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Topic: CV and mad panic behaviour (Read 524923 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3900
The Foo Fighters have just performed a concert and insisted on entry to Vaccinated fans only...Dave Grohl copping some flak from a few other muso's for discriminating against the non vaccinated. I guess thats his right though if he considers he is protecting his band, crew and fan base.
As much as I understand the sentiment, I can't see how this can possibly be policed, it just sets up everyone for a plethora of fake vaccination certificates to deal with, etc., etc...
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3901
As much as I understand the sentiment, I can't see how this can possibly be policed, it just sets up everyone for a plethora of fake vaccination certificates to deal with, etc., etc...
Was thinking the same, how do you check everyone and know their vacc credentials are valid.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3902
Are there any anti vaxxers here?
Literally no one identifies as an anti-vaxxer.

I flicked between radio stations on the night before the Victorian lockdown searching for news about the outbreak. I had the misfortune to land on 3AW in time to hear a talkback caller blaming vaccines for all the deaths in the UK and claiming the “inventor” of the RNA vaccines had said they were unsafe to use prior to 3 or 4 years of clinical trials. The host shut him down, saying something to the effect of, ”Surely you’re not arguing against vaccines - they’re the only way out of this pandemic”. There was a pregnant pause and then the caller said, “I’m not an anti-vaxxer - I’m pro-choice!”

Anti-vaxxers have learnt from the right-wing playbook. Never admit what you’re against: always say you’re pro something that sounds nice. Don’t say you’re against Blacks voting - say you’re in favour of measures to stop electoral fraud. Don’t say you’re against restricting gun sales to dangerous people - say you’re in favour of gun rights or the 2nd Amendment.

Unfortunately, left-wingers tend to like being controversial and provocative. For example, whoever invented the slogan “Defund the Police!” should be shot. Few if any people were proposing this. Instead the proposal was to increase the amount spent on crime prevention, for instance by addressing mental illness rather than police with little experience in that area shooting people in the grips of psychosis. But you’d have to think the slogan took off because they wanted to piss off the police.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3903
Look up Lori Lightfoot, mayor of Chicago.  Frightening anti white racist.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3904
It's a funny thing, in many of the debates it's ultimately the truth that becomes the real victim.

Modern media is pretty weak at demanding accountability, the problem being that profit is mostly driven by the misnomer that all opinions are equal. It's the false equivalence issue raising it's head again!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3905
It's a funny thing, in many of the debates it's ultimately the truth that becomes the real victim.

Modern media is pretty weak at demanding accountability, the problem being that profit is mostly driven by the misnomer that all opinions are equal. It's the false equivalence issue raising it's head again!

Ignore the main-stream media and you'll be uninformed. Watch/listen/read the main-stream media and you'll be misinformed. Take the time to go to credible, objective sources.

Main-stream media summary: sensationalize, polarize, exaggerate, lie, divide, create fear = clicks. Clicks=loot. Loot = another yacht for owner along with power to influence media to be more sensational, polarizing, exaggerating, dishonest, divisive and fear mongering. The end.

Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3906
110 new locally acquired cases to 10pm last night in NSW. Gladys is doing a great job at maintaining the rate of around 700 new locally acquired cases per week. An applaudable consistency.

The University of Melbourne modelling team that has guided Victorian Government responses to COVID outbreaks has crunched the NSW numbers:
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3907
Unfortunately, left-wingers tend to like being controversial and provocative. For example, whoever invented the slogan “Defund the Police!” should be shot. Few if any people were proposing this.

Since you brought it up, where was the left-wing in shouting this down at the time? Plenty have walked back on their statements post that time but there were not many front and centre when it was going on.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3908
Look up Lori Lightfoot, mayor of Chicago.  Frightening anti white racist.

