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Re: State Elections

Reply #45
I voted liberal for the first time in my life.

We experienced a taste of far left authoritarian government during the pandemic.

No one on here knows what a far right junta government truly looks like and discuss moderates in the same breathe as Adolf Hitler.

Not the same thing at all.

For me this isn't a team sport, whether my vote won or not is irrelevant to me) but the guy in power has what, 5 IBAC investigations against his leadership?  Oh, and in case you want to see the leopard's real spots, let's all remember Jenny mikakos, and how a politician who is female and from a ethnic background was sacrificed to save face.

Not sure how the health minister is responsible for the hotel quarantine crap, but thats a discussion that is very hard to get concrete answers on.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: State Elections

Reply #46

Fair assessment. Paints a realistic picture IMO.

Thank you, Pauly. The Conversation has successfully nailed every salient point for both major parties, with astute journalistic objectivity and dexterity.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: State Elections

Reply #47
I voted liberal for the first time in my life.

We experienced a taste of far left authoritarian government during the pandemic.

No one on here knows what a far right junta government truly looks like and discuss moderates in the same breathe as Adolf Hitler.

Not the same thing at all.

For me this isn't a team sport, whether my vote won or not is irrelevant to me) but the guy in power has what, 5 IBAC investigations against his leadership?  Oh, and in case you want to see the leopard's real spots, let's all remember Jenny mikakos, and how a politician who is female and from a ethnic background was sacrificed to save face.

Not sure how the health minister is responsible for the hotel quarantine crap, but thats a discussion that is very hard to get concrete answers on.

All valid points. Andrews was ripe for the picking, but the LNP was more on the nose than him... which the electorate voiced. We (Vic and Oz) need a viable major party alternative to keep all parties honest but the LNP let themselves down and the state by failing to adapt and adjust to the modern world... still mired in policy and electioneering strategies of a bygone era.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: State Elections

Reply #48
I voted liberal for the first time in my life.

We experienced a taste of far left authoritarian government during the pandemic.

No one on here knows what a far right junta government truly looks like and discuss moderates in the same breathe as Adolf Hitler.

Not the same thing at all.

For me this isn't a team sport, whether my vote won or not is irrelevant to me) but the guy in power has what, 5 IBAC investigations against his leadership?  Oh, and in case you want to see the leopard's real spots, let's all remember Jenny mikakos, and how a politician who is female and from a ethnic background was sacrificed to save face.

Not sure how the health minister is responsible for the hotel quarantine crap, but thats a discussion that is very hard to get concrete answers on.
Not disagreeing with any of that but the public couldnt find enough positives in Guy and the Liberals to make the change as the alternative. The Liberals will be fighting for survival looking past the next couple of elections the way things are going especially if the Nationals vote to end the Coalition.
Federally its not much better and they need to dump Dutton and have more young blood as candidates, women in leadership roles and better policies on climate change, energy, and get a grip on the cost of living because thats what the public want.

Re: State Elections

Reply #49
Me neither, my vote was more against Dan than for guy, but there was more than that thats occurred during the last 4 years to convert me from a labor voter to liberal.

As a society and nation we need to get pulled to the right because by brother in laws kids are being taught the gender crap that doesn't matter at school but will come out of primary school politicised.  Apparently they're having a whing about the lack of female protagonists in video games.  They're not even past grade 3 where the focus for us was largely about maths, and getting your pen license.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: State Elections

Reply #50
Me neither, my vote was more against Dan than for guy, but there was more than that thats occurred during the last 4 years to convert me from a labor voter to liberal.

As a society and nation we need to get pulled to the right because by brother in laws kids are being taught the gender crap that doesn't matter at school but will come out of primary school politicised.  Apparently they're having a whing about the lack of female protagonists in video games.  They're not even past grade 3 where the focus for us was largely about maths, and getting your pen license.
Not much of what you describe about primary school curriculum is related specifically to Labor, and on the curriculum front the things you are worried about might only become worse if minority parties gain further power. And the inverse of that scenario, a right leaning curriculum, could be even worse!

I read today there is a new push on to disassemble special education, and integrate special needs kids with the main stream. This is a push purely taken from the perspective of special needs kids and their parents. I completely understand the desire for inclusion, but nobody is discussing the impact of such decisions on the main stream students. It reminds me of when Jeff Kennett kyboshed all the special needs mental health facilities, a cost cutting exercise, oddly I'd just been having had a chat with someone about the impact of this on our hospital EUs and ESSUs.

