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Scam warning to all.

Hello all. If this needs to be merged elsewhere then please do so admin staff.

Please read this and learn from my mistake.

I had a phone call today that I answered. It was someone claiming to be from amazon stating that I have purchased an iPhone and the need to clarify deliver details. I stated I did no such thing. That asked if I was sure as there is an order for one and the need to organise delivery. It’s for the sum of $799.99 cents sir. I said I have ordered no such thing. The asked me to log in to m account and check if this is true. They will cancel the order as someone might have extracted some of my account details and purchased it for themselves. I jumped on my iPad and checked my account and nothing came up. They instructed me to turn on my computer so they could verify this and cancel the order. I was asked to download an app and open my banking to check my account. I did so and I saw a transaction for $799.99.  I stated that I never placed any order. They asked me if I want to cancel the order and have the funds refunded back to my account. I said that is exactly what I want to do if this money has come out of my account.

I looked over at my iPad which had my account live and I saw $11,000 removed from my account as my balance dropped in less than a minute. I suspected something and instantly closed my account on my iPad by logging off. The Genuine looking CBA screen on my Mac (computer) was a fake menu which wasn’t live to my account and I realised I was getting screwed. When I told the caller I thought they were scamming me they got irritated and the phone and asked me why I have multiple devices looking at my account. This is the easiest way to have hackers pull money from your funds. I hung up the phone and closed my accounts online. I went to the bank which is 2 minutes from my house. These c@nts drew three transactions of a total of $11,000 from my bank account. One to a tax accountant I used recently and two other mysterious locations not familiar to me.

The bank will have little issue getting my money back from the accountant as this must have been an accidental transfer in a panic by the scammer to move my money fast. It was on my statement which they were viewing my account live when I was on the phone to them. The other two with a total value of around $7,000 might be lost forever. Calling back the number that called me goes as such. “The number you have called has been disconnected”. The bank is attempting to get the money back from where the money has been transferred to, but without the cooperation on the other side they may refuse to refund the transactions. It may get messy and I might not see all of my money again.

PLEASE do not accept a call that states you have purchased something. Over the internet, amazon etc. If so, DO NOT open your account to check your bank balance. DO NOT let them help you with potential wrong orders. Hang up the phone. Go straight to your bank and get them to check your bank balance. If everything looks good, report the phone call and walk away. I am and old man and this money living alone is all I have. To help me retire one day. It could have been $20,000 which would be my entire life savings ever. If covid couldn’t kill me that certainly would have pushed me over the edge. PLEASE don’t be an idiot that and gullible like I was. It looked like someone was genuinely concerned that I may have been hacked and money was spent without my knowledge. The minute I opened my account after downloading an app gave them live access to my life. That is where things went wrong for me. use be careful kids. Don’t let this happen to you. Don’t answer the phone. Don’t bank on the internet. DONT TRUST ANYONE. Please be wise and do nothing. As if covid wasn’t enough of a headache.
This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.

Re: Scam warning to all.

Reply #1
Hello Mants and I am truly sorry to hear of your misfortune and loss of funds. Many thanks for taking the trouble to describe the incident in detail as a warning to the rest of us on here. I can confirm that the scammers are very active currently and I received 7 or 8 suspicious phone calls yesterday alone all of which I did not answer. A friend of mine was blitzed with such calls last week, some followed up with a text message asking her to use a link to a web address, which she did not do.
I hope you can recover ok from this blow Mants, there are truly some kents in this world.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Scam warning to all.

Reply #2
Thanks for the heads up Mantis. Sorry to hear all that. Hopefully you can find a way of recovering those monies. $11k is not pennies.

Good luck matey.

Re: Scam warning to all.

Reply #3
Timely warning Mants.  For everyone else, type "kitboga" into youtube and look at what he does to these scum mongrels.  Hundreds of them available that are an invaluable lesson.

Amazon thieves are relatively recent to this game.  Such is the vile and extreme abuse I direct at them (men and women alike, I don't care) that they've put me on their don't call register.

I sure hope you reap success in recovering your losses. 

Re: Scam warning to all.

Reply #4
Hmmmmm, the Amazon scam I get is usually a recorded message that asks you to press 1 to continue. Sounds like they are ramping up their efforts which is a worry. Good luck getting the cash back Mantis

Re: Scam warning to all.

