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Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #195
People keep banging on about this being about money, I don't get that from what they have said to date. As for them  picking up on the racisms stuff, again I don't get that from what I have heard or read. Harry's main beef is about being sold out by family.

That's the irony of the whole thing.
Harry didn't want to be out of the family.
He wanted to be more included, albeit with the ability to pursue personal favourite projects.
He wanted the same deal as his brother and his brother's wife.
He wanted his wife to be treated with respect, same as Kate.
All fair requests.

It's the hierarchial nature of the monarchy though that the 'heir' will always come before the 'spare'.
Andrew would have felt it all his life with Charles as his brother.
One of the differences is that Andrew had Phillip as a father. A man totally invested in the monarchy and it's traditions. He would have told Andrew that was his place and to suck it up.
In contrast Harry's mother was Diana, someone who more than any represents the problems of being involved in that system. Having seen what happened to his mother Harry would have been torn between 'duty' and concern for his family.
It's not surprising he rebelled.
But he remains torn.
He talks about doing work for his father if the issues can be resolved.
The issue isn't so much that he wants that separation, as that for him the break can't be clean....and he has to take a few parting shots that make reconciliation very difficult.

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #196
That's the irony of the whole thing.
Harry didn't want to be out of the family.
He wanted to be more included, albeit with the ability to pursue personal favourite projects.
He wanted the same deal as his brother and his brother's wife.
He wanted his wife to be treated with respect, same as Kate.
All fair requests.
He's speaking his truth, for the rest of us we have no way to tell if it is reality! ;)

The associates I have are Andrew's age / generation, went to the same schools, some of them served together in the same military units, they seem to think the situation as it has been relayed is as fictitious as it is scandalous! This idea that a family disagreement is somehow a lack of support or empathy is ridiculous, that the current events are a tantrum, the infant throwing his toys out of the cot because he didn't get his way! If this is true, who's tantrum is it, I can tell from the reports, which is why I refer to them as Harkle.

A hypothetical question, completely unsubstantiated, but still worth consideration. Is a famed Hollywood type likely to accept a low rank in the public pecking order, or are they naturally highly motivated and driven to be front of stage by any means necessary?
The Force Awakens!

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #197
Being the Royal Spare or Royal medi-sub and complaining about it when ordinary folk are doing it tough everywhere in the world... how thoughtless and selfish given his life opportunities handed to him on a plate.  Thats how it works in life, sport and in the Royal family. Someone has to be the medi-sub or play off the bench.....maybe Harry can talk to his father's brother Edward and get some tips on being one of the Royal medi-subs and having to play in the twos all his life. Go and talk to Scottie Pippen and see how he handled being second banana behind Michael Jordan etc etc...
Its amazing how greedy and ungrateful entitlement can make you and Harry and his wife famed for their charity work need to have a look in the mirror and do a reality check. It might help them understand how lucky they really are and spare us from all this sooking up over Dad and his brother. Yep his Father and his witchy old wife are no good and his brother is a chip of the old block too but all families get these issues but not all families have a lovely Royal Lifestyle to fall back on. He hasnt got over his mothers passing and how his father treated her etc and I get that but we dont need a book,  a TV series and ongoing commentary, get a therapist, move on with your life and show everyone who is the better Royal .But accept you are not the star player on the Royal team and get the medi vest on and when you get your chance to play you can show who is the better player but in the meantime give it a rest ...

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #198
I can't believe the Royal Family is as 'racist' as they are being portrayed.
For one, their own family tree, like mine, contains ancestors from all over Europe, with some interesting asides in Western Asia (Armenia, the Kingdom of Jerusalem and a handful of Muslim princesses, to name but a few). Being racist is like biting their own b*m.
On the other hand, they may not have the language to express themselves. One of Queen Elizabeth's cronies got in trouble lately for not being able to express herself properly, when asking about the background of black lady she met. The poor old thing, seeing this incredible display of Nigerian culture, made a mess by saying "Where are you from?" instead of "What is your background?" I certainly didn't think she was being racist: she was being ignorant ( a crime that has a cure, called 'education'). Certainly, very few black people move in her circles, probably less so when the woman in question was growing up.

