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Messages - dodge

Blah-Blah Bar / Re: Vale Barry Humphries

If I need a laugh I watch this one as well as the Mike Willisee interview.

My brother stage managed a couple of his tours here.  He has an amazing art of making people very uncomfortable, partly because you don't know what is coming next and how offensive it is going to be!

One of those that his persona is his stage presence and needs that 'adoration'.  He struggled a bit with trying to retire as he missed the audiences.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 6 2023 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs St Kilda
Not a great game to go to.  Our daughter looked up from her ipad occassionlly when we said "look ,flashing blue lights" after we kicked a goal.  She's only 7, but don't think footy is for her.  She had the best afternoon of the four of us.

I think someone said that we outlplayed St Kilda and I kind of agree - it is our wastefulness that hurts.  What I observed:
 - A lot of kicks coming out of the backline aren't to the next players advantage when they are in space - they have to prop and go back, sideways to get the footy to then go forward again, which ruins some momentum
 - When we try to play on quickly, it is almost like they don't care about what happens to their disposal.  There were some horrific turnovers from just blindly playing on
 - a lot of our dinky kicks put pressure on the receiver, as they are slow and have air.
 - There were at least 2 times where we had the ball and ran into our own players, as well as several other times where it seemed we weren't talking to each other.  This is basic U10s.
 - Young in the ruck isn't the answer (not sure what the question was)
 - Harry kicked a goal with a nice drop punt.  Don't get why he didn't do that with the one when he was going for his 7 point play.
 - Cripps needs to work on his run up with set shots.  It is uneven and doesn't know where he is going to kick it from.
 - JSOS say no more.  Inexcusable from 20 out.
 - where are the little fellas?
 - need to work out what type of player the sub should be.  We talk about impact - LOB isn't that.  He did get 5 for the quarter, which is a good game (averaging it out), but isn't damaging in that time.  Should it be the flashy?  Don't know when it is going to work.

Finally, we don't run out games because we waste so much energy trying to get a goal.  Everyone is coming forward and then we stuff the kick into the forward line, we don't have presence on the ground, the ball is gone and we have to run hard to get back, which is not our strong point.  Not the fitness coach's problem.

I think it was in the first quarter, we had the ball and running forward and you could see the pace of the Saints player bearing down from a long way away (might have been Hill).  Didn't get there, but put some good pressure on us.

Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 4 2023 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs North Melbourne
The in game thread noted that Ziebell tried to run through LOB. LOB actually held him up - so had a little win.

We have had two good 3rd quarters or part thereof.  Maybe rebuilding the 80s.

In the pre- match someone picked us by 42.  We got to 46 in front.   Would have been great to hold that. Do we have a game that is especially taxing? We seem to be more tired than opposition at end of quarters.

Cripps also seems to come to the forefront in the second half a game - combo of wearing down opposition and his will to win a game?

I'll take undefeated particularly when we're not playing as well as we can - imagine what it will be like when we do play well.

Blah-Blah Bar / Re: General Discussions
Correct, LP, it doesn't.  But in all likelihood the subbies, employees and customers have been told porkies for some time about when they will get paid, or when the build will get going/completed.  That in it's own right causes a lot of stress.  It stinks massively when it is such a big financial committment.  Some people will react that way, whether it is helpful or not.

Porter Davis wouldn't have woken up on Friday morning, seen their bank account and thought we can't do this anymore - it would have been some time coming.  Their management of it would have been calm on the top of the water and panic underneath for a while as they sought to continue.

The Sports Desk / Re: Formula 1
Oh Mr Hart, what a mess!

Said to the family at the second last re-start (2 laps to go) that there will be chaos and three or four cars will go out and another red flag will happen. 

Other than that, thought it was a pretty good race, with a bit more passing than usual and a little more unpredictable with the grid how it was.  Perez, Alonso, dare I say Stroll, Gasly, Norris, Sainz all did well.  Piastri drove well too - lucky to be in the points, but there are plenty of times you don't get luck in F1, so take them.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 3 2023 Post Game Prognostications Giants vs Carlton
Acres was the last 40 seconds of the game - it is a bit of a mess with bodies.  Hope we look at it closely with a view to appeal.

Saw the second half of the third quarter, the TV was one, but could only glance at the last quarter - looked to be like others have commented.

For a sub, a player that can have a high impact and demands the footy is probably needed - but they are also needed for the whole game, so unlikely to be a sub.  Not sure what the answer is, but LOB doesn't fit the bill.  Thought he did OK in R1, but the 2nd & 3rd showed more natural colours - doesn't really get the ball, runs fast and occassionally uses the ball well. 
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: AFL Rd 1 2023 Post Game Prognostications Carlton vs Richmond
Got away with 2 points.  While the defence held up under pressure, our new game plan of bomb it out of defensive 50 with no composure adds to bomb it to the forwards and hope.

Ordinary game, and quite boring to watch (on TV anyway) - as others have said.  Basically it was 14 goals for the match (given that the first two were scored within the first couple of minutes).