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At the 2022 Federal Election which party will receive your first preference?

[ 7 ] (26.9%)
[ 8 ] (30.8%)
[ 2 ] (7.7%)
One Nation
[ 0 ] (0%)
United Australia Party
[ 3 ] (11.5%)
[ 2 ] (7.7%)
None of the Above
[ 4 ] (15.4%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Topic: Election 2022 (Poll added) (Read 27198 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #285
There are no winners in politics, you are just biding your time until you eventually lose!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #286
You have to give it to Murdoch's Hun, they are persistent.

Today they are pretty much re-running articles predicting a downfall of Labour, in the past it was the downfall of Federal Labour due to the fallout from State Labour, now it's State Labour shooting itself in the foot causing it's own downfall.

They are a bit like Caro, continually re-running the same tweaked story until at some stage in the distant future if becomes close enough to some event that you can claim it was a prediction!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #287
While they're implementing "insubstantial changes", they should move Australia Day to a day that everyone can celebrate. As Thryleon says, it's not as though that change really matters, so there should be no objections.

I object. My birthday is on the 25th.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #288
Talk about too close to call.
and every vote counts etc

Preference count - Deakin
Liberal Party
Michael Sukkar(MP) MP Vote:50.0%

Labor Party
Matt Gregg Vote:50.0%

Michael Sukkar leads by 74 votes.
76.2% of votes counted.
Met him at Laburnum station many years ago when he was a newbie wannabe, felt like taking a wash when I got to work.
A very slippery smooth customer with charm who markets himself well, he will be wanting three recounts if he loses...

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #290
So a minute after a flag appears you're seem to be bagging them for not making a real difference! :o

In any case, I'm not sure anybody is lauding anyone at this stage, but that is yet another contrast that exists whether it's superficial or not!
how on earth did you arrive at this conclusion?  Anyone who bags a sitting politician who got elected on Saturday for inaction on Tuesday needs their head read, and you could argue the opposite is an identical scenario.

While they're implementing "insubstantial changes", they should move Australia Day to a day that everyone can celebrate. As Thryleon says, it's not as though that change really matters, so there should be no objections.

Hilarious.  Can't change Australia day.  Hes too busy instituting radical change of putting up some flags and then jetting off to Japan at the first opportunity.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #291
Great move, wasn't it, for Morrison to set the election for a few days before the Aukus meeting? Apparently, he preferred to have the extra week of campaigning in the hope he could catch Albo. Never let it be said Scomo put his own interests above the country's.


Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #292
Sorry mate, you have to understand something.

Whether those flags existed next to the podium or not makes no difference.

Sure, semiotic and symbolic change, but to laud the incumbent for executing a change, when there are Aboriginal and Torres Straight Island flags on every government building around the country is absolutely not making any real difference aside from optics.

Let me tell you what this actually becomes about.  One upmanship.  The next leader from any party, can then wear a flag on the label of their clothing when in public.

Its like when they support the minority groups national days.  Its all vote winning optics and celebrating what our great country is about...  :D

To me this stuff is all optics based quick wins.

Putting two flags up is about as difficult as brushing your teeth in the morning.

The semblance of doing something whilst not really doing anything, and you can get the work experience kid to do it.

It was the responsibility of the students to run the flag up the flagpole when in high school. 
Well you’ve just proven how crap scumo was then - if it was so damn easy, even he should’ve been able to achieve it!

And maybe you and others here don’t care about it and see it as ‘just optics’ but maybe… just maybe… it means a lot to others.

Seriously 🙄

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #293
You know I always think Australia should be one of the most progressive countries in the world - we are far removed from a lot do crap that goes on in other countries, we have a decent climate, we have space, we have many intelligent people, we could and should be innovative and progressive and inclusive and lead the way, help other countries and people in need, we are a rich nation, we have endless opportunity - and then I see 3 people on this site voted for that dickhead Clive Palmer! I mean really!? 

And I read all this rubbish about dICtATor dAN and being taken over by the Chinese and just such a load of crap.

And it reminds me - there are still people buying ehe Herald Sun out there! There are still people happy to ignore the absolute blatant corruption and ‘jobs for the boys’ bullcrap of the LNP, happy to have a drunk Barnaby in parliament, happy to have Pauline Hansen sit in a Burqua and offend everyone that isn’t a stale white male, happy to belittle the Greens for wanting to protect our amazing planet, happy to Have that wretched self serving happy clapping dog whistling POS as our PM; and i shake my head!

Get with the program people, Australia is better than that!

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #294
Well you’ve just proven how crap scumo was then - if it was so damn easy, even he should’ve been able to achieve it!

And maybe you and others here don’t care about it and see it as ‘just optics’ but maybe… just maybe… it means a lot to others.

Seriously 🙄

I didnt even know what you guys were talking about until it was raised on this very forum.  It speaks for where the public are at rather than where the politicians are at. 

Id much rather see what they are going to do with respect to employment, government policy, the ongoing pandemic, the war in Ukraine, our trade deals etc, trying to stave off inflation causing economic bedlam but no the flags are a monumental change.

I didnt need to prove Scomo was crap, he did that himself and I think people are misunderstanding my position on this.  To laud someone for putting flags up speaks for why modern politics is a race to the bottom and why our prime ministerial candidates are pretty crap.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #295
You know I always think Australia should be one of the most progressive countries in the world - we are far removed from a lot do crap that goes on in other countries, we have a decent climate, we have space, we have many intelligent people, we could and should be innovative and progressive and inclusive and lead the way, help other countries and people in need, we are a rich nation, we have endless opportunity - and then I see 3 people on this site voted for that dickhead Clive Palmer! I mean really!? 

And I read all this rubbish about dICtATor dAN and being taken over by the Chinese and just such a load of crap.

And it reminds me - there are still people buying ehe Herald Sun out there! There are still people happy to ignore the absolute blatant corruption and ‘jobs for the boys’ bullcrap of the LNP, happy to have a drunk Barnaby in parliament, happy to have Pauline Hansen sit in a Burqua and offend everyone that isn’t a stale white male, happy to belittle the Greens for wanting to protect our amazing planet, happy to Have that wretched self serving happy clapping dog whistling POS as our PM; and i shake my head!

Get with the program people, Australia is better than that!

Good on you, MO, for your strong comments and stand.

I shake my head at the puerile and childish promises from clowns like Palmer. Astonishing that anyone could buy such an absurd platform... basically, 'vote for me and everybody will be free.' C0ckhead.

As for Hansen... I know what she hates but have absolutely no idea what she actually stands for that would benefit this great nation.

As for SloMo... I find myself feeling sorry for the poor bloke, a square peg in a round hole. I actually think he'd be better off leaving politics and becoming a Pastor of his Pentecostal Church  ;) Leading a fundamental church may well be his true calling ;D

We certainly live in interesting times. Times that call for those leaders who understand the need for change and how to manage that change. Science and human rights 'denialists' are indeed sad critters but there's enough of them to be financially viable for some media outlets to make a quid... front and centre - News Ltd/Fox. Rita P and Andrew B feed the fearful hard Right with their hysterical (use both meanings) language and obscenely shallow and divisive headlines.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #296
News Ltd/Fox. Rita P and Andrew B feed the fearful hard Right with their hysterical (use both meanings) language and obscenely shallow and divisive headlines.
It's genuinely amazing what money can buy, because for Rita P a small segment of that audience she panders to, if they are given too much freedom to express themselves, are highly likely to string her or some of her relatives up, especially if they run out of politicians or authorities to rally against!

Which begs an even bigger question for me to ask Rita, why?
The Force Awakens!

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #297
One thing about the whole election is how lucky we are in Australia.  Lucky that we get some semblance of a say.  Lucky that opposing parties will call each other conceding defeat.  Lucky that there is no violence.  Lucky that the result is accepted and everyone moves on.  Lucky that two days after an election a new PM can start going about their business.

There aren't many countries in the same position.

Yes, there is a bit of whingeing about views of whether the correct party won or not, but it doesn't stir up hatred, or violence.

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #298
It might be time for this new parliament to pass more stringent laws concerning media ownership. What's Murdoch going to do? Threaten to unleash a concerted attack on Labor through his media holdings? He's already done that and had about as much impact as Clive Palmer. The Emperor has been shown to have no clothes.

In case anybody thinks that it would be anti-democratic to "punish" a media owner for using his media entities to express his own views, I'd make 2 points. First, he has managed to wield his influence to water down the restrictions on the concentration of media ownership - reversing that corruption of public policy would improve our democracy. Secondly, the way Murdoch runs Fox News in the USA should be evidence enough that he should have absolutely no media involvement in Australia. He has used Fox News to incite anti-democratic fervour. He seems perfectly fine with a white nationalist overthrow of democracy. How in hell isn't that grounds for expelling him from the Australian media landscape?

Re: Election 2022 (Poll added)

Reply #299
Palmer's only interest in Politics is to help further his business interests, just another greedy individual wanting to use people to grow his wealth.Pauline isnt the sharpest tool in the shed and provides plenty of amusement in Parliament, no one takes her seriously and her stunt with the burqua was more about getting some front page news attention for her struggling party and personal profile. I couldnt care if she wears her Pj's to work or what image she presents to be honest because the only people she will be offending are those who dont understand that she struggles in intellectual matters and her knowledge is at a basic level with no idea of the bigger picture so you cant be angry unlike Palmer who knows exactly what he is doing and saying.
ScoMo is another manufactured politician out of the can, you know what you are getting and what he stands for and there is some honesty in that, Albo of course has been portrayed as the little battler from the council flat but how things have changed, he now has a nice property portfolio with 5 properties, ScoMo for all his faults has the one property.
Prominent labor MP Tony Burke makes me laugh when he talks housing, very critical back in the day of Joe Hockey suggesting to Joe that  he needs to act because ordinary home owners were being forced to pay more and miss out on properties due to the glut of investors and surprise surprise  honest squeaky clean Tony Burke has six properties in his funny.
I could list multiple MP's from both the LP and Labor who have large property portfolios but I would be typing all day, just shows how similar both sides of politics are and you are really voting for the same beast just dressed up a bit differently and how they all become Pigs of George Orwells animal farm when they get a bit of power and money.
Thry is right about the flags too.....window dressing, the new Indigenous Minister Linda Burney  was recently talking about the lack of housing in the NT for indigenous folk, maybe if she sold a couple of her 5 properties that might be a start, I guess she is traditional owner but I just find both sides of politics hypocritical to the point of absurdity...