One of things Harry doesn't seem to understand is the lack of outward emotion that the Royals express. Showing too much of yourself was 'just not done' when Elizabeth was growing up, and hadn't been since at least the days of Queen Victoria. She would have brought up her offspring the same way: it was the only way she knew how.
Diana was not not like that, and Harry thinks he models himself more on her, but even she was relatively reserved in public.

Elizabeth, in particular, lead a life of service. her motto comes from her Hanoverian forebears:  'Ich dien." I serve. That was the cornerstone of her life.
Harry seems to have forgotten that part. Certainly Will and Kate haven't. Even the 'bad boys' haven't: it hurt Andrew to be relieved from Royal duties (even though he deserved it). That was the entire point of relieving him of his duties.
Live Long and Prosper!

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #199
Yep his Father and his witchy old wife are no good and his brother is a chip of the old block too but all families get these issues but not all families have a lovely Royal Lifestyle to fall back on. He hasnt got over his mothers passing and how his father treated her etc and I get that but we dont need a book,  a TV series and ongoing commentary, get a therapist, move on with your life and show everyone who is the better Royal .But accept you are not the star player on the Royal team and get the medi vest on and when you get your chance to play you can show who is the better player but in the meantime give it a rest ...

Totally understand and as you point out, all families have their issues (large and small) and in the dealing with these bigger and more dramatic issues, many more within our circle of family, friends and loved ones will invariably become involved to some degree. However...

...These Royal/Hollywood & media cats have global, public audiences/connections. The ball games changes. These media types won't hesitate to share it all, along with their mandatory perspectives, opinions and judgements - voila, we're all sucked into this grand show, invited to do the same - share our perspectives, opinions and judgement, all fanned with great enthusiasm by these righteous media opinion broadcasters - let's keep these clicks a rollin'. Sheesh, if there's only a scintilla of a story these opportunists, pregnant with agendas (and a need to justify their relevance), will pour fuels of sensation on any issue to create glorious flames for the public to warm themselves by, and perhaps even admire the said broadcaster should their opinion align (with ours).

Of course the Royal individuals are hamstrung by rules and traditions and rely on media buddies to do their dirty work, as well as glittering PR machines to grandly embellish any good they do along with being the 'voice' of protection/justification etc. to the Royal individuals in times of need.

Equipped with more freedom than the Royal individuals, H&M are taking advantage of these media voices as well to share their side of the story, which of course includes their justified grievances and hurts, supportive cherry picking (as the other side does), grand gestures of all manner and a, right or wrong, healthy dollop of 'woe is me' - which dovetails beautifully into the perceived injustices we all carry.

Fortunately for most of us mere mortals we don't have to contend with all that! Devoid of media interest in our individual trials and tribulations, our squabbles remain in the family (unless someone resorts to illegal behaviour resulting in harm or death).
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #200
I can't believe the Royal Family is as 'racist' as they are being portrayed.
For one, their own family tree, like mine, contains ancestors from all over Europe, with some interesting asides in Western Asia (Armenia, the Kingdom of Jerusalem and a handful of Muslim princesses, to name but a few). Being racist is like biting their own b*m.
On the other hand, they may not have the language to express themselves. One of Queen Elizabeth's cronies got in trouble lately for not being able to express herself properly, when asking about the background of black lady she met. The poor old thing, seeing this incredible display of Nigerian culture, made a mess by saying "Where are you from?" instead of "What is your background?" I certainly didn't think she was being racist: she was being ignorant ( a crime that has a cure, called 'education'). Certainly, very few black people move in her circles, probably less so when the woman in question was growing up.

One of things Harry doesn't seem to understand is the lack of outward emotion that the Royals express. Showing too much of yourself was 'just not done' when Elizabeth was growing up, and hadn't been since at least the days of Queen Victoria. She would have brought up her offspring the same way: it was the only way she knew how.
Diana was not not like that, and Harry thinks he models himself more on her, but even she was relatively reserved in public.

Elizabeth, in particular, lead a life of service. her motto comes from her Hanoverian forebears:  'Ich dien." I serve. That was the cornerstone of her life.
Harry seems to have forgotten that part. Certainly Will and Kate haven't. Even the 'bad boys' haven't: it hurt Andrew to be relieved from Royal duties (even though he deserved it). That was the entire point of relieving him of his duties.

