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Topic: CV and mad panic behaviour (Read 525349 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5970
There is a bit of a social media movement pushing 3CL protease inhibitors, actually any protease inhibitor but mostly Ivermectin, it is a gross oversimplification of reality.

Yes, many drugs are protease inhibitors, and inhibiting protease can stop viral replication. But not every drug that can inhibit protease works to stop every virus. The spurious claims are misleading, like Dr John Campbell's reference to molecule and carbon atom counts. So I'll make a simple analogy as a counterpoint.

Two houses can have the same number and shape ceramic tiles in the same mix of colours, but one may be a T shaped hip roof from 1980, and the other a cathedral gable from 1876! Counting tiles is not a valid description of the structure.

We know many protease inhibitors do squat, even others do plenty but will kill you faster than the virus, it all comes down to that structure! That is why the devil is in the detail. For a protease inhibitor to work it has to have both the correct structure to get where it needs to be, and be inserted at exactly the right moment, otherwise the virus will most likely replace it as that is what a virus does.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5971
I dont know much, but what I've seen is over the last 2 years, painters, electricians and mechanics seem to have more health advice regarding a pandemic with categorical statements of fact than any medical professionals i know which is cause enough to state with accuracy that there is no miracle drug out there that works irrespective of the assertions.

Probably the most sensible comment in the almost 400 pages of this thread  :)
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5972
At least Flyboy has stopped relying on Thomas Borody when pushing Ivermectin. He was his go-to guy a while back. But then it came out Borody had taken a patent out on his ivermectin protocol and had been making out like a bandit prescribing it to patients until the Federal Govt restricted the ability of doctors to prescribe Ivermectin. I guess when you want to argue that everyone who advocates the use of vaccines is a shill of big Pharma and is making money off the vaccine program, it's a bit inconvenient when your star witness is making money off pushing Ivermectin. And it's even more inconvenient when your star witness gave evidence in the NSW Supreme Court in the challenge to the vaccine mandates alongside another Ivermectin advocate in Professor Ian Brighthope and the Judge preferred the evidence of the government expert.

So damning was the decision in the Supreme Court of NSW that anti-vaxxers circulated a faked transcript of the testimony of the government expert, Professor Kristine Macartney, which had her saying that vaccinated people were 13 times more likely to catch Covid than unvaccinated people. What an absolute outrage that they descend to that level of dishonesty. Ivermectin is just a figleaf for these arseholes to pretend that they wouldn't be happy to see millions die just so they can win their war.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5973
At least Flyboy has stopped relying on Thomas Borody when pushing Ivermectin.
Why am I not surprised they turn out to be grifters?

I'm surprised any of the anti-vax Ivermectin grifters have the time to continue with business, I suppose you have to take every opportunity, but I would have thought they would be flat out appealing / protesting Nathan Buckley's suspension from the bar!

I think I'll refer to them as Lemmings or perhaps even Stoolies from here on, the more they push their agenda the more they expose it's con, although perhaps neither term is accurate given if they practise what they preach they probably have more in common with the Dodo!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5974
At least Flyboy has stopped relying on Thomas Borody when pushing Ivermectin. He was his go-to guy a while back. But then it came out Borody had taken a patent out on his ivermectin protocol and had been making out like a bandit prescribing it to patients until the Federal Govt restricted the ability of doctors to prescribe Ivermectin. I guess when you want to argue that everyone who advocates the use of vaccines is a shill of big Pharma and is making money off the vaccine program, it's a bit inconvenient when your star witness is making money off pushing Ivermectin. And it's even more inconvenient when your star witness gave evidence in the NSW Supreme Court in the challenge to the vaccine mandates alongside another Ivermectin advocate in Professor Ian Brighthope and the Judge preferred the evidence of the government expert.

So damning was the decision in the Supreme Court of NSW that anti-vaxxers circulated a faked transcript of the testimony of the government expert, Professor Kristine Macartney, which had her saying that vaccinated people were 13 times more likely to catch Covid than unvaccinated people. What an absolute outrage that they descend to that level of dishonesty. Ivermectin is just a figleaf for these arseholes to pretend that they wouldn't be happy to see millions die just so they can win their war.