I wouldn't be too worried though about the primary school stuff, most kids rebel against rote learning and start to question everything they have been taught by the time they hit secondary school. The more the system hammers away at them with ideologies the more likely they will feel ripped off later, and that's a big difference between teaching and educating.
The Force Awakens!

Re: State Elections

Reply #51
Not much of what you describe about primary school curriculum is related specifically to Labor, and on the curriculum front the things you are worried about might only become worse if minority parties gain further power. And the inverse of that scenario, a right leaning curriculum, could be even worse!

I read today there is a new push on to disassemble special education, and integrate special needs kids with the main stream. This is a push purely taken from the perspective of special needs kids and their parents. I completely understand the desire for inclusion, but nobody is discussing the impact of such decisions on the main stream students. It reminds me of when Jeff Kennett kyboshed all the special needs mental health facilities, a cost cutting exercise, oddly I'd just been having had a chat with someone about the impact of this on our hospital EUs and ESSUs.

I wouldn't be too worried though about the primary school stuff, most kids rebel against rote learning and start to question everything they have been taught by the time they hit secondary school. The more the system hammers away at them with ideologies the more likely they will feel ripped off later, and that's a big difference between teaching and educating.
My wife is a primary school teacher who deals every day with the problems and struggles special needs kids face at school. If there wasn't such a stigma associated with schools that cater for specific children's needs, there would be no argument. Im all for inclusion but when Its to the detriment of a child that's where I have a problem.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: State Elections

Reply #52
Pauline Hanson had the solution for dealing with dept issues with budgets. Just print more money. I just wonder if we will ever see a political leader in touch with the people. Living with our everyday people expenses and budgeting on our every weeks earnings. How can you earn $200,000 - $500,000 per year and live a life full of perks, and really understand what it means to live off $40,000 to $70,000 with large mortgages and every day expenses. Food, fuel costs, utility bills, schooling costs, rates, car registrations, mortgages or rental costs, etc. We have had interest rates over 17% many, many years ago. We have just come off the lowest of lows around 3%. Buckle up folks. It is on the rise again. Probably never to reach previous highs. However the rise in living expenses are about to hurt many families in the next 4 years. Some of us will manage. Some of us will suffer and struggle just to live from one day to the next. Especially if they have many mouths to feed.

Dan Andrews is a greedy, corrupt, dictator who feeds off his own power and has no care for anyone but his own pocket. Deep pocket. Deepest of any Premier in Australia. Guy is an incompetent little snot, who was happy enough to stuff his pockets full of cash while doing nothing to show real leadership and never got to the big stage. Difference in result was really nothing more than which greedy little turd would be wasting my tax money.

Neither ever knew how the majority of people were living and sometimes only just existing. Neither in touch with reality or the constituents they were trying to represent. We were screwed either way. It only depended on which idiot and out of touch greedy prick was sticking it into you without any lube. By idiot, I should actually say genius. Only a genius could f#@k you without lube and have you come back begging for more. On a serious note, our options were so limited that nothing was going to be a great result. This state is in a great deal of trouble. Think about a relocate. Luckily I don’t need loads of money. I am almost too old to spend it. I feel sorry for the younger generations. Taxes will kill your lifestyle moving forwards. Hear my words. Get into politics. It doesn’t pay poorly at all. You can make a difference if you are in touch with the people. Don’t waste money. Try to make a difference. Give a shot kids. Why not. The state has nothing to lose. Everything to gain. Give it a shot.
This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.

Re: State Elections

Reply #53
Some reflections on the election ...

The Oligarch's minions overreach in their attacks on Andrews and Labor was a spectacular fail.  Yes, their job is to push Murdoch's agenda, but they have to stay within cooee of their readership's beliefs.

Most Victorians have little time for cookers and even less for parties that cosy up to them.

Samantha Ratnam's "greenslide" didn't happen. While I would have preferred a Greens government before one led by a corrupt Guy, the Greens are decades away from developing the political astuteness, discipline and achievable policies required to become a realistic alternative to the major parties.

The National Party's resurgence at the expense of independents was a surprise.  Let's hope that they represent their constituents as well as the independents did.  Teal, pink and other shades of independents weren't able to replicate their successes of the Federal and previous State elections.

Selection of candidates needs work.  Some of the comments by endorsed candidates were abhorrent and folk with those beliefs have no place in major parties.  There's not much that can be done about who the cooker parties select but how did a bloke facing rape charges make it as a National Party candidate?

Voting "above the line" for the upper house needs to be looked at.  Preference wrangling is a blight and I would prefer to have an optional preferential system where a minimum of five boxes have to be numbered.  I don't want my vote trickling down to Wun Nashun or disgruntled idiots.  And, while I'm at it, how to vote cards should be banned!

Quote of the campaign: "Hope always defeats hate!"

“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: State Elections

Reply #54
"Let's be clear about this, let's be very clear, I can't recall!"
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: State Elections

Reply #55
Let’s learn from the US. Over there, the MAGA crowd refuse to accept any election result that goes against them. Surely everyone loves and respects dear old Donald, so any election loss has to mean the election was rigged. Maybe they should let reality hit them in the face and understand that their devotion isn’t a majority view.

At least in Victoria, we don’t (yet) have election deniers. But we do have plenty who refuse to accept that other voters don’t share their views. The ‘Dictator Dan’ crew still believe that everybody hates Dan. So they blame it on Guy. If only the Libs had a nice guy as the frontman, everybody would have voted them in to get rid of the Dictator. They aren’t driven towards self-reflection by the failure of 2 campaigns at Federal and State elections that targeted Andrews (and MacGowan) with the help of cookers and Murdoch.

But wait, now Sam Groth is here to help. Everyone loves Grothy, don’t they? If he becomes Lib leader, everyone will feel good about getting rid of Dictator Dan and those that don’t like Dan Andrews will be able to prove that everybody shares their opinions!


Re: State Elections

Reply #56
Dan's a good bloke just don't let your kids ride their bike around Mulgrave.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: State Elections

Reply #57
Let’s learn from the US. Over there, the MAGA crowd refuse to accept any election result that goes against them. Surely everyone loves and respects dear old Donald, so any election loss has to mean the election was rigged. Maybe they should let reality hit them in the face and understand that their devotion isn’t a majority view.

At least in Victoria, we don’t (yet) have election deniers. But we do have plenty who refuse to accept that other voters don’t share their views. The ‘Dictator Dan’ crew still believe that everybody hates Dan. So they blame it on Guy. If only the Libs had a nice guy as the frontman, everybody would have voted them in to get rid of the Dictator. They aren’t driven towards self-reflection by the failure of 2 campaigns at Federal and State elections that targeted Andrews (and MacGowan) with the help of cookers and Murdoch.

But wait, now Sam Groth is here to help. Everyone loves Grothy, don’t they? If he becomes Lib leader, everyone will feel good about getting rid of Dictator Dan and those that don’t like Dan Andrews will be able to prove that everybody shares their opinions!

ABC talkback was full of cookers - there was a meeyun peepul protesting - claiming that the ALP couldn’t possibly have won the election. Vitrioli was very patient with her explanations of preferential voting.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: State Elections

Reply #58
Dan's a good bloke just don't let your kids ride their bike around Mulgrave.
If only you and a few thousand like-minded voters had moved to Mulgrave, you could have got rid of him. This is on you!

Re: State Elections

Reply #59
Some reflections on the election ...

The Oligarch's minions overreach in their attacks on Andrews and Labor was a spectacular fail.  Yes, their job is to push Murdoch's agenda, but they have to stay within cooee of their readership's beliefs.

Most Victorians have little time for cookers and even less for parties that cosy up to them.

Samantha Ratnam's "greenslide" didn't happen. While I would have preferred a Greens government before one led by a corrupt Guy, the Greens are decades away from developing the political astuteness, discipline and achievable policies required to become a realistic alternative to the major parties.

The National Party's resurgence at the expense of independents was a surprise.  Let's hope that they represent their constituents as well as the independents did.  Teal, pink and other shades of independents weren't able to replicate their successes of the Federal and previous State elections.

Selection of candidates needs work.  Some of the comments by endorsed candidates were abhorrent and folk with those beliefs have no place in major parties.  There's not much that can be done about who the cooker parties select but how did a bloke facing rape charges make it as a National Party candidate?

Voting "above the line" for the upper house needs to be looked at.  Preference wrangling is a blight and I would prefer to have an optional preferential system where a minimum of five boxes have to be numbered.  I don't want my vote trickling down to Wun Nashun or disgruntled idiots.  And, while I'm at it, how to vote cards should be banned!

Quote of the campaign: "Hope always defeats hate!"

Personally, irrespective of how I have voted, I have taken to putting the greens last on the ballot in every election I vote for.  Even when I put Labor as 1.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson