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Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #975
Pretty simple I reckon.
The American people aren't as silly as a lot of us thought.
Hillarys lieing, cheating and the general Clinton corruption over a lot of years has come back to Bite her on the Box.
Simple as that.
I spent most of my money on Women and grog.
The rest I just wasted.


Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #976
The election was not a shock, people need to wake up and stop believing what the media tell you to believe.

Hillary  was never going to beat Trump , Bernie Sanders would have won all those close states she lost.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #977
The election was not a shock, people need to wake up and stop believing what the media tell you to believe.

Hillary  was never going to beat Trump , Bernie Sanders would have won all those close states she lost.

You've been hanging around me too much! :o

Seriously though, the media nuffies(theirs and ours) must be shizening themselves this morning, they just had their perceptions of significance immense self-worth shattered! Their hubris has had an ar5e kicking! You could see it in the faces of the plebs covering the events on TV, it was like they were thinking "How could those stupid voters get it so wrong!"

They are as mind-numbingly ignorant of their errors as Caro!

They'll be after Trump now, the only way they can feel they are right is to make him look bad! Be prepared for the bullsh1t to go to another level!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #978
The election was not a shock, people need to wake up and stop believing what the media tell you to believe.

Hillary  was never going to beat Trump , Bernie Sanders would have won all those close states she lost.

The media is owned and operated by oligarchs and promotes their interests. This will be a challenge for Trump and it will be interesting to see how he meets this. There has been speculation that he would launch his own media empire but I'm not sure how that would work now he is president elect?
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #979
The media is owned and operated by oligarchs and promotes their interests. This will be a challenge for Trump and it will be interesting to see how he meets this. There has been speculation that he would launch his own media empire but I'm not sure how that would work now he is president elect?

If the media owners still had power he wouldn't be President, he has been overtly anti-the-established-media from the start of his campaign. The media thought they could build up their ratings using his sensationalism, then tear him down at the appropriate time, instead as the finish line approached he kicked them in the balls and crossed the line first!

Social media is undermining the influence of the established media and at the moment they are powerless to do anything about it, their revenue streams have shrunk massively. Unless of course they can get control of the likes of Facebook, Google and Twitter.

The Mainstream scoffed at the likes of Michael Moore, among many others, telling them what was happening in the back blocks. They refused to believe that California and Washington would bow down to the Midland states, that Bernie Sanders would have won, and that Trump resonates with the disenchanted everywhere.

I watched The Project last night, the likes of Waleed Aly and Carrie Bickmore pondering how can it be. They think that they speak for Joe Average, that they are part of the mainstream, they don't get that they are viewed as elite! Yet I wonder if they have ever asked, "Do you know who I am?" This sort of incredible foolishness is rife through the media, people that think they are one with the crew in the front bar!

The local equivalents of Michael Moore have been warning for some time that if our current parliament and media don't get their sh1te in order we will see the very same result next election, with the far right parties like Family First and The Hanson United Australia Party being the beneficiaries.

I find it ironic that the likes of Bolt are painting this as a result of the Left's arrogance, while the Left commentary claims it's the rise of the Extremist Right. Of course they are both to blame, as will be the case here in Australia, because they have become so similar and so disconnected from Joe Average, especially in the way they pander to minorities.
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #980

Agree with most of that post LP. Elitist trendy so-called intellectuals seem way out of touch with the average Joe and, like the mainstream media, seem largely unaware or uncaring of the social damage caused by the globalist agenda. The alternative media is certainly on the rise as a result and I don't think this has gone unnoticed by Trump! Nevertheless I still think he has his work cut out - some of the commentary is still very scathing of him - but we are definitely in for some interesting times.

PS. I'm not really always a fan of Mike Moore but he got this one dead right.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #981
Who exactly is assassinating him? Not sure Democrats are pro
Gun and violence - that's Republican voters.

As someone said, he'll just be the loud mouthed figure head just like George W - others will be in charge.

Gee Pauline Hansen is thrilled. Say no more  :o

Pauline being thrilled is of little consequence, but Vladimir Putin being delighted is a whole other worry.  Don't think I'd like to be living in any of the Baltic states for the next few years......
This is now the longest premiership drought in the history of the Carlton Football Club - more evidence of climate change?

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #982
Pauline being thrilled is of little consequence, but Vladimir Putin being delighted is a whole other worry.  Don't think I'd like to be living in any of the Baltic states for the next few years......

