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Topic: Trumpled (Alternative Leading) (Read 425282 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2550
Yes, you would think he'd do that stuff in a campaign bus like Trump, and not in a room full of people like Biden!

You do your child sniffing in private?
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2551
"Uncle" Michael did it in plain sight too, his fans and the democrat voters have a lot in common.
No, that's a News Ltd style lie, Michael Jackson had kids sleep over in his bedroom, a bedroom like the one in Trump's campaign bus!

Hey, but why are we worried, Melania looks happy she is off the hook!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2552
You do your child sniffing in private?
The smeller is the fella! ;)

Is there irony in your avatar being the Kindergarten Cop, a smokescreen?
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2553
The tone of this thread is definitely  heading south.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2554
I've associates who run a nearby dance school, primarily the classes are fully of primary or preschoolers.

The laws of the land as policed by the woke generations mean they can't touch the kids, even before COVID, apparently the kids might catch some gay disease or all the female dance teachers are more lesbian pedo than a Jewish principal!

Weekly the owners endure abuse from parents who claim they wasted or are wasting money on a lessons for a kid that cannot dance, but the poor dance teachers are not allowed to correct the kids dodgy form and have to communicate to preschoolers using only words.

If the teachers get frustrated they sometimes raise a voice, something they feel very guilt ridden about because it upsets the kids, the parents then withdraw the kids because the teachers are apparently bullies!

The internet generations have built themselves a feedback loop from a paradox of accusations that are unworkable in real life.

I suppose myotherapy for children will eventually be reduced to overhead fish slapping, humming non-discriminatory tunes and inhaled weak incense! I'm just waiting for the first civil court case suing a naturopath for adding a lethal does of some rare-earth element to the homepathic memory water! One part per trillion was too strong, it caused my teenagers suicide! So much for learning about derivatives!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2555
My year 12 coordinator is now a convicted paedophile. We all knew what he was up to then, he was pretty open with his affection for young blonde girls but none of the teachers believed us at the time. Until two years later when he got one pregnant.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2556
MBB seems to be on a mission to paint Biden as a paedophile. I don’t buy that at all. And it appears the US voters didn’t either.

You might think that MBB has unearthed some fresh evidence here but the issue of being too personal with women was ventilated before Biden was the Democratic nominee. It seems that the public took the view he was a Clueless Older Guy who was overly personal rather than sexual. He apologised to anyone he had made uncomfortable and more importantly has avoided repeating those mistakes. During the campaign, he made sure he didn’t touch before asking.

I guess we’re going to be relitigating the election campaign as if we’re in the old days where Australian viewers would see TV shows that aired in the US 6 months previously. Here’s a spoiler: the Trump campaign didn’t make much, or anything, of this issue. I wonder why ...

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2557
My year 12 coordinator is now a convicted paedophile. We all knew what he was up to then, he was pretty open with his affection for young blonde girls but none of the teachers believed us at the time. Until two years later when he got one pregnant.
Yes, I'm sorry to hear that and I'm sorry for you.

I understand where your perception bias comes from and how an organisation like News Ltd prays on it, and how it is reinforced by the internet! But with some professional help and guidance you can probably recover or correct it, whatever technical term you accept. But you won't find it in the Herald Sun, NY Times or on the Internet! It can't be fixed, adjusted or nudged by yourself because the problem doesn't exist outside of your own perception, so it's impossible to see it for yourself, it has to be dealt with by a 3rd party, hopefully a professional who takes an external perspective. Big family picnics must be your worst nightmare! :o
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2558
In other words, MBB, you could be an active paedophile yourself. Everyone is suspect.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2559
Everyone is a pedo, "they" are all trying to steal your stuff, "they" are all bad drivers, "he or she" is a bad person. It's "their" fault!

Best set up the security cameras, the 9ft electric fence, the barb wire, the razor ribbon, the guard dogs, the baseball bat under the car seat, the axe under the bed, the knife in the back pocket or boot, the Taser in the glove box and eat with one arm wrapped around your dinner plate, because the world is turning to shizen with assaults and attacks everywhere, "they" are all animals, nobody is safe. Dig the bomb shelter, prepare for the apocalypse, buy a gun, hoard bog paper! ::)
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2560
The Trump campaign and many senior Republicans show no sign of conceding defeat any time soon, despite Biden's lead in several battleground states growing larger as the final votes are counted.
"Mark Esper has been terminated," Trump tweeted on Tuesday (AEST). "I would like to thank him for his service."

Trump named Christopher Miller, the director of the National Counter-terrorism Centre, as acting defence secretary.

Esper had pushed back earlier this year against Trump's calls to invoke the Insurrection Act, which would have allowed him to send National Guard troops into American cities against the wishes of state governors.
Hmm, life is truly stranger than fiction, and this would be funny if is was anybody but Trump, but it is not like this wasn't predicted.

Everybody knows why Trump is doing this, he is broke but at the moment no debtors can launch a case against him as he has presidential immunity, but if he loses the election then chooses to fight the debtors this time next year he's forked! His history, at least Ivana's history when Trump first burned his fortune, was to negotiate settlements privately while pronouncing defiance publicly. In much the same way Trump took on board the COVID science, cures and leading edge treatments privately, while denouncing science and COVID publicly. COVID cures and god health are only for the rich in Trump's world!

In other words he is a fraud!

Melania won't save him like Ivana did!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2561
Bravo Esper. It was looking pretty grim there for a while. IIRC, Esper was a lobbyist in the arms industry when he was appointed, so expectations were very low. But standing against Trump’s desire to unleash the military on Democratic States was brave and necessary. I think Esper’s epiphany was when Trump used General Milley and Esper as part of the gaggle who followed him to the church after Trump had unleashed the hounds on peaceful protesters. Milley also expressed regret over being involved.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2562
Bravo Esper. It was looking pretty grim there for a while. IIRC, Esper was a lobbyist in the arms industry when he was appointed, so expectations were very low. But standing against Trump’s desire to unleash the military on Democratic States was brave and necessary. I think Esper’s epiphany was when Trump used General Milley and Esper as part of the gaggle who followed him to the church after Trump had unleashed the hounds on peaceful protesters. Milley also expressed regret over being involved.
As I have heard it stated from former US officers, it's not going to happen even if the order is signed. The military would take into account the populist vote, and basically then be forced to ignore or arrest Trump for ironically inciting insurrection!

Trump is a narcissist, so he perceives insurrection as something people do to him, but the military and courts read it as something someone does to America, even if that someone is a President!

I've been quite reassured listening to various Colonel's and Generals, they warned though it could lead to localised disputes between National Guard and Army, but think they would be very isolated cases caused by hard line Republican right wing sympathisers. This group could spawn a new generation of home grown gorillas and domestic terrorists!

The problem for the American public in general is that the situation as model escalates very very quickly. Trump's hope is that he can still shut down the country using the National Guard, but it's unlikely even sympathetic Republican Senators will accept having machine guns in their office pointed at staff!

So it's very unlikely he'll get any real support for using the US Military on the US Public!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2563
So how many others will Trump axe in order to burnish his credentials as a tinpot dictator? The FBI director, Chis Wray, would be next. He’d love to sack Fauci, but he’s the Director of the National Institutes of Health which is not formally part of the administration. To engineer his sacking, he’d have to install a few henchmen in key positions who could then make it happen.

It’s just as well the States run the elections. Most of those in charge of the elections in the battleground states are Republicans, but they are State officials who were elected to those positions, so they are largely immune from Trump’s attacks. If they had been Trump appointees, Trump would have just sacked them and replaced them with Bill Barr types who would have happily changed the results.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #2564
The US public are acutely aware of the "Better off dead than Red" threat, it won't be long before they build the association between Trump's behaviours and the ideology!

Trump's going to make himself enemy No.1 if he keeps up this line of attack! Perhaps it's only his narcissism that stops him seeing that, it sounds like those around him have identified the problem already, but perhaps he's threatened to take them down with him if they refuse to fall into line!
The Force Awakens!