You're forgetting the treasonous Nazi sympathisers King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson, Crash.  Although Churchill threatened to court martial Edward, the government of the day did its utmost to cover up their support for Hitler and their admiration of the SS and the concentration camps.  That's as racist as you can get, but the Palace looked after its own.

The Duke of Edinburgh's continuous racist comments and insults were dismissed by the BBC as 'gaffes".  As an Al Jazeera journalist wrote, "... the long panoply of his racist, sexist, elitist, misogynistic, class-privileged and unhinged prejudices is a mobile museum of European bigotry on display."

Then there's the fact that, in 1968, the Queen’s chief financial manager informed civil servants that “it was not, in fact, the practice to appoint coloured immigrants or foreigners” to clerical roles in the royal household, although they were permitted to work as domestic servants. 

Is Meghan the first person of African descent to marry into the Royal Family?  Possibly not.

Phillippa of Hainault (1314-1369) came from an area of the Low Countries that was once ruled by Moorish tribes and it was rumoured that she had Moorish ancestry.  Queen Charlotte (1744-1818) was a descendant of Mouran Gil, who was of Moorish descent.  Apart from that, Meghan is the only 'person of colour' to have married into Queen Elizabeth's bloodline in 39 generations. No wonder the Royals were just a little worried about her.  ::)
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #201
If phillip was greek how is he not a person of colour?

No joke, the greeks are not in any way shape or form considered anglo Saxon.  Olive skinned and closer to middle eastern than not.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #202
If phillip was greek how is he not a person of colour?

No joke, the greeks are not in any way shape or form considered anglo Saxon.  Olive skinned and closer to middle eastern than not.

The Greek Royal family were Danes (Glucksburg) and Phillip's mum German (Hessian) and a great -grand daughter of Queen Victoria.


Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #203
If phillip was greek how is he not a person of colour?

No joke, the greeks are not in any way shape or form considered anglo Saxon.  Olive skinned and closer to middle eastern than not.

Sorry Thry, but there are no Anglo-Saxons.  It's simply a made up (and possibly racist) term that is generally applied to folk who come from the British Isles.  In fact, British folk are a blend of Celts, Picts, Britons, Saxons, Jutes, Gaels, Scots, Norse, Romans, Numidians, Flemish, Normans, Germans and probably many other ethnic groups.

Furthermore, "persons of colour" are defined as "not European" although there is also a self-identifying definition; "someone who does not consider themselves to be white."

"Phil the Greek" was born in Greece and was of the Greek and Danish royal families.  His maternal grandfather, Prince Louis Alexander of Battenberg, was a naturalised British subject who changed his name to Mountbatten and paved the way for Phillip to eventually make his home in England.  Philip left Greece as a young child after the abdication of King Constantine and never spoke Greek.  He grew up in France and Germany, spoke English, French, and German and said that he thought of himself as Danish.  Although raised as a Greek Orthodox Christian, Philip converted to German Protestantism as a teenager.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #204
You're forgetting the treasonous Nazi sympathisers King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson, Crash.  Although Churchill threatened to court martial Edward, the government of the day did its utmost to cover up their support for Hitler and their admiration of the SS and the concentration camps.  That's as racist as you can get, but the Palace looked after its own.

The Duke of Edinburgh's continuous racist comments and insults were dismissed by the BBC as 'gaffes".  As an Al Jazeera journalist wrote, "... the long panoply of his racist, sexist, elitist, misogynistic, class-privileged and unhinged prejudices is a mobile museum of European bigotry on display."

Then there's the fact that, in 1968, the Queen’s chief financial manager informed civil servants that “it was not, in fact, the practice to appoint coloured immigrants or foreigners” to clerical roles in the royal household, although they were permitted to work as domestic servants. 

Is Meghan the first person of African descent to marry into the Royal Family?  Possibly not.