Reply #5
Hmmmmm, the Amazon scam I get is usually a recorded message that asks you to press 1 to continue. Sounds like they are ramping up their efforts which is a worry. Good luck getting the cash back Mantis

Yep, was the same with me @rocky ... but I always pressed continue to waste their time and then my wife walked far away as she knows how volatile I was with these sub humans.

Re: Scam warning to all.

Reply #6
Thanks for the warning Mantis.

I hope everything turns OK for you mate.
I spent most of my money on Women and grog.
The rest I just wasted.

Re: Scam warning to all.

Reply #7
My heart goes out to you, Green Stick. That is bloody awful mate. So sorry you had to go through that deceitful and insidious scam. I hope you get your loot back. And thanks for the heads up.

I have a rule of thumb when I don't recognize a number, much like CC... I just don't answer the call. If it's ridgy didge, they'll leave a message. Occasionally, much to the amusement of Mrs Baggers, I'll answer the call and take the p1ss, by saying that I'd love to do as they ask but won't until they return my goat and give me assurances that they've done nothing of a sexual nature to my goat. Click. I said to one to keep talking as my trace on the call will only take another few seconds. Click.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Scam warning to all.

Reply #8
As a general rule, if you ever pick up the phone and its a 'robot/computer voice' speaking, just hang up straight away. No good ever comes from it and they don't call back.

Re: Scam warning to all.

Reply #9
In fairness to the victims, the scams are getting more and more sophisticated, the Robo diallers are of diminishing effect and now you can get genuine callers run by organised crime.

If you can capably run a PC, Phone and Tablet then enabling two-factor authentication on your accounts is advised. If there is a transaction like this you'll get an SMS or Email on a secondary device to confirm before it is processed. Typically you order something or make a payment on your PC, you then get an SMS or Email on your phone or tablet to confirm before the transaction is processed. That way no transactions can be hidden from you. I realise it is onerous, and many people do not like initiating it because it adds effort to everyday transactions, but as annoying it is for small transactions you have to keep in mind it greatly reduces the chance of what happened above to Mantis from ever happening.

Most banks have procedures in place to recover the lost funds, and they insure against it, unfortunately it can be a slow process taking many weeks.
The Force Awakens!


Re: Scam warning to all.

Reply #10
@capcom Can't believe I just watched that whole youtube video. That bloke has a lot of patience to put up with the scammers for that long.

Re: Scam warning to all.

Reply #11
@capcom Can't believe I just watched that whole youtube video. That bloke has a lot of patience to put up with the scammers for that long.

Kit makes a living out of it ... and well deserved.  He wastes their time so they can't steal from others.  This is him at his absolute best. 

In another classic, he made the scammer apologise to his non existent cat before he went to the next stage. :)

Re: Scam warning to all.

Reply #12
@Mantis Oh, one last thing Mantis. If you have no luck getting cash back through the bank may I highly recommend this mob;
I have dealt with them on several occasions and they have managed to get the relevant financial institution to fork out at least some of the lost funds back to me. Just keep that in your back pocket.

Re: Scam warning to all.

Reply #13
I saw the history on my Mac to see what it was I downloaded. It was an app called Any desk. I had to type in a verification code. This must have been where they gained remote access to my desktop. I deleted and removed this app. Never knew about remote access to a computer before. While it might serve some benefits, it can be a dangerous tool in the wrong hands. I guess not knowing enough about the IT world is just as dangerous. I will keep you posted on any recovery and the process if it helps any be just a little wiser for the experience.
This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.

Re: Scam warning to all.

Reply #14
I saw the history on my Mac to see what it was I downloaded. It was an app called Any desk. I had to type in a verification code. This must have been where they gained remote access to my desktop. I deleted and removed this app. Never knew about remote access to a computer before. While it might serve some benefits, it can be a dangerous tool in the wrong hands. I guess not knowing enough about the IT world is just as dangerous. I will keep you posted on any recovery and the process if it helps any be just a little wiser for the experience.

There's plenty of them @Mantis .. anydesk app is but one.  Remote access you give to no-one save for a well known PC literate friend or your ISP.