I'd think the Black Sea states will have a bigger issue given the previous blockades of the Dardanelles and Bosphorous!
"Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck ....... Ruck, ruck, ruck, ruck"

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #983
Pauline being thrilled is of little consequence, but Vladimir Putin being delighted is a whole other worry.  Don't think I'd like to be living in any of the Baltic states for the next few years......
Imagine the two morons getting together and hitting the turps. Anything could happen I reckon.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #984
I'd think the Black Sea states will have a bigger issue given the previous blockades of the Dardanelles and Bosphorous!

The whole Caucasus/Central Asian area has been and will be a key strategic area of conflict and one that the US has been very keen to control and influence - oil, gas, pipelines and geographically strategic. Be interesting to see how that plays out now between Trump and Putin.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #985
If the media owners still had power he wouldn't be President, he has been overtly anti-the-established-media from the start of his campaign. The media thought they could build up their ratings using his sensationalism, then tear him down at the appropriate time, instead as the finish line approached he kicked them in the balls and crossed the line first!

Social media is undermining the influence of the established media and at the moment they are powerless to do anything about it, their revenue streams have shrunk massively. Unless of course they can get control of the likes of Facebook, Google and Twitter.

The Mainstream scoffed at the likes of Michael Moore, among many others, telling them what was happening in the back blocks. They refused to believe that California and Washington would bow down to the Midland states, that Bernie Sanders would have won, and that Trump resonates with the disenchanted everywhere.

I watched The Project last night, the likes of Waleed Aly and Carrie Bickmore pondering how can it be. They think that they speak for Joe Average, that they are part of the mainstream, they don't get that they are viewed as elite! Yet I wonder if they have ever asked, "Do you know who I am?" This sort of incredible foolishness is rife through the media, people that think they are one with the crew in the front bar!

The local equivalents of Michael Moore have been warning for some time that if our current parliament and media don't get their sh1te in order we will see the very same result next election, with the far right parties like Family First and The Hanson United Australia Party being the beneficiaries.

I find it ironic that the likes of Bolt are painting this as a result of the Left's arrogance, while the Left commentary claims it's the rise of the Extremist Right. Of course they are both to blame, as will be the case here in Australia, because they have become so similar and so disconnected from Joe Average, especially in the way they pander to minorities.
I am surprised a person as clever as you would watch that garbage The Project  .Mr Aly thinks he speaks for all of Australia,not me sorry ,havent watched it since he has been on   

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #986
I watched The Project last night, the likes of Waleed Aly and Carrie Bickmore pondering how can it be. They think that they speak for Joe Average, that they are part of the mainstream, they don't get that they are viewed as elite! Yet I wonder if they have ever asked, "Do you know who I am?" This sort of incredible foolishness is rife through the media, people that think they are one with the crew in the front bar!


I don't watch the show, but Aly doesn't strike me as the "I think I speak for all Australians" type. He takes a position based on some sort of logic and intelligence, which is much better than the Bolts and Alan Jones' of this world. I would imagine he would, like most of those in the media, speak mainly for himself, expecting others who share his ideals and thought processes to come along for the ride. Unlike the right wing shock jocks, he does at least make some attempt to appeal to our better side. Whether or not "all Australians" agree with him is frankly irrelevant.

Quite apart from any of this, there's no such group as "all Australians".

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #987
The whole Caucasus/Central Asian area has been and will be a key strategic area of conflict and one that the US has been very keen to control and influence - oil, gas, pipelines and geographically strategic. Be interesting to see how that plays out now between Trump and Putin.

I expect newly ordained Russian citizen Steven Seagal will be the middle man in US/Russian negotiations...both VladP and the pony tailed one are very happy with Trump winning... :-X

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #988
I don't watch the show, but Aly doesn't strike me as the "I think I speak for all Australians" type. He takes a position based on some sort of logic and intelligence, which is much better than the Bolts and Alan Jones' of this world. I would imagine he would, like most of those in the media, speak mainly for himself, expecting others who share his ideals and thought processes to come along for the ride. Unlike the right wing shock jocks, he does at least make some attempt to appeal to our better side. Whether or not "all Australians" agree with him is frankly irrelevant.

Quite apart from any of this, there's no such group as "all Australians".

Same here.  I've read some of Aly's work and it does show logic and intelligence that's sadly lacking in the pronouncements of most Aussie media personalities and politicians.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #989
The riots & protests have already started !!!
"The Other Teams Can Rot In Hell"