Phillippa of Hainault (1314-1369) came from an area of the Low Countries that was once ruled by Moorish tribes and it was rumoured that she had Moorish ancestry.  Queen Charlotte (1744-1818) was a descendant of Mouran Gil, who was of Moorish descent.  Apart from that, Meghan is the only 'person of colour' to have married into Queen Elizabeth's bloodline in 39 generations. No wonder the Royals were just a little worried about her.  ::)

DJC, did you know that, according to that expert genealogist and historian Alf Garnett,  the late Queen Elizabeth II could trace her ancestry all the way back to Jesus! 🙄🤣
That may have included a fair bit of embarrassing diversity?
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #205
Sorry Thry, but there are no Anglo-Saxons.  It's simply a made up (and possibly racist) term that is generally applied to folk who come from the British Isles.  In fact, British folk are a blend of Celts, Picts, Britons, Saxons, Jutes, Gaels, Scots, Norse, Romans, Numidians, Flemish, Normans, Germans and probably many other ethnic groups.

Furthermore, "persons of colour" are defined as "not European" although there is also a self-identifying definition; "someone who does not consider themselves to be white."

"Phil the Greek" was born in Greece and was of the Greek and Danish royal families.  His maternal grandfather, Prince Louis Alexander of Battenberg, was a naturalised British subject who changed his name to Mountbatten and paved the way for Phillip to eventually make his home in England.  Philip left Greece as a young child after the abdication of King Constantine and never spoke Greek.  He grew up in France and Germany, spoke English, French, and German and said that he thought of himself as Danish.  Although raised as a Greek Orthodox Christian, Philip converted to German Protestantism as a teenager.

Are you saying he would be viewed as an equal and not an inferior specimen?

Im not saying its right, but what im saying is that greeks are closer to Egypt than they are anything else.

These people dined out on racism.  Anglo-Saxon is not a racist term, it is the holy Roman empire embodied.

Thats not to say they were English solely.  They are the origin. Of white Britain and northern Europe.

I reject the premise of a United European vs everyone else mentality.

There is a reason Yugoslavia and the Slavs earn that name, and slavery didn't begin with black people
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #206
Alf Garnett Cookie?  That’s a blast from the past!

Alf was a figure of fun but I’m sure that more than a few viewers shared his opinions.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #207
Are you saying he would be viewed as an equal and not an inferior specimen?

Im not saying its right, but what im saying is that greeks are closer to Egypt than they are anything else.

These people dined out on racism.  Anglo-Saxon is not a racist term, it is the holy Roman empire embodied.

Thats not to say they were English solely.  They are the origin. Of white Britain and northern Europe.

I reject the premise of a United European vs everyone else mentality.

There is a reason Yugoslavia and the Slavs earn that name, and slavery didn't begin with black people

Phil must have been viewed as acceptable if George IV agreed that he could marry his daughter and heir to the throne.

Of course the Greeks are closer to Egypt, Egypt was part of the Greek empire and many of the pharaohs were Greek.  My Greek friends from Egypt call themselves “Greek Greeks”.

Anglo-Saxon has nothing to do with the Holy Roman Empire, although there is a connection between the HRE Hapsburgs and the British Royal family.  The term comes from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, a compilation of Old English “historical” accounts by clerics who wanted to promote the primacy of English folk from Angle and Saxon stock.  They believed that the original Britons were from Troy.

Anglo-Saxon, in the context that you are using it, is both racist and belies an ignorance of European history.

Slavery was a fundamental part of the Roman empire, and Greek society before that.  It’s estimated that Athens alone was home to 60,000–80,000 slaves during the fifth and fourth centuries BCE.  Aristotle said that slavery was natural and necessary.

The Norse economy was founded on providing Britons, Irish, Franks, Slavs and others for the middle eastern slave markets and, yes, Slav = slave.

In the 17th century, at least 7,000 Britons were enslaved by Moorish slavers in what are known as the Turkish abductions.  The Moorish slavers also raided as far away as Iceland.  Of course, that doesn’t excuse the industrial scale slavery of African folk perpetrated by Western European countries and from which the British Royal Family benefited.  It also doesn’t excuse the indentured labour of Melanesian Kanakas in Queensland.

You might reject the notion of Europe and the rest, but that’s not how many Asians, Africans, Melanesians, Polynesians, Arabs, Persians, Armenians, Native Americans, Aboriginal Australians see it. 

