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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6615
^^ Lawyers are lawyers.

They're a necessary evil who argue about legalities so the rest of us don't need to worry about the ins and outs of everything.

The rest is just details.

The details are important, but in terms of your pub test I know of as many people who will argue for Novak as I do who would argue against him, and where you sit is a choice made on many factors.

My wife herself stated that if she needed to be vaccinated to watch him, he should be vaccinated to play, and I simply stated to her that whether or not someone is vaccinated shouldn't be anyone's business but their own.

"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6616
My wife herself stated that if she needed to be vaccinated to watch him, he should be vaccinated to play, and I simply stated to her that whether or not someone is vaccinated shouldn't be anyone's business but their own.

Yes and no.

Victorians are sick of being told to follow the rules and jump through hoops. Finally we are (almost) all on the same page and doing the right thing......and then some privileged primadonna comes in and wants to challenge all that.
There is a right way and a wrong way to go about things, and his selfish, stuck up 'look at me out partying all over the world' vibe is something that we won't stand for.

So you wanna rub it in peoples faces, then suffer the consequences. 

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6617
Unaminous ruling ... can't dismiss that too easily. 

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6618
I'm ashamed to be an Australian today, wish I never became a citizen.
2012 HAPPENED!!!!!!!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6622
I'm ashamed to be an Australian today...........

I agree. Joke of a process and joke of a decision. His supposed views on vaccination have been known for at least 12 months - they have had negligible impact, given that he has effectively said nothing on the issue, and given that the Australian population is around 92-95% double vaccinated. Yep, he's a real influencer, that Novak.


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6624
No doubt healthy Australians take comfort from the fact that between 92 and 95 % of the population are double vaccinated. 

However, people who suddenly develop life threatening illnesses requiring immediate hospitalisation but who cannot receive it because the wards are filled with non vaccinated covid patients from the remaining 5 to 8%,  most surely would not take a benign  view of the current situation.

I read on the weekend of the dilemma facing a surgeon who had to move an extremely ill cancer patient from an icu ward to make way for a non vaccinated covid patient.

In the real world small percentages can mean the difference between life and death.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6625
Unaminous ruling ... can't dismiss that too easily. 

"Vučić said he was sure Djokovic “would have been treated differently if he hadn’t come from Serbia … If he was from another country, the approach would be completely different"

Oh please !!  Shut up fool

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6626
However, people who suddenly develop life threatening illnesses requiring immediate hospitalisation but who cannot receive it because the wards are filled with non vaccinated covid patients from the remaining 5 to 8%,  most surely would not take a benign  view of the current situation.

In the real world small percentages can mean the difference between life and death.
I found out last week I have a relative in this very situation, found out he requires bypass surgery but because of the expected COVID surge they are delaying, they do not want him in the Alfred ICU with the risk of COVID and staff shortages, so they put him on some pretty harsh medication and are monitoring him at home in the interim, they think he will stay in that situation for at least 2 weeks until they are confident to proceed. As a 60 year old it's very serious situation, but as they stated if he gets COVID in recovery the situation is even worse because they have to give him some drugs to suppress his immune system as part of the procedure.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6627
A nice bit of political theater. The government gets a temporary respite by keeping their never ending covid stuff ups off the front pages, and they get to show how they are "tough on border security", just in time for an election.

Maybe ScoMo has an autographed copy of Howard's LNP playbook. Look under T for Tampa. 

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6628
No doubt healthy Australians take comfort from the fact that between 92 and 95 % of the population are double vaccinated. 

However, people who suddenly develop life threatening illnesses requiring immediate hospitalisation but who cannot receive it because the wards are filled with non vaccinated covid patients from the remaining 5 to 8%,  most surely would not take a benign  view of the current situation.

I read on the weekend of the dilemma facing a surgeon who had to move an extremely ill cancer patient from an icu ward to make way for a non vaccinated covid patient.

In the real world small percentages can mean the difference between life and death.

Well said. I confess that this galls me.

Firstly, I acknowledge that there are those who cannot for legitimate medical/health reason have a vaccination. However, there are those who refuse a vaccination based on pure stupidity, ignorance or breathtaking selfishness/arrogance. And these clowns have effectively hijacked our health care system. Fortunately, most Aussies are team players.

This is a 100% true story. A dear friend of mine in Gippsland is an anti-vaxxer. I asked her why recently. She replied that there is a hidden protein in the vaccine which will lead to those who've had the vaccine, dying from the flu in the future. Apparently this protein is designed to eliminate much of humanity. She was almost in tears when I told her I'd had both AZs and will be having the booster. Out of character, I just nodded... didn't challenge her on this view. I decided it would be pointless... like asking 2kgs of cheese to understand electricity - pick your battles. And this is an intelligent woman, an English teacher. Speechless.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #6629
I have no problem with rabid anti-vaxxers being shut out of Australia. Robert F. Kennedy or Andrew Wakefield can stay where they are, although given their ability to use social media keeping them out is more symbolic than anything. The case for exclusion is even better regarding alt-right activists who want to argue that government vaccination programs are a deep state way of killing the population or taking away their freedoms (and banning GOP politicians from coming to Australia would therefore be appropriate). But Novak as a lightning rod for anti-vaxxers? That's a bit of a stretch.

Anyway, Omicron has certainly created fresh challenges. Personally, I would have been happier if the Victorian Govt had increased restrictions to slow down the rate of infection. But it seems the hope is that Omicron will burn itself out quickly and intervention isn't advisable. I guess we'll only know whether that gamble will pay off in hindsight. At the very least, this hands-off approach certainly makes those who saw the Pandemic Management Act as a power play by the Victorian Govt look a bit silly. 

In the meantime, the hospitalisation numbers have ballooned from about 300 a few weeks back to 1229. And they're steadily rising.