Follow the money trail... who is funding Invermectin claims, and feeding the propaganda?
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5975
Follow the money trail... who is funding Invermectin claims, and feeding the propaganda?
Psychopaths preserving their income and investments ahead of preserving human life. Ivermectin is a cheapest thing they can throw at Sars-CoV-2 while still claiming it has some potential functionality. It's ubiquitous because it's already pretty much everywhere livestock exists, and so they can claim they are throwing money at the problem while not actually needing to make a fresh purchase.

At least Ivermectin has some potential if they can find a complimentary drug that they can combine it with to get a result, but on it's own it's worthless.

The claims surrounding HCQ are far more nefarious, the poor Brazilians copped the rough end of both from that crook Bolsonaro!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5976
Saw footage today on the news of the protesters in Melbourne again in very large numbers. Speculated estimates of over 50,000 people in and around Parliament House and Treasury Gardens. Protests against one of the main issues is the new amendment to an existing State of Emergency bill. Spoken of as being the Pandemic Management bill PHW act 2021. Very few viewings on TV for me. Probably what happens when you do the graveyard shift and live like a Vampire. I catch more of what is happening in Victoria and Australia on the internet than I do on TV. It was good to see little on no violence. Not real intervention or actions by the police. Always a case of people against vaccines as a mandate. That has been a part of what division we have in society at the moment.

The bill is in a review process before the upper house politicians in Victoria form the 16th of this month through to the 18th when the vote for this bill will take effect. With the numbers that the party in power with affiliates leaves them with a need to have the cross bench members to vote against the recommendation. However it was stated on the news that 3 cross bench members agree and have stated it to the media that they will vote yes, that this is all that is required to pass this bill.

The arguments against come as suggested amendments to what is in this 100 plus page document. By the President of the Victorian Bar Council, who was implicated in the bill as a supporter and endorsing the document, while stating multiple times by mail to be against it. Sending messages to the current government to amend the details to avoid further invasion of human rights. Same goes for the President of Liberty Victoria. However once the vote has been taken and recorded the issue will be final.

We could expect changes but I seriously don’t see anything major before 2022. I predict the new State of emergency plan under Pandemic Management will be activated on the 16th of December and not acted on. Allowyus to get through Christmas. Boxing Day test. New Years celebrations and what an interesting Tv viewing of the year that was that will be. Then we start a new year 2022 and we have no idea what is in front of us.

I will stay here posting all I hear and see. I love debating and exchanging views. Not always something I agree but I swear to God if someone posts a view I was against and didn’t have an argument because my thoughts had no back up. I would say no argument. I can’t justify my view. It now leads to some concerns again. It might be a case that I should be banned from posting late at night. It is when I am awake and able to do my best work. By best I actually means spin sh1t as this little old man has little to go on and depend on what I see and hear. I have just viewed multiple video interviews on the internet. It worries me and it might explain a few things to me. A few members of the medical world, nurses and doctors have announced a strange phenomena. Gagging orders by email from the EUA regarding vaccines about to be introduced to the public back as far as 2020. Most of these during the course of 2021. Stating that if there is any form of negativity spread about vaccines for covid or any form of leading people to avoid future vaccines or attempting to promote medical exemptions it could and would lead to losing registration and licences to practice in the field of medical help. Has anyone heard of this in the medical field. I actually have today. I can’t say where but on a quiet note I was told to not mention names. Surely this must be something conspiracy theorists would have a field day about. I now remember hearing friends who looked for medical exemptions and were told I could lose my licence and practice doing this.

Hence, is it true that a number of nurses and doctors have left their field of work due do to some form of moral conflict to serve the people? I know some that have left but not certain why just yet. I see numbers of the police force that are at protests with a similar situation. Some could be because they are not vaccinated. Some could be for moral reasons.

