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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5805
The Victorian vaccine mandate challenge will be heard in late November or early December. The Judge who will hear it has just ruled against a motion by the plaintiffs to get her to withdraw from the case due to perceptions of bias. That's a great start to the plaintiff's case. Unless you know you're going to lose anyway, it aint a great idea to piss off the Judge. But it's great for conspiracy theorists. Ironically, if she had withdrawn from the case, the trial would have been delayed until the new year given that she was alllocated the case because she was the only one who could hear it this year.

Given that the mandated 2nd dose is supposed to be 26 November, will there be many who hold out for the ruling? And if the new pandemic legislation does go through, will the plaintiffs get any benefit out of a win in Court?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5806
An interesting correlation to the India scenario is that the bat blamed for Sars-CoV-2 spreads and migrates across the Asian Subcontinent from India to China, and early on some science sources thought the genetics pointed to a origin in the subcontinent, but that was lost in the lab leak and wet market hypothesis.

So it's quite possible that initial finding was on the money and India may have some natural immunity.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5807
Correct me if I’m wrong, the only way a population can gain a natural immunity to a disease is for those who are susceptible to it to die from it or at least be rendered infertile. Then natural selection will enable those who are genetically resistant to it become dominant. That would take a long time to play out and the mass deaths would be legendary.

The other way is for the population to be widely exposed to a disease and develop an immunity that might in some cases be life-long. But leaving aside the messy theory about epigenetics, that immunity wouldn’t be passed on to the next generation as there’d be no genetic change or mutation. This was historically the way Europeans were able to survive smallpox and then use it against indigenous populations in the Americas as a biological weapon. Children who were infected with smallpox wouldn’t become very sick and they’d be immune for life.

But if the latter method had caused Indians to develop widespread immunity that predated Covid-19, that means Covid-19 was circulating in India well before it escaped from Wuhan. If this were even a possibility, the Chinese would have been yelling it from the rooftops. As they haven’t, we can stick a fork in that idea.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5808
Perhaps India had a mild case of the disease and that mutated into the one that came out of wuhan....and continues to mutate today.

That'd offer some kind of immunity without the need for conspiracy theories wouldn't it?
It could simply be China had no knowledge of it.
There has always been some question marks on time frames....

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5809
Perhaps India had a mild case of the disease and that mutated into the one that came out of wuhan....and continues to mutate today.

That'd offer some kind of immunity without the need for conspiracy theories wouldn't it?
It could simply be China had no knowledge of it.
There has always been some question marks on time frames....

Not with the official death rate in India, and definitely not with the likely death rate.  They were hit very hard.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5810
Not with the official death rate in India, and definitely not with the likely death rate.  They were hit very hard.
Agree....about 40% of children in India dont get registered at birth, the authorities cant have accurate figures.
They had cremation grounds in Gujarat that had fires going 24 hours a day burning bodies, dont think they were counting.
Official figures have the death rate getting close to 5 mill but modelling done in the USA reckon its between 2-5 times that..

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5811
If India's genetic immunity is real we have no idea of when it was gained, the roots of Sars or Sars-CoV-2 could be thousands of years, don't think too recent.
The Force Awakens!


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5812
Not only would the Indians have struggled to keep reliable stats on Covid infections and deaths even if they had prioritised that task, I doubt there was the political will to do so. There’s always a temptation for politicians to minimise the extent of a problem that develops under their watch, but Prime Minister Modi had more reason than most to do so. His party ran an election campaign during the pandemic and the campaign relied heavily on Trump-style rallies with massive crowds standing shoulder to shoulder. Critics slammed him over this and the last thing he wanted was official confirmation that Covid deaths had exploded afterwards.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5813
Not only would the Indians have struggled to keep reliable stats on Covid infections and deaths even if they had prioritised that task, I doubt there was the political will to do so. There’s always a temptation for politicians to minimise the extent of a problem that develops under their watch, but President Modi had more reason than most to do so. His party ran an election campaign during the pandemic and the campaign relied heavily on Trump-style rallies with massive crowds standing shoulder to shoulder. Critics slammed him over this and the last thing he wanted was official confirmation that Covid deaths had exploded afterwards.
Yes very true, this is no different to Africa and Sth America, even if accuracy was wanted the infrastructure just isn't present to keep a tab on things anyway.

Months ago I read an estimate that reported COVID case counts in Africa might be as much as one quarter of the real case count. But it should not surprise us, because even here, in the UK or the USA the stats do not catch every case.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5815
Mate runs a retail place in Northcote.

In the first three hours yesterday,  verbally abused by 5  customers,  who refused to mask up,  sign in, provide hard copy contact details or  show proof of vaccination as required by the new mandates. 

Massive fines for retailers that are found to have "unregistered" (I can't think of a better word)  people on the premises.

Thanks Dan, you're not the poor bastard who has to enforce the rules you rammed through.
DrE is no more... you ok with that harmonica man?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5816
My preference if a booster required....
Based on what I have been reading, I think it makes perfect sense to get a cross vaccination as the booster shot.

Firstly, the early results suggest it looks like the key to having a broader spectrum immunity is not to be welded onto any single vaccine. People should be aware that this idea of a blended solution is what has been happening with the influenza vaccines for years so it is not something new or experimental but it is a very old school practise.

Secondly, no one vaccine works for 100% of the population, any single vaccine at best will provide 85% of the population with some protection, but for a different vaccine it might not be the same 85% protected. So by mixing and matching you reduce the number of people who are unprotected.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5817
I had an unsettling experience yesterday with an anti-vaxxer. I was shopping at a Good Guys store, minding my own business,  when I was approached by a mid-forties male who began talking to me with the fervour of a religious zealot.

In a loud voice he told me that governments (unspecified) were to blame for Covid. Further, he said nobody knows what is in the vaccines and that his research led him to the conclusion that one man was responsible for it all - Bill Gates.

If this guy represents the typical anti-vaxxer then there is no turning them.  His manner was such that I just got out of the store as fast as I could.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5818
If this guy represents the typical anti-vaxxer then there is no turning them.  His manner was such that I just got out of the store as fast as I could.
The bell has already been rung! ;)

All jokes aside, there are a lot of nutters roaming around shopping centres accosting people for wearing masks, etc., etc., they don't get the irony of imposing their space invading will on others! ;)
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #5819
That was the best response, Macca. Trying to reason with them is like arguing with a toddler. It's an impossible mission: they aren't bound by facts or logic.

Was he wearing a mask or did he believe the mask mandate is just a method malevolent governments have used to inflict hypoxia on people so they're easier to manipulate? Geez, I never want surgeons to operate on me: they've all suffered brain damage from being starved of oxygen in operating theatres ...