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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3240
I want to be protected from other people. That’s the idea behind drink-driving laws and many other types of laws. If someone wants to commit suicide in their own home, so be it. No point outlawing suicide. But if someone thinks they have the right to endanger everyone else, their claim to individual freedom is BS. In a decent society, people should be willing to rally together for the common good. If they won’t, that’s when laws are required.

Yes, I agree.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3243
Nature Coronapod - Long COVID

Nice 10min plain language listen, not to much jargon and what jargon they use they explain. No hard data but that is not the point of this podcast, it's basically there to cut through the political, corporate and social media spin.

There are a lot of other Podcasts on the Nature Podcast page,
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3244
On the current AZ debacle, the bureaucrats are wasting millions of 1st doses, lots of people won't go back for a 2nd dose, why?

Interestingly I had an associate in the related chemical industry tell me this sort of change to the recommendations was coming weeks ago, not because of health issues, but apparently there are big glitches in our vaccine supply and manufacturing chain with huge numbers of doses being wasted, in some cases whole batches counting in the millions have been scraped. She said the bureaucrats were going to manipulate the rules to control demand.

Watch what happens, they'll either tell you that you can have any vaccine as the 2nd dose, or they will change the recommendations yet again! If my associate is correct it's all about the supply chain, the Feds do not want to look like they don't know what they are doing!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3245
People wont go back for a 2nd dose of AstraZ because its dodgy. My wife's relations in Ontario rang for her birthday and said no one wants or trusts the Astraz and only want the Moderna and Pfizer. In fact I think it may have been canned already in Ontario and Calgary plus results using the other vaccines for the 2nd dose have proved more effective than the AstraZ. Governments around the world should stop using it and admit the public don't trust this vaccine and no amount of spin from celebs in ads or Government officials is going to sway perception. You won't get a decent take up until people are offered a choice.


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3246
On the current AZ debacle, the bureaucrats are wasting millions of 1st doses, lots of people won't go back for a 2nd dose, why?

Interestingly I had an associate in the related chemical industry tell me this sort of change to the recommendations was coming weeks ago, not because of health issues, but apparently there are big glitches in our vaccine supply and manufacturing chain with huge numbers of doses being wasted, in some cases whole batches counting in the millions have been scraped. She said the bureaucrats were going to manipulate the rules to control demand.

Watch what happens, they'll either tell you that you can have any vaccine as the 2nd dose, or they will change the recommendations yet again! If my associate is correct it's all about the supply chain, the Feds do not want to look like they don't know what they are doing!

Pot meet kettle.

Tin foil hat theory.

It lives in the same area as the pandemic is a control mechanism and doesn't actually exist.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3247
And yet the government did mandate restrictions. All to protect me. No one else. Amazing I have that much pull, eh?

Sure they did and each time they do they lose more public trust.

Communist China sounds more your cup of tea mav.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3248
Or maybe life under Dictator Boris would be better. Imagine, 4 months of restrictions ...

But surely everyone saw what was hiding in plain sight with that name. Those Russians have taken over the Tory party in the UK just as they took over the GOP in the US! God those commies are sneaky! But I guess we can’t believe our lyin eyes as your brother says that this is all fake news.

Now Gladys has been dragged kicking and screaming into a mask mandate and maybe more to come. But then again her surname sounds like it would have fitted into the former Soviet bloc, so maybe this was always about a commie infiltration.

Love you hard right types. Your freedoms trump everyone else’s. You can do whatever you want while others can only do what doesn’t interfere with you or deviate from what you think they should be doing.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3249
Combating the long term effects of COVID:

I can’t wait to get my second AstraZeneca jab!
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3250
Combating the long term effects of COVID:

I can’t wait to get my second AstraZeneca jab!

Mine is next week.  I'm happy to go ahead with it.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3251
Or maybe life under Dictator Boris would be better. Imagine, 4 months of restrictions ...

But surely everyone saw what was hiding in plain sight with that name. Those Russians have taken over the Tory party in the UK just as they took over the GOP in the US! God those commies are sneaky! But I guess we can’t believe our lyin eyes as your brother says that this is all fake news.

Now Gladys has been dragged kicking and screaming into a mask mandate and maybe more to come. But then again her surname sounds like it would have fitted into the former Soviet bloc, so maybe this was always about a commie infiltration.

Love you hard right types. Your freedoms trump everyone else’s. You can do whatever you want while others can only do what doesn’t interfere with you or deviate from what you think they should be doing.

Hard right...

We don't need to imagine 4 months of restrictions.  We actually lived it.

I am advocating that people be left to their civil freedoms.

You are advocating infringing on others.  Which ones the fascist??

Ill give you a clue, it aint me.  You are welcome to lock yourself up, but if the vaccine works as well as everyone says it does, once you are vaccinated, you should be an advocate of letting it rip.  If not, you are just controlling others.  Right?

Looks like someone has identified a trait in themselves they dislike and like to attack in others if you ask me.  I am giving you the freedom to lock down just dont mandate everyone do as you do.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3252
Wow, I’ve gone from Communist to Fascist in the space of 1 tweet. I’m waiting with bated breath for the next tweet but I fear you’ve gone too hard too early. You should have left a little ammunition in reserve ...

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #3254
For people already infected it's unlikely for any vaccine or antibody therapy to work well, it takes weeks for full immunity to build. It's a bit of a moon shot!

I've read some people on social media comparing this antibody therapy to fecal transplants, but that is very wrong. A fecal transplant introduces good bacteria to compete with and displace bad bacteria. It's a war in your gut not in your blood stream, and you probably have this happen dozens of time per year whenever you ingest some raw food.

Foreign antibodies introduced to your blood stream are not a normal occurrence.

For me that report just proves how important it is to be vaccinated before you get a Sars-Cov-2 infection.

Personally, without having any expertise, I think antibody therapies are far far riskier than the vaccines. Vaccines cause your own body to make it's own antibodies, antibody therapy introduces a foreign or synthetic antibody. There is a possibility when introducing a foreign antibody that someone's immune system will react strongly.

Making your own antibodies is a normal everyday occurrence, from pretty much any infection based illness.

Phage therapy is very popular in the Soviet block, it's closer to antibody therapy, but when it goes wrong it's seriously devastating.
The Force Awakens!