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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #255
Yep, all good points LP. There's no guarantees in any aspect of life, but giving yourself the best chance of living healthy and getting through this starts well before this or any other virus. It's amazing how basic it all is, and it's amazing how so few people actually do it -good diet, regular exercise, good sleep, keep stress to a minimum. The last one is tricky and certainly not easy, but there's no excuse for not doing the first three.
Around the area I work all the hospitals are asking their staff to participate in gentle fitness sessions, they are basically being taken for power-walks under the guidance of trainers to de-stress and get some fresh air. The fitness benefit would seem low, but the mental health benefit must be immeasurable.

The mental health issues are severe. This morning I noticed a receptionist running outside to cough, not because she has any real symptoms, but because she feels so socially pressured by the situation and the way people are reacting. It's unhealthy and a direct result of the hysteria.

I thought a huge tell on the hoarding was that the most severe hoarding is coming from the cheap shops, Coles / Woolies / Aldi, etc., etc.. Apparently the NQR near our home was lucky to be left with the shelving! My local area Woolies is gutted like a fish, but the IGA, butcher, greengrocer and fancy Provedore can't sell a crumb! The Provedore is over-loaded in loose pasta that you can buy by the scoop and nobody wants it, not because they are scared of the scoop, but because it costs twice as much. That shows you how little the hoarders need what they are hoarding!
The Force Awakens!


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #256
The mental health issues are severe. This morning I noticed a receptionist running outside to cough, not because she has any real symptoms, but because she feels so socially pressured by the situation and the way people are reacting. It's unhealthy and a direct result of the hysteria.

Speaking of all this social pressure...
My youngest had a sniffle the other day, so i had to stay home from work because if i sent him in, i'd get a call to come get him because he might have Corona.

That night i started getting a sore throat, by morning i had it in the ears as well. So i told the boss that i wouldn't be coming in.
Same thing for today....he said just stay home until i'm better.

If it wasn't for all this panic, i would've gone into work and not even mentioned it.

Now, tomorrow is my brothers wedding. He has had to ring guests and tell him they are no longer allowed to come because the number of people has to be under 100....including staff. That is such a sucky thing to have to do.
If i turn up and people find out i'm sick, then there will be plenty of disapproving looks.
If i don't turn up, i'll forever hear about it...not from my brother, but the extended family.

Social pressure is making me want to miss my brothers wedding!

How would you guys feel if you were in my position?
How would you guys feel if you were another guest at the wedding?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #257
Interesting reading LP. It's a massive problem that as a planet, we are now fatter than ever, and that as a country, we are the fattest of the fat. If I ran the show, there would definitely be health assessments for all workers, and mandatory fitness sessions every working day. The benefits are immeasurable, not just to the individual, but to the country as a whole.

And yes, the hoarding is totally unnecessary.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #258
Speaking of all this social pressure...
My youngest had a sniffle the other day, so i had to stay home from work because if i sent him in, i'd get a call to come get him because he might have Corona.

That night i started getting a sore throat, by morning i had it in the ears as well. So i told the boss that i wouldn't be coming in.
Same thing for today....he said just stay home until i'm better.

If it wasn't for all this panic, i would've gone into work and not even mentioned it.

Now, tomorrow is my brothers wedding. He has had to ring guests and tell him they are no longer allowed to come because the number of people has to be under 100....including staff. That is such a sucky thing to have to do.
If i turn up and people find out i'm sick, then there will be plenty of disapproving looks.
If i don't turn up, i'll forever hear about it...not from my brother, but the extended family.

Social pressure is making me want to miss my brothers wedding!

How would you guys feel if you were in my position?
How would you guys feel if you were another guest at the wedding?

I would have cancelled the wedding, my son has got engaged and we were due a engagement party in 2 weeks......but they cancelled the event. Didnt want to pick and choose who comes or risk older attendees, my wifes stupid relo's in NSW are having a wedding function today and seem oblivious to the crisis, one is a nurse who organised the wedding..go figure.
My English relatives sent me pictures with them partying at the local pub this week, not a care in the world...

A lot of people we know have the sore throat, blocked/pressure sinus/ears, headaches etc and are just staying home to recover

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #259
Social pressure is making me want to miss my brothers wedding!

How would you guys feel if you were in my position?
How would you guys feel if you were another guest at the wedding?
Yes, it's a no win, sorry to hear you're stuck in that situation.

Perhaps the kindest thing is for the venue to cancel, then nobody gets the blame except and commercial entity. Unfair on everybody, but maybe the only human solution. A technicality if you will, not somebodies fault.

What value a wedding where the photos are full of people wearing masks, because you know there will be some there wearing a mask, and there is a risk that won't be a happy memory but a memorial!

By the end of the Flu season, a lot of this will be sorted out, but that's August / Sept.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #260
Today a local business near my work folded, not because they weren't doing enough trade, but because some employees came back from an OS holiday and went straight to work refusing to self-isolate. The word got out, leaked by another employee who wasn't happy about having to share a space, and the business basically went bust overnight for not forcing returning staff to self-isolate.

 Maybe the managers just had some pity, the wrong pity because it has cost them dearly, because the right pity is doing the right thing by the greater community, health and emergency services workers, not the individual employees.

btw., The whistle-blower was sacked, nobody in officialdom stood up for them, talk about sending mixed messages! Anyway now they said they would feel unwelcome there anyway, that is the social pressure at work again! Thank-you News Ltd!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #261
Speaking of all this social pressure...
My youngest had a sniffle the other day, so i had to stay home from work because if i sent him in, i'd get a call to come get him because he might have Corona.