Like it or not, you’re lumped in with the white folk Thry. Your family wouldn’t have been allowed into Australia if you weren’t.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #208
Phil must have been viewed as acceptable if George IV agreed that he could marry his daughter and heir to the throne.

Of course the Greeks are closer to Egypt, Egypt was part of the Greek empire and many of the pharaohs were Greek.  My Greek friends from Egypt call themselves “Greek Greeks”.

Anglo-Saxon has nothing to do with the Holy Roman Empire, although there is a connection between the HRE Hapsburgs and the British Royal family.  The term comes from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, a compilation of Old English “historical” accounts by clerics who wanted to promote the primacy of English folk from Angle and Saxon stock.  They believed that the original Britons were from Troy.

Anglo-Saxon, in the context that you are using it, is both racist and belies an ignorance of European history.

Slavery was a fundamental part of the Roman empire, and Greek society before that.  It’s estimated that Athens alone was home to 60,000–80,000 slaves during the fifth and fourth centuries BCE.  Aristotle said that slavery was natural and necessary.

The Norse economy was founded on providing Britons, Irish, Franks, Slavs and others for the middle eastern slave markets and, yes, Slav = slave.

In the 17th century, at least 7,000 Britons were enslaved by Moorish slavers in what are known as the Turkish abductions.  The Moorish slavers also raided as far away as Iceland.  Of course, that doesn’t excuse the industrial scale slavery of African folk perpetrated by Western European countries and from which the British Royal Family benefited.  It also doesn’t excuse the indentured labour of Melanesian Kanakas in Queensland.

You might reject the notion of Europe and the rest, but that’s not how many Asians, Africans, Melanesians, Polynesians, Arabs, Persians, Armenians, Native Americans, Aboriginal Australians see it. 

Like it or not, you’re lumped in with the white folk Thry. Your family wouldn’t have been allowed into Australia if you weren’t.

never have been lumped in with the white folk and never will be.

Anglo Saxon in my context isn't racist.  Its referring to the class of people who have made me feel unaccepted in Australia my entire life.

Read the Wikipedia page.,identity%20was%20not%20merely%20imported.

Your version doesn't line up with historical truth DJC.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #209
never have been lumped in with the white folk and never will be.

Anglo Saxon in my context isn't racist.  Its referring to the class of people who have made me feel unaccepted in Australia my entire life.

Read the Wikipedia page.,identity%20was%20not%20merely%20imported.

Your version doesn't line up with historical truth DJC.

My version is based on historical, archaeological, genetic and linguistic evidence.  Your version is based on a racist opinion; Anglo-Saxonism was a racial belief system developed by British and American intellectuals, politicians, and academics in the 19th century. It advanced the argument that the civilization of English-speaking nations was superior to that of any other nations because of racial traits and characteristics inherited from the Anglo-Saxon invaders of Britain.  We now know that the Angles and Saxons played a relatively minor role; culturally, linguistically and genetically.

Rather than relying on Wikipedia, there are some excellent, very readable books based on the the most up to date research.  Alice Roberts is a great writer and I recommend her Buried: an alternative history of the first millennium in Britain, Ancestors: a prehistory of Britain in seven burials, and The Celts.  Robin Fleming's Britain after the Romans is another good read.  Then there is Blood of the Isles by Bryan Sykes that deals with the DNA evidence.  Finally, there's Stephen Pollington's An introduction to the Old English language and its literature.

My patrilineal ancestors arrived in Britain 6,500 years ago and settled in Cumbria where they stayed until four generations ago.  My matrilineal ancestors left the Spanish refuge at the end of the last ice age and made their way up the Atlantic coastline as the ice sheets melted.  They moved into Britain before the formation of the English Channel.  I have some DNA from Germanic Europe (Saxons) but I am mainly a mix of Britons, Celts, Gaels and Norse.  I am not Anglo-Saxon, primarily because it is a meaningless term culturally and biologically, but also because my DNA reveals my true ancestry.  The term was used to claim racial superiority in the 19th century and, by your own admission, is used by you to identify a class of people who you claim behaved in a particular way, and that's racist.

“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball