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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5925
God bless America.

Ironic eh, over there they think COVID deaths are exaggerated, here we think vaccine side-effects are understated, there seems to be a unifying bias in those subjective opinions,.

For the life of me I can't make out what it is! :-\
The Force Awakens!


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5927
You just knew this was coming, ultimately is it good or bad, what about here in OZ?

Didn't they just execute a mentally challenged small time drug dealer?
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5928
Thry, my wife and I have  been double vaccinated since July and expect to get a booster shot late January.

Just as an aside, my immuno-compromised brother and his wife moved from Sydney to Byron Bay a fortnight ago to live close to their adult children.  So far he has been unable to find a doctor who is not into "wellness" and natural remedies.

Last night he told me the local schools are having trouble remaining open as up to 40 percent of the teachers are refusing to be vaccinated.

I understand.  This is a very delicate, and difficult thing for people.

No one wants to cause harm to anyone else, right?

So, when I hear that my colleagues 16 year old daughter has multiple class mates who have ended up in an Emergency Department with heart rates well over healthy levels, on the back end of receiving a vaccine, and our Triage Managers son who is in his 30's was admitted and is no longer able to drive a car because of myocarditis, and is now on a treatment plan for that and inelligible for a second vaccine, then what?

Sure.  This is anecdotal.  My anecdotal account of the pandemic doesn't quite measure up to the threat most people pin to COVID either, but, I am not stupid enough to believe that this is anything but my anecdotal view, when you hear it backed up by others, it changes things, and does raise some concerns and questions. 

We also need to be mindful that being fully transparent about vaccine side effects is a hinderance to "getting back to normal" because it will cause hesitancy in those who are truly unsure what they should do.  Not just here, but globally.  No one wants to hear that the vaccines aren't perfectly safe when they have been administered on a scale globally the way they have.  Not when the companies producing these things have basically signed away the liability to the individual receiving.  Not when people are starting to resume normal life, economies of scale are starting to return to normal, the government gets to avoid funding hospital beds for covid patients to quote yourself to the tune of $4000 a day, to administer a relatively cheap vaccine to make our covid problem dissapear and resume normality.

Thing is, are they just filling everyone with a false sense of security?

I don't have these answers.  When I hear first hand accounts of vaccine side effects, vs a lack of first hand of covid positives, it starts to make one a bit concerned that they are being hoodwinked.  When you work in and among front liners (I just completed setup of an area for the COVID community pathways call centre and have spoken to those staffing it and what they are seeing in the community of covid positives that arent in hospital or perhaps not even needing treatment), it makes it even harder to believe, but not impossible.  So we come to forums like this, and get told to get back into our boxes and stop asking questions.  I still think vaccination is the right thing to do, but maybe the risk assessments surrounding who gets and who shouldn't is the part that needs to be done better?

The one thing I did before I got vaccinated, is understand, that the only thing I know, is that I know nothing, it then becomes a matter of what and whom do you believe.  Sure, you can believe everyone that tells you vaccination is the key to beating covid.  yes, but the cane toad was once the answer to a different issue and it was backed by science, and has created its own problem.  Will the vaccine do similar?  I have no choice but to believe the health professionals, but when the counter argument is an argument that literally suits nobody then what?

Understand something.  When the world is returning to normal, and we still have people asking questions, odds are its because those questions have some validity to them.  Not just "dissenters" or "conspiracy theorists" or anti vaxxers.  When you see people attacking the validity of the question, without any real investigation or reasoning, then that in itself is a warning sign worth paying attention to.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5929
Didn't they just execute a mentally challenged small time drug dealer?
They don't discriminate, wealth or poverty, health or illness is no excuse, if you deal drugs on the Asian Peninsula, Thailand, Malaysia or Indonesia, you're gone!

That is how the law should be or else you end up with a wealth based outcomes like the USA, where it comes down to the lawyer you can afford!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5931
The labour governments are tearing this country apart, I can't see myself ever voting for them again.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5932

Very interesting.

As a vaccinated person, I dont have an issue either way, but can you imagine the litigation that comes in, if someone contracts COVID at this premises? 
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5933
Very interesting.

As a vaccinated person, I dont have an issue either way, but can you imagine the litigation that comes in, if someone contracts COVID at this premises? 
As you know you can still carry Covid(reduced load) if you are vaxxed and infect other vaxxed/unvaxxed customers and I guess some customers might have medical exemptions but clearly the owner doesnt care and wants his coin rather than following the rules. Even in Victoria mask wearing seems optional for some people indoors and social distancing seems to have waned as well especially in supermarkets where you get customers breathing down your neck at the checkout who wont stick to their spot on the ground and want to rush you through.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5935
I spoke to a guy in his 20's who just got his second jab a week ago.

Now had ongoing heart symptoms but has been cleared by his doctor.

Doesn't want his booster when its time.


Apparently his doctor has seen it in 20 to 25% of his patients.

I told him to follow his doctor's orders and if having some heart issues get to hospital rather than dilly dally or wait.  People are happy to waste an ED'S time at the best of times, so having heart issues should see you go in.

Is anyone else coming across this? 

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5936
I spoke to a guy in his 20's who just got his second jab a week ago.

Now had ongoing heart symptoms but has been cleared by his doctor.

Doesn't want his booster when its time.


Apparently his doctor has seen it in 20 to 25% of his patients.

I told him to follow his doctor's orders and if having some heart issues get to hospital rather than dilly dally or wait.  People are happy to waste an ED'S time at the best of times, so having heart issues should see you go in.

Is anyone else coming across this? 

Had one family member who had Pfizer come down with chest pains and was taken to hospital by ambulance.
30 year old fit police officer who looks after himself and he was very uncomfortable and stayed in hospital for a couple of days.
As you say Chest Pains jumps you to the top of the waiting list because it can also be heart trouble etc that is not vaccine induced and everyone gets the ECG's, blood tests etc to make sure. Had my Son in law come down with a lump on his collarbone and rash after his initial dose of Moderna, again a very fit strong young bloke in his early 30s. Due for his second dose this Friday and still has the lump, had tests including a ultrasound and it was diagnosed as a vaccine induced Lipoma. It has gone down a little but he is concerned it might flair up again with the next dose.
Boosters I think will be problematic for people who have had  more serious issues and I think LP's idea of a different vaccine to the initial type you had might be a better way to go.
A couple of the ER's I get info about have seen a rise in patients attending for vaccine side effect issues, chest pains of course even mild do create anxiety which amplifies the symptoms and the majority are usually cleared quickly to go home after they have a normal ECG, blood test but they do clog up ER's and its usually the ones with pre existing conditions that require more treatment.
For sure its the male in that late 20's early 30s that seem to be affected more from what I hear..

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5937
Nothing first, second or nth hand, not even any suggestions of any kids in our school or footy teams having any side effects (though there was 1 kid with a positive Covid test). That doesn't undermine what you've been told, I hasten to add. Maybe I'm a mushroom (in my experience, kids don't volunteer much info about anything). 

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5938
They don't discriminate, wealth or poverty, health or illness is no excuse, if you deal drugs on the Asian Peninsula, Thailand, Malaysia or Indonesia, you're gone!

That is how the law should be or else you end up with a wealth based outcomes like the USA, where it comes down to the lawyer you can afford!

Problem is that especially in Thailand money talks AND allows one to walk… google Red Bull heir.
Let’s go BIG !

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5939
Problem is that especially in Thailand money talks AND allows one to walk… google Red Bull heir.

My God ... he got away with that?  Unbelievable.  But you're right, corruption runs deep over there.