Her is the best for last. Sex workers. Let me just call them sex relief practitioner members. I had many people I talk to that are single get their relief of every day covid stresses this way. Don’t worry about scanning in Sir, we don’t give a f@#k. We will give that to you but don’t worry about masks. What about your vaccine status? What vaccine status? To allow me to enter and get what I need. Pay your money, get your unload, and leave the building. Are sex relief workers under the essential services of work? Are they mandated to be jabbed? What about their clients? Should that be called customers?  What about contact tracing in this field? I can’t even say he or she, because it could be a he that was a she, or a she that was a he, transsexual, bi or more than I as and old fart could possibly imagine. Is there a spread of anything that would make you think? How do you do the 1.5 metre distancing thing unless you are a horse? Keen o hear more about the medical industry and nurses and doctors. I am hearing more about people leaving the business than I ever have before. It will put a strain on the system. Makes me feel sad. The people help us with medical needs are leaving. Is this true?
This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5977
We could expect changes but I seriously don’t see anything major before 2022
I love reading your interest and perspective on this, I think it is probably far more than just COVID or vaccines and needs to have a separate thread!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5978

Make the most of this summer everyone.  The lockdowns are beginning again in Europe.  Right on time, just as winter is taking a hand hold in earnest.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5979
Went out for lunch at a restaurant for the first time in a forever, and after receiving the bill, i'll be happy to go back into lockdown. lol

I think a few places have jacked up their prices, and fair enough really, since lockdowns have killed them.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5980
Re Nurses and Dr's gagged... Yep Nurses were told no negative vaccine waves and to see the beauty in those vaccine jabs.
Don't know about Dr's but the hospital variety would have to run everything by the Registrar who gives permission to make public comment normally anyway.
Covid is back in Europe and vaccine rates in some countries are an issue, getting people to get boosters is going to be another story to watch. England has been slow in getting boosters and I think that's going to be the case in a lot of countries where folk think its job done with the initial jabs.
Can see a booster mandate in Victoria with Dan in full power trip mode...

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5981
In Victoria, we don't have to wait for Winter to come around again; we're still in it. It's freezing.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5982
Mantis, it sounds nefarious to limit the ability of nurses to say whatever they want to patients or in public, but should nurses have a right to spread disinformation or misinformation? If a nurse is an anti-vaxxer, should it be permissible for him or her to scare patients out of taking the vaccine with lies told in service of a greater cause? What about a nurse in an obstetric ward who wants to tell every pregnant woman that their children will be born deformed if they vaccinate themselves? If nurses have a right to free speech in their workplaces then they couldn't even be moved or disciplined. You'd have to try to clean up around them. And how many hours would you need to spend with a terrorised pregnant woman to talk her around after an anti-vaxxer has finished with her?

The problem is that we see professions, particularly helping professions, as monoliths. But they are large communities which have their share of wackos and evildoers. We've had solicitors who steal their clients' money, barristers who sell out their clients to the police, police who rape, murder and sell drugs, doctors who believe in demon blood, and nurses who kill their patients. As a reality check, who is the granddaddy of anti-vaxxers? Andrew Wakefield, who was a doctor at the time he faked case studies he said showed that MMR vaccines caused autism. He was deregistered as a result. I suppose anti-vaxxers would say that was an outrageous attempt to strip him of his right to free speech and prevent him from getting his message out to the people.  

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5983
Re Nurses and Dr's gagged... Yep Nurses were told no negative vaccine waves and to see the beauty in those vaccine jabs.
Don't know about Dr's but the hospital variety would have to run everything by the Registrar who gives permission to make public comment normally anyway.
Covid is back in Europe and vaccine rates in some countries are an issue, getting people to get boosters is going to be another story to watch. England has been slow in getting boosters and I think that's going to be the case in a lot of countries where folk think its job done with the initial jabs.
Can see a booster mandate in Victoria with Dan in full power trip mode...

The booster program is being worked on. Mr Foley has brought the topic up a number of times as has the Covid Commander. People I work with think the job is done after the 2nd vaccination. I tell them we will see a booster program which has been mentioned. It would have to be a part of an on going plan you would think. How else would we maintain a vaccinated status without it? I don’t think people understand how we will be living with Covid and what the rules will be in the next year or so. It doesn’t end with two shots. Especially once state to state borders open up and international travel and movement is in full swing.
This digital world is too much for us insects to understand.


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5984
Went out for lunch at a restaurant for the first time in a forever, and after receiving the bill, i'll be happy to go back into lockdown. lol

I think a few places have jacked up their prices, and fair enough really, since lockdowns have killed them.
I don't mind the prices being raised a bit given the lower density seating, but I expect quality and service at the higher price to make it worthwhile to eat in.

A lot of places are doing themselves in by giving half the service, average product and a 90min limit for almost double the price.

In my area the more experienced foodies are doing hybrid trading, some in-house complimented by a shed load of home delivery.
The Force Awakens!