Another creation from the left led entitlement factory. This is a key responsibility that the left is yet to acknowledge and more importantly act upon. If we are to focus on the right-wing nuts then I don't see why the left does not also clean house.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3909
There's nothing I could find on the internet about any racist issues with Lori Lightfoot. That business about banning white journos from the 2 year anniversary press conference sounds like a strange political stunt that went awry, and more likely an attempt to distract her disgruntled supporter base from what appears to be a lack of action on issues if import. The white journos have had access to every other opportunity to ask questions. Sounds like a beat up to me.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3910
Since you brought it up, where was the left-wing in shouting this down at the time? Plenty have walked back on their statements post that time but there were not many front and centre when it was going on.
Disagree. Biden disowned it point-blank. And most just treated it as hyperbolic while explaining that they wanted more funding for crime prevention. By comparison, Republicans regularly refused to comment on the regular outrages committed by leader of the GOP, Trump, and his merryband of QAnon insurrectionists,

My problem with the slogan was that it didn’t even mean what it seemed to say. No one was seriously suggesting there would be no police, and the left needn’t take responsibility for anarchists who did. All it did was to give right wingers the chance to engage in their favourite sport: saying the left wingers would rape your kids and kill you where you stand.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3911
It isn't.  But think what you like.  I don't care @PaulP

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3912
Literally no one identifies as an anti-vaxxer.

I flicked between radio stations on the night before the Victorian lockdown searching for news about the outbreak. I had the misfortune to land on 3AW in time to hear a talkback caller blaming vaccines for all the deaths in the UK and claiming the “inventor” of the RNA vaccines had said they were unsafe to use prior to 3 or 4 years of clinical trials. The host shut him down, saying something to the effect of, ”Surely you’re not arguing against vaccines - they’re the only way out of this pandemic”. There was a pregnant pause and then the caller said, “I’m not an anti-vaxxer - I’m pro-choice!”

Anti-vaxxers have learnt from the right-wing playbook. Never admit what you’re against: always say you’re pro something that sounds nice. Don’t say you’re against Blacks voting - say you’re in favour of measures to stop electoral fraud. Don’t say you’re against restricting gun sales to dangerous people - say you’re in favour of gun rights or the 2nd Amendment.

Unfortunately, left-wingers tend to like being controversial and provocative. For example, whoever invented the slogan “Defund the Police!” should be shot. Few if any people were proposing this. Instead the proposal was to increase the amount spent on crime prevention, for instance by addressing mental illness rather than police with little experience in that area shooting people in the grips of psychosis. But you’d have to think the slogan took off because they wanted to piss off the police.

Thats one way to silence all opposing thought by discrediting the person before they have spoken.

If people don't want a vaccine their entitled to not get one.
At worst its natural selection at work, at best it will prove the vaccine effectiveness vs not getting one.

IMHO, this is a failing of left wingers.  They paint everyone as wrong and them as right.

The Greeks had the right idea.  An enlightened mind will entertain an idea without accepting it and opposition thought should always be encouraged to validate your thoughts.  After all, an idea is only proven correct or incorrect if challenged.  Anything else is propaganda.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3913
Thats one way to silence all opposing thought by discrediting the person before they have spoken.

If people don't want a vaccine their entitled to not get one.
At worst its natural selection at work, at best it will prove the vaccine effectiveness vs not getting one.
Possibly Thry, but they should pay a penalty for not doing their part for the common good; no welfare payments, no air travel, no attending public gatherings, sporting events, live music, etc.

IMHO, this is a failing of left wingers.  They paint everyone as wrong and them as right.
Isn't that what fundamentalists of most persuasions do?  It's a failing to single out any group, faction, society or population for perceived faults.

The Greeks had the right idea.  An enlightened mind will entertain an idea without accepting it and opposition thought should always be encouraged to validate your thoughts.  After all, an idea is only proven correct or incorrect if challenged.  Anything else is propaganda.
It's all well and good to encourage free-thinking, but we're not talking about ideas.  It's scientific method vs conjecture.

“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3914
So right wingers don’t paint everyone else as wrong  :-*  :-*

Here’s a tip: don’t watch FoxNews or SkyNews or listen to Alan Jones and his ilk.

The problem with your ode to libertarianism is that anti-vaxxers are pushing propaganda and misinformation rather than trying to contribute to debate. And vaccine refusal risks the health of the rest of the population. By all means, if someone wants to smoke cigarettes, let them. But if they want to smoke in restaurants or the like then there are clashing individual freedoms, the right to smoke vs. the right to avoid 2nd-hand smoke.

You argued a while back that we should let Covid rip after those that wanted a vaccine had been vaccinated. Underpinning your argument was the idea that the vaccinated would then be safe. But we’ve all been debating the significance of breakthrough infections for the last few days: they do occur, so the unvaccinated do endanger the vaccinated. And the more the unvaccinated are infected, the greater the risk that there’ll be mutations that beat the vaccine.

Just get the damn jab.