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Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #285
When I was younger it was the case that the average Australian kid could name many more Native American tribes than they could Indigenous Australian tribes. Sioux Cheyenne, Comanche Apache, Mohawk...we could pick them by their clothing or hairstyles ....the impact of television!

With the decline of the Western in movies and TV that disparity is probably not there any more....although the knowledge of Indigenous groups is probably still pretty thin.

It's funny that with a Federal election less than a month away we seem to be devoting more time to an American election that wont happen until November than we are to our own contest.

I guess we prefer the "bizarre" to the "boring" when it comes to elections.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #286
When I was younger it was the case that the average Australian kid could name many more Native American tribes than they could Indigenous Australian tribes. Sioux Cheyenne, Comanche Apache, Mohawk...we could pick them by their clothing or hairstyles ....the impact of television!

With the decline of the Western in movies and TV that disparity is probably not there any more....although the knowledge of Indigenous groups is probably still pretty thin.

It's funny that with a Federal election less than a month away we seem to be devoting more time to an American election that wont happen until November than we are to our own contest.

I guess we prefer the "bizarre" to the "boring" when it comes to elections.

Perhaps folk are more concerned about the fallout from the results of the US election.  A victory by Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum in our election won't really make much difference but the prospect of a Trump victory is scary.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #287
When I was younger it was the case that the average Australian kid could name many more Native American tribes than they could Indigenous Australian tribes. Sioux Cheyenne, Comanche Apache, Mohawk...we could pick them by their clothing or hairstyles ....the impact of television!

With the decline of the Western in movies and TV that disparity is probably not there any more....although the knowledge of Indigenous groups is probably still pretty thin.

It's funny that with a Federal election less than a month away we seem to be devoting more time to an American election that wont happen until November than we are to our own contest.

I guess we prefer the "bizarre" to the "boring" when it comes to elections.

What a perfect summary, to prefer bizarre over boring. Well said. I remember a time when there were inspiring political leaders.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17


Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #288
It's amazing the Americans can make a rah rah about almost anything. The lead up and the hype almost over shadows the event it's self. It has its own life, and the public really buy into it. Must the culture in general, here , we mostly are sick of hear about it from day one

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #289
Impressive oratory works in the US but not in Australia.  Going to an Obama rally in 2008 or 2012 must have really been something.  He captivated his crowds with his soaring and inspirational rhetoric.  But if Obama had grown up in Australia, he would have been told he was being a wanker. 

Imagine thousands of people turning out to listen to Bill or Malcolm. It just doesn't happen.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #290
It's amazing the Americans can make a rah rah about almost anything. The lead up and the hype almost over shadows the event it's self. It has its own life, and the public really buy into it. Must the culture in general, here , we mostly are sick of hear about it from day one

He he - reminds me of the old saying about the IBM salesman - always telling his girlfriend how great it's gonna be!  :)
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #291
True, it's in bred from an early age, thinking it starts with every morning saluting the flag etc at school. The whole event driven culture, high school football games , pep rally's etc , so much so they would organise a party round the opening up of a man hole cover if there was a ceremony involved.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #292
Impressive oratory works in the US but not in Australia.  Going to an Obama rally in 2008 or 2012 must have really been something.  He captivated his crowds with his soaring and inspirational rhetoric.  But if Obama had grown up in Australia, he would have been told he was being a wanker. 

Imagine thousands of people turning out to listen to Bill or Malcolm. It just doesn't happen.

It used to work in Australia.  Bob Menzies was quite an orator and would fill town halls with ease.

Our current batch of politicians are focused on slogans and are terrified of saying anything that might stray off message.  I think it's a product of the rise of political minders and strategists.

I can only think of a couple of genuine inspirational speeches; Keating's Redfern speech (written by Don Watson) and Julia Gillard's off the cuff misogyny speech.

Rhetoric is not an Aussie strength but your average Septic is quite comfortable holding forth on any subject (apart from some of those beauty pageant contestants!).
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #293
Impressive oratory works in the US but not in Australia.  Going to an Obama rally in 2008 or 2012 must have really been something.  He captivated his crowds with his soaring and inspirational rhetoric.  But if Obama had grown up in Australia, he would have been told he was being a wanker. 

Imagine thousands of people turning out to listen to Bill or Malcolm. It just doesn't happen.

Being forced to listen to Bill or Malcolm may just replace waterboarding...
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #294
I stated that I thought Trump would win the election easily against Hilary, but I had overlooked a fairly obvious 'trump card' (pun not really intended) that the Democrats had up their sleeve and it could be a really killer punch.

Elizabeth Warren has not only come out in support of Hilary today, but she has put herself in the running to possible end up the Vice Presidential nominee. I think the possibility of losing all those Bernie supporters lessens considerably with Warren in Hilary's camp as she seems far more naturally to sit in Sanders camp.

I wonder if her move is designed more to keep Trump out, than it is to get Hilary in. It was an obvious card as I stated, but I had completely forgotten about her.

It must be said though that we don't know yet whether she is up to the riguors of a presidential campaign and particularly one that will be as ugly as this one (this will be the worst I can ever remember). Who knows if there are skeletons, who knows if she maintain her calm and dignity in the fire, that will unfold if she does indeed join the campaign as a VP nominee.

The great thing about getting Warren onside for Hilary is that she attracts an area Hilary doesn't. There might be some nerves about appointing a Women President and VP all at once (change always worries some people), but that should be more than countered by the voters she brings in and I don't know that Trump is going to have as big a card to play himself (nor whether anyone would believe that a marriage of Trump with a Cruz/Rubio jump onboard).

Anyway, whether she does or doesn't run with Hilary her support is something Clinton's camp have been waiting for and probably tips the balance against what I stated only a week (or less ago). It I was going to place a bet on this and IF Warren does run with Hilary then I think I change my mind and would put my money on Hilary.

Either way, both are bad for the world and for America I think, anyway there are certainly many many more twists ahead.

Edit: One thing though I will say is dyed in the wool republicans will almost certainly hate her and it could make some of those thinking of abstaining, because they didn't want to vote for Trump actually voting, but I really do think that is likely to be any significant amount as they all hate Hilary as well. :)

Goals for 2017
Play the most anti-social football in the AFL

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #295
..... anyway there are certainly many many more twists ahead.

Too many to make a judgement this far out....Vice presidential candidates, FBI investigations, mud slinging (Trumps supposed to give such a speech on Monday), the potential for Trump to self destruct, third party candidates..... violence, protests and demonstrations at the conventions, party unity or lack of it, Obama imposing himself on the contest

Just looking at that list though.... it's more likely that the impact of most of these would see Trump go backwards from this point.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #296
20 pages on the US election.  Australia election?  No one can be bothered and it is tedious.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #297
Another day...another comment from Trump that would destroy the chances of any other politician had they made them......He's seeking to make a political "I told you so"  point out of the mass murder in Orlando ::)

Donald J. Trump


Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!
2:43 AM - 13 Jun 2016

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #298
Another day...another comment from Trump that would destroy the chances of any other politician had they made them......He's seeking to make a political "I told you so"  point out of the mass murder in Orlando ::)

I think it will be more votes for Trump.....those on the fence might fall on Trumps side when it comes to dealing with terrorism.....redneck white americans will be buying more guns and building bigger fences.

Re: US Presidential Election 2016

Reply #299
I think it will be more votes for Trump.....those on the fence might fall on Trumps side when it comes to dealing with terrorism.....redneck white americans will be buying more guns and building bigger fences.

Yes, this tragedy will play right into Trump's hands I'm afraid.
Reality always wins in the end.