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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #345
Andrews will happily shut everything down, cripple businesses and livelihoods and then put his hand out to Scomo for $$$$.
Don't worry about the government, worry about the banks who are are taking the piss out of the situation.

All the goodwill surrounding those "postponed" loan repayments is gone, SMEs thought is was a pause and payments could resume with interest after six months. But the banks read that as a pause followed with an immediate balance due, at the end of six months you have to pay all that was due over the hiatus not just resume monthly payments in arrears. It also seems they keep charging you interest over the next six months.

Just for clarity, you can pause repayments for six months, but on the 1st day of the seventh month they want six months worth of repayments!

It's a worthless offer to most small and medium business, they aren't making any money now, and they won't be flushed with cash in six months!

Scomo has screwed the pooch, he's crapped out a Werribee Mullet and sold it to us as a bunt cake, what a ...................!

His balance sheet is heading south faster than sea warming, and I was just warming to his efforts when it turns out they are nothing more than deception! A turd wrapped in gold leaf!

I've been in contact with some SMEs companies today that intend pulling the pin for good next week, not just a temporary closure, they are going to default on loans, salaries, super, the whole freaking lot because of the brutality from the banking sector!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #346
More mixed messages.  Andrews wants to shut it down due to the alarming increase in community transmission.  Morrison then steps up with "Every day's extra work is a victory for small business" blah blah.   So what is it.... Shut it down (which looks to be the sensible course of action) or attempt to keep the economy ticking over?

A shut down only works if we're all in,  otherwise it's pointless.  Morrison seems "half pregnant" on this issue. 

And you were a week late in enforcing quarantine fellas, that horse has bolted.

You're not wrong, especially about the mixed messages, Professory.

You only have to look at Trump and his head medico, Anthony Fauci. Only Fauci is actually damn good and Trump is fortunate to have him and his measured, intelligent and informed advice, as opposed to Trumps bizarre, multi-flip offerings.

Scottie from Marketing is trying hard but this is not his forte... he has improved since the w/e though when he gave the vaguest report imaginable, at least now he's attempting specificity and clarity of message. As for Murphy... holy mackerel, the original Henny Penny Sky Is Falling medico. There must be someone better to communicate medical facts.

Dan is probably over-reacting but better that than the other way 'round. And, yes, the economic cost of such drastic measures is simply horrible. But, although extremely difficult, economies can be rebuilt but bringing the dead back to life is a much more difficult task.

As an aside did anyone else notice that when Trump said the other day that the 'cure (to Covid-19) is worse than the virus itself', A. Blot the very next day was saying the same thing in the HUN!
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #347
Andrews will happily shut everything down, cripple businesses and livelihoods and then put his hand out to Scomo for $$$$.

Cmon mate, thats a bit sinister.

Andrews wants to shut everything down because SCOMO is too piss weak to do it.
As a result, it may cripple everything, but he's not going to do it JUST to take a dig at scomo, he's doing it to save lives.
Will he take advantage of it politically when its all over? Probably, but that is not the reason for doing it....its just a by-product.


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #348
Cmon mate, thats a bit sinister.

Andrews wants to shut everything down because SCOMO is too piss weak to do it.
As a result, it may cripple everything, but he's not going to do it JUST to take a dig at scomo, he's doing it to save lives.
Will he take advantage of it politically when its all over? Probably, but that is not the reason for doing it....its just a by-product.
I'll just trust the PM and his team on this one.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #349
I'll just trust the PM and his team on this one.
The guy who says you can only have 5 people at a wedding....but go to school with potentially 1000 kids running around together is 100% fine?

That guy??

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #350
The guy who says you can only have 5 people at a wedding....but go to school with potentially 1000 kids running around together is 100% fine?

That guy??
Yeah that guy. Not the other guy here in our state who manages to balls up every thing he touches.
2018-Wooden Spoon
2020-dare to dream? 11th is better than last I suppose
2021-Pi$$ or get off the pot
2022- Real Deal or more of the same? 0.6%
2023- "Raise the Standard" - M. Voss Another year wasted Bar Set
2024-Back to the drawing boardNo excuses, its time

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #351
The same idiot that blew a billion on a road contract he refused to build?  Yeah, THAT idiot.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #352
Not an Andrews fan but I'm with him on the full lockdown, its the only weapon that has worked anywhere in the world.
ScoMo is prepared to balance lives vs money and thats not right no matter what your political persuasion, lives come first.
Great that we have these cruise ship passengers and Aus returnee's now forced to spend 14 days in a hotel but its more than 14 days too late after they have run around all over Aus spreading CV.
You look at NSW and would you want that political crew running Victoria?...been a co-ordination disaster. Its been strange to me that the two political figures in Daniel Andrews and Jacinda Ardern who I have had little time for have actually handled their state and country a lot better than those who I had more faith in to act decisively.
Not sure who worked out that hairdressers are an essential service but that probably gives you an idea of where ScoMo's thinking is at. As for the schools being closed its a no brainer and has been for a while, sure setup some schooling for healthcare workers kids but the other kids dont need to be there and should be home like in most other countries.
Andrews needs to close down Victoria now for a month and save lives and same for the rest of the country.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #353
The same idiot that blew a billion on a road contract he refused to build?  Yeah, THAT idiot.

Had this convo with someone 2 days ago.

When asked about this he said....
I just got into office and this was dumped on me from the previous government.
They said it would cost 4 billion to build.
After looking through it, it was more like 20 billion.
So if i went through with it, Libs would blame me for the overspend.
If i canned it, i waste a billion dollars (but 'save' 16 billion)
In the end, i used that money to remove all rail crossings, widen more roads, build new stations.....

So if it ever ok to 'waste' 1 billion....that was it IMO.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #354
Yeah that guy. Not the other guy here in our state who manages to balls up every thing he touches.

As per my last post......'balls up' is a relative term.

I'm happy with what Andrews government has done.
Is he perfect? Is anyone?
Would you prefer someone like scomo running the joint?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #355
"Stay home" I'm told.... Stay home. Seems the rules apply differently to different people...

Yet some bodgy property developer can pour a series of slabs at 530 on a Saturday morning in the middle of town.   Social distancing.... Doesn't apply to me mate this is a site.  I wonder if these cretins are the kind who'll be first in line for care?

I don't care what level they're at - state,  federal or local - our elected representatives are all worthless and ineffectual.  Why should anybody pay attention to any of them?
DrE is no more... you ok with that harmonica man?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #356
Not an Andrews fan but I'm with him on the full lockdown, its the only weapon that has worked anywhere in the world.
ScoMo is prepared to balance lives vs money and thats not right no matter what your political persuasion, lives come first.
Great that we have these cruise ship passengers and Aus returnee's now forced to spend 14 days in a hotel but its more than 14 days too late after they have run around all over Aus spreading CV.
You look at NSW and would you want that political crew running Victoria?...been a co-ordination disaster. Its been strange to me that the two political figures in Daniel Andrews and Jacinda Ardern who I have had little time for have actually handled their state and country a lot better than those who I had more faith in to act decisively.
Not sure who worked out that hairdressers are an essential service but that probably gives you an idea of where ScoMo's thinking is at. As for the schools being closed its a no brainer and has been for a while, sure setup some schooling for healthcare workers kids but the other kids dont need to be there and should be home like in most other countries.
Andrews needs to close down Victoria now for a month and save lives and same for the rest of the country.

Can't disagree with ANY of that Elwood.  NSW and QLD have been deplorable.  181 dead overnight in the UK ... this thing is getting REALLY serious

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #357
"Stay home" I'm told.... Stay home. Seems the rules apply differently to different people...

Yet some bodgy property developer can pour a series of slabs at 530 on a Saturday morning in the middle of town.   Social distancing.... Doesn't apply to me mate this is a site.  I wonder if these cretins are the kind who'll be first in line for care?

I don't care what level they're at - state,  federal or local - our elected representatives are all worthless and ineffectual.  Why should anybody pay attention to any of them?

We should listen because if everybody listened and simply followed the rules we will at the very least slow the thing down, hopefully at minimum to the point the health system can cope.  I don't envy anyone in power who has to make these decisions, especially knowing if the punters simply listened and acted accordingly, those decisions would probably be effective. 

I'm not an economist or a business leader, or a health official.  We should listen to them and ensure we do the minimum asked of us.  And if we are in a position to do more, then we should.  I have always been able to work from home, so took my kids out of school a couple of weeks ago.  Personally, I think the schools should only remain open for those who need to work and don't have any other option but to send their kids to school.

These decisions being made are terrible, terrible things to be responsible for.  I vote for going harder earlier.  But I haven't spent the last x number of years building a business and have to watch it evaporate in front of my eyes. 

If all us regular Joe's followed the rules, the measures would probably work.  The pollies should probably remember that people are idiots.  Not us of course, just everyone else.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #358
I spent thirty years building a career and a business and it's over.   Ducked. Fini.  Kaput.    But I accept that it's for the greater good. 

All I've seen in the past month is the reality of Australia in 2020.  It's not "how ya doin mate".  It's "F you Jack,  I'm alright... I'm still workin' and I got heapza bog roll". 

These are the exact selfish cretins - at all socioeconomic levels - that refuse to do what is required for the soft quarantine to work.   And we're all going to pay for it.

DrE is no more... you ok with that harmonica man?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #359
I hope you make it through OK Prof.