had been molested by Trump. One woman had had the misfortune of being seated next to him on a plane and Trump, without making any attempt to talk to her, tried to explore her nether regions and kiss her.

It seems the only thing that could save Trump would be a majority of the jury being MAGA fanatics and the odds of that aren’t great in NY.

So, what happens if he loses? Sure, he’ll appeal and claim he’s the victim of a hoax. But surely he’d be dead politically.  Imagine political ads calling him a proven rapist. He needs more than his MAGA fans in a general election. Kiss goodbye to the votes of suburban women or values-voting independents. He might become a hero for incels and those who love Jordan Pietersen and the Tate brothers, but I suspect he already had their support along with the racists anyway. Growing his vote would be a harder task.

I think he will survive politically.  He is Teflon Man to his rabid MAGA fans and a conviction in this case or in any of the  cases likely to be brought agains him this year will only entrench the view that he is being persecuted for his attempts to "drain the swamp'.

I believe his hardcore followers number approximately 30 million - not enough to win an election but enough to frighten members of the GOP from standing against him for the party nomination.

I expect him to be nominated as the GOP candidate for the next election and to be defeated decisively once again.


Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #3164
How will Trump fare if he’s found to have raped E Jean Carroll by the jury in the civil trial?
It's fake news to his fans base, they think it is a conspiracy and the news is generated by 5G AI!

I suspect things are going to get worse before they get better.

Trump is clinging to his election hopes as a stalling / get out of jail tactic, he has no interest in the Presidency other than lining his own pocket with either cash or immunity from prosecution.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"