That night i started getting a sore throat, by morning i had it in the ears as well. So i told the boss that i wouldn't be coming in.
Same thing for today....he said just stay home until i'm better.

If it wasn't for all this panic, i would've gone into work and not even mentioned it.

Now, tomorrow is my brothers wedding. He has had to ring guests and tell him they are no longer allowed to come because the number of people has to be under 100....including staff. That is such a sucky thing to have to do.
If i turn up and people find out i'm sick, then there will be plenty of disapproving looks.
If i don't turn up, i'll forever hear about it...not from my brother, but the extended family.

Social pressure is making me want to miss my brothers wedding!

How would you guys feel if you were in my position?
How would you guys feel if you were another guest at the wedding?

Depends how paranoid you are.  The number of cases with unknown sources is already climbing, so it's out in the general public already.  Asymptomatic transmission is almost certainly days before anyone knows they've got it.  If your brothers wedding was in 1-2 weeks time it would be outright cancelled.

I have the ability to work from home so am doing so, and took my kids out of school because I could do so.  I go out when I need to, and try to avoid busy times, and take precautions.  A mate I haven't seen for a few years was going to come down next weekend, and yesterday I said we'd cancel it for now.   I was particularly looking fwd to catching up with him too.  He thinks I'm mad.

My feeling on the whole thing - not everyone can do what I am able to do - but those who can - should.  The less people get sick at once the better the chances for those who do get sick and need hospital care.  It's the sudden rush of cases and overload on the health system that will do the most damage in terms of lives lost.

I hope I'm just being paranoid.


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #262
Tragic, they all sound like good, sensible precautions.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #263
Just an FYI guys.

I have taken a more inactive stance of late.  A bit of intolerance of each others opinion fuelling it and simply put, Id much rather keep my sanity than involve myself in some pi55ing contest online that means nought in the greater scheme of things.

Word coming through from work (at a Victorian Hospital), is that the really difficult time for Coronavirus will begin shortly (based on data analytics used to look at number of patients presenting and screening) and that they are forecasting that our ICU beds will reach capacity around the 7th of April.

I thought it my duty to give everyone a little bit of a heads up to remain safe, and err on the side of caution.

The numbers are showing that they are starting to trend upwards at a pretty quick rate (doubling in terms of number of presentations) since the 7th of March, n

Thank you, 3 Leos. That's consistent with the info I'm getting as well. By the time the numbers of those requiring hospitalisation have peaked we should have most things in place. I guess we'll know soon enough if the info pointing to this being the 1st/2nd weeks of April is correct.

Sorry that you're not as active these days. Your contributions, though maybe not always agreed with, are always valued and good food for thought.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #264
Speaking of all this social pressure...
My youngest had a sniffle the other day, so i had to stay home from work because if i sent him in, i'd get a call to come get him because he might have Corona.

That night i started getting a sore throat, by morning i had it in the ears as well. So i told the boss that i wouldn't be coming in.
Same thing for today....he said just stay home until i'm better.

If it wasn't for all this panic, i would've gone into work and not even mentioned it.

Now, tomorrow is my brothers wedding. He has had to ring guests and tell him they are no longer allowed to come because the number of people has to be under 100....including staff. That is such a sucky thing to have to do.
If i turn up and people find out i'm sick, then there will be plenty of disapproving looks.
If i don't turn up, i'll forever hear about it...not from my brother, but the extended family.

Social pressure is making me want to miss my brothers wedding!

How would you guys feel if you were in my position?
How would you guys feel if you were another guest at the wedding?

Krud, You should go to hospital and have the test.
I spent most of my money on Women and grog.
The rest I just wasted.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #265
Krud, You should go to hospital and have the test.
From what I hear they won't test you unless you are classified as high risk (recently returned from overseas or known direct contact with a confirmed case, and showing symptoms beyond a normal cold such as shortness of breath, high fever)

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #266
Krud, You should go to hospital and have the test.

From what i read, it takes days to get the results. An option i looked at, but not going to help.

As for the venue should cancel....
Every other event that was held there has cancelled on them and they are very keen for it to go ahead because they want some money coming in. They think we are doing them a favour by continuing with it.

As for how paranoid i am? Not very.
I'd happily go through 'flu like symptons and risk of death' that the corona virus brings with it to go to the wedding.
If i was to pass it on to a family member who was less fit and healthy and worst case scenario, caused/contributed to their death? How can i live with that?

Is it on those people to not attend??

Again, i don't think i have corona, but I can't be sure.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #267
From what I hear they won't test you unless you are classified as high risk (recently returned from overseas or known direct contact with a confirmed case, and showing symptoms beyond a normal cold such as shortness of breath, high fever)

or if you're a celebrity.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #268
From what i read, it takes days to get the results. An option i looked at, but not going to help.
This is 100% correct, 4 ~ 5 days is the median test lead-time. In most cases people are recovering before they get a test result. In that case the test only serves as an confirmation to self-isolate, something we should probably already do.

I'm not sure what the right answer is.

Dutton being released just a couple of days after diagnosis is a prime example of this and he would have been treated with a priority, if it's serious most people are likely to be unwell long before any test results arrive.

If you have to go into hospital they'll test you, if you don't they won't, if you don't need to go into hospital you should probably stay away from as according to WHO reports being in there puts you at greater risk of getting the virus. But this is of course based on all hospitals globally which means widely varying standards of management and response.

Stay safe, be vigilant of your health, and conscious about the health of those around you.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #269

I'm going to a wedding soon - do you like the new suit I've chosen?
Reality always wins in the end.