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Topic: CV and mad panic behaviour (Read 525394 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6075
No just didn't need to ostracise everyone and force people who were hesitant into getting vaccinated of fear of being a social outcast.

Look at Liam Jones as an example.  Not even a pre season complete and its going to be irrelevant whether he got vaccinated or not but he's had to retire, leave us with a gaping hole in defense and he's missing out on 400k etdtimated at minimum.

No one has been victorious in that scenario.

Keep in mind im double vaxxed and im going for my booster Jan 6th.

Why?  I work in a hospital and my risk profile is different to average Joe.

The measures, fine.  The vaccines fine.  The vaccine mandate and draconian response?  Not fine.  No where near fine. A massive issue, and one that has guaranteed that if there is another vaccine required a bigger portion are going to skip it irrespective of vaccine mandates. 

The noise in the city is growing larger not smaller.

You guys are too arrogant thinking you know better.

Do you really believe that if a further vaccine shot is required the removal of mandates will result in fewer people skipping their jab than if mandates are retained?  If so, where is the proof either in Australia or worldwide?

Unlike you, I do not believe that people who hold views different from mine are either arrogant or know better.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6076
Israel have locked their international borders with only one case of the new variant, I think now we have to presume that any new arrival from another country is a potentially carrying the new strain whether they have been anywhere near Africa or not.
Not enough information at this stage to panic but just be more careful...our old friend Dr/Nurse John Campbell gave his latest analysis....

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6077
Get you ar$e into gear Morrison.  NO MORE inbound flights that pick up South African passengers.  You Duckhead !!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6078
No, he’ll just dither around until the states take the bull by the horns and then talk about “keeping people safe” and complain about the economic damage the states are doing and then at the next election he’ll go back to talking about keeping people safe again…
Let’s go BIG !

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6079
Get you ar$e into gear Morrison.  NO MORE inbound flights that pick up South African passengers.  You Duckhead !!!
It's probably too late, it's already in at least a dozen countries outside of Africa, some of which we have an already established travel bubble like Singapore, in any case it looks like stopping travel either domestic or international doesn't really help much. It may change the when and even that is debatable, but it has no effect on the if!

There are already cases popping up in regions that have zero direct contact with Sth Africa, that means it was already circulating weeks ago as globally they only test a small percentage of cases!

The biggest influence you can have is social distancing, mask use and limiting gatherings. But if there is no public will to adhere to these guidelines then that is a massive problem, because it's just a paper trail and has little meaning.

It's interesting to observe, I have 1st hand contact with several dissenting objectors, they object to the masks, they object to the vaccines, they don't believe COVID is serious and object to the restrictions. But both got vaccinated and wore masks when COVID got close to home! Both stopped breaking the rules. The irony is this, the minute they were in the clear they went back to objecting, they can't help it, it is what they do, they are slaves to the conspiracy meme!

If you think the proposed laws were draconian, you might be seeing a whole new level in coming weeks and months simply because people won't adhere, and the money is running out!

I feel sorry for the health workers, they are the road kill resulting from the wilful disobedience.

I notice today there is a proposal to raise the Medicare levies for unvaccinated, what use is that if most of the wilful dissenters are already on welfare? The politicians have no idea what to do, all they can do is make new laws on pieces of paper, they seem unable to follow the science!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6080
Just look at the vaccination rates in these African countries!!! ... few higher than 22%

Pretty effin' obvious.  Shoot, I'm angry.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6081
Just look at the vaccination rates in these African countries!!! ... few higher than 22%

Pretty effin' obvious.  Shoot, I'm angry.
Have you had your booster, that would make 3 shots for you, most in Africa have 0?

It's not always about wilful dissent, sometimes it is about lack of opportunity. Pfizer, AZ, J&J, Moderna, Novavax, etc., etc., have all come out overnight making a joint statement and asked people to obey the rules, because they know that if the public can't behave in a manner that slows transmission the cause is lost. Those companies need the Western society to behave itself, so that they can direct the resources to the 3rd world. Instead we march!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6082
That's no reason to allow any of them to fly, not when their destination is Australia.  Ban them and the airlines that carry them.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6083

It's interesting to observe, I have 1st hand contact with several dissenting objectors, they object to the masks, they object to the vaccines, they don't believe COVID is serious and object to the restrictions. But both got vaccinated and wore masks when COVID got close to home! Both stopped breaking the rules. The irony is this, the minute they were in the clear they went back to objecting, they can't help it, it is what they do, they are slaves to the conspiracy meme!

Never underestimate the power of human denial. Ignore-ance.

In my line of work we often come across a similar dynamic... eventually. Plenty of people (sadly, mostly males) who, when confronted with strong mental health issues/symptoms, do nothing. Why? Because, "If I don't see a shrink and I don't take medication, then I haven't got xyz." Yep, very real. How many blokes ignore enlarged prostate symptoms? Fear... and fear breeds ignorance.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6084
@ Baggers
Denial is also a powerful driver Baggers. If something doesn't fit with a person's deeply held beliefs or is an inconvenient truth then denial can come into play, often for otherwise quite intelligent individuals.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6085
Do you really believe that if a further vaccine shot is required the removal of mandates will result in fewer people skipping their jab than if mandates are retained?  If so, where is the proof either in Australia or worldwide?

I believe that when you make someone do something, anything that they are not sure about, their first inclination is to say, no.

I believe that these same people would suffer from FOMO, and that they would eventually roll up their sleeves and give in without a mandate because rightly or wrongly the virus is here to stay.

In essence, we drove a lot of people who would have gotten their vaccine away from making this decision, and simply recruited a bunch that got vaccinated reluctantly and as a future consequence, will likely end up with fewer protected when the time comes to roll up your sleeve again.

Unlike you, I do not believe that people who hold views different from mine are either arrogant or know better.

I entertain all ideas before I accept them.  Perhaps I am guilty of being ignorant to the large swathes of people out there, and that mandating was the best way to get it across the line, but I do know that a lot of the people who initially have rebelled are going to feel very vindicated if the vaccine doesn't do anything to curb the virus but now we have multiple issues to fight.

We now have a bunch of people who have no scope to earn an income, in a society that is largely vaccinated, facing the prospects of future mask wearing, and restrictions who are not going to do it.

The government will have a much larger group of people thumbing their noses at the rules, refusing to social distance, and will absolutely ditch the masks, and they will simply point to Omicron, the statistics, call everyone a bunch of sheeple for believing the government knows what its doing.

I stated this not long ago for a reason.  The quickest way to create an anti vaccer, is to mandate a vaccine.  To mandate a vaccine that has proven to be largely ineffective, is the quickest way to abuse the trust that those who had faith in you had.  That simpy means to larger alienation.

Remember the latest lockdown?  How tired of it everyone was, so they did as they pleased, and irrespective of what the scribes on here say, our journey with Delta is proving to be way more damaging, because of what we went through in 2020?

Those who are fail to learn the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them.  Our control measures are simply going to be ignored moving forward, because everyone is completely over it, and has had enough of it all, and next mandate possibly wont go as successfully as a consequence, and the shame in it is that if our journey with COVID to date is indicative of the future, things are only going to get worse.

Oh, and for anyone not paying attention, Omicron is already on our shores in hotel quarantine, and one of those passengers has already visited victoria over the weekend according to my gossip.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6086
That's no reason to allow any of them to fly, not when their destination is Australia.  Ban them and the airlines that carry them.

Agree 100%.
I spent most of my money on Women and grog.
The rest I just wasted.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6088
Does anyone happen to have a theory on why the latest variant of concern seems to have skipped over two of the Greek letters in the alphabet?

After Lambda, its Mu, Nu, Xi then Omicron, but they seem to have danced over two letters.

Popular opinion is because Xi (pronounced by the anglicized version sounding more like Gi phonetically) is because its remarkably similar sounding to the Chinese leaders name (Ji Jing Ping).

The stupidity in it, is thats actually pronounced Ksi, and sounds more like an X sound, so dont know why they would skip it, and why they bastardise the pronounciation of the Greek alphabet so much (Mu, is more of a Mi sound).
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6089
The Who's second largest benefactor is China so we can't associate them with Covid origins by having names that make them upset can we...