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Messages - Gointocarlton

Blah-Blah Bar / Re: General Discussions
Attitudes (hatred and anger) like Thorpe's create wars not solve problems or achieve outcomes. The only thing she has in common with MLK is that she is of the same species (human), that's about it.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: General Discussions
When you have educated people who can hold a conversation and debate respectfully in proper settings, great things can be achieved. Thorpe is incapable of anything even remotely close to the above and as long as she is in the public eye so called "fighting for her people",  she will continue to do nothing but irreparable damage to indigenous culture in this country. Might be completely off here but thats how I see it.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: General Discussions
Like many other Senators who have gone 'independent' after getting elected on a mainstream party ticket - they actually think people voted for them, as opposed to the vast majority of voters who simply follow the how to vote cards, especially for the ridiculously long-winded senate ballot paper.

Personally, I think if a Senator decides they do not wish to belong to the party on whose ticket they got elected, they should resign and allow the party in question to nominate a replacement.

There have been a few good independent Senators (think Brian Harradine, Nick Xenophon), but they were elected under their own banner.

I bet the Greens regret the day they put Lidia onto their ticket......
There are no consequences for bad behaviour. If I got up and ranted and raved at a work event, I'd be looking for a new job. Instead, they pander to morons like that in the name of free speech. She is a disruptive troublemaker who will go through her working life (paid by you and I) and achieve zero. She is dead set taking the piss.
Blah-Blah Bar / Re: General Discussions
Does Lidia Thorpe not realise that when she makes a goose of herself that folks just see a goose
...and whatever message she is trying to convey is completely lost.

She is a complete and and utter moron who doesn't realise anything. She leaches a salary off the very system she protests against. There is something very wrong with our political system when imbeciles like that "represent" the public.
The Sports Desk / Re: Melbourne Storm
From a non Rugba Leeg fans point of view, it was a cracking game played at what seemed to be a furious pace. Panthers seemed too quick, nimble and attacking compared to the Storm who just ran into wall after wall. Even the missus enjoyed that.
Ladies Lounge / Re: AFLW 2023 Rd 6: Carlton vs Brisbane at Carlton
In traffic I was impressed by their ability to get the ball out but the targeting of the kick forward and equally, the “marking” efforts from the forwards were abysmal and don’t start me on the goal kicking… 🤦🏼‍♂️

There is effort and I think I can see some sort of plan/system but it’s hard when you continually shoot yourself in the foot.
Let me start my saying I have nothing against the AFL for Woman. Blame the AFL for the state of clubs like ours and the general state of the game:
1. Not enough money poured into woman's footy by the AFL themselves. The AFL should pour an equal amount of significant dollars into each club.
2. The result is a Mickey Mouse or token comp and the AFL is to 100% blame which to me at least is hard to watch.
3. RE point 1, Invest a bucket load of money into coaches and paying players properly so they can turn pro. No salary cap in the initial phase.
4. Once they turn pro, they will be able to work FULL TIME  on fitness, conditioning and skills. All three are abysmal across the comp and if a male athlete presented like this day one of PS, they would be sent to the fat farm ala Lance Whitnell and more recently Mitch McGovern.
5. Play proper seasons as curtain raisers to the mens games. Not saying 23 games necessarily, but more games in parallel to the mens season. Leverage off the big game crowds to show case the game. Maybe even woman's games after the mens game (??).
6. As these upskilled, professional AFL players begin to retire, they become coaches to teach the next generation of young girls, rinse repeat until you have a fully fledge professional competition.
Build it and they will come.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: 2024 Brownlow Medal Thread
1. If Daicos had won, no one would have said anything today.
2. The more I think about it, who better to vote on the Brownlow than the 4 or 5 blokes actually running with the players. Actually out there hearing the bumps that blokes like Crippa cops, see him close up plying his craft in a phone box with multiple players trying to bring the big bull down. Who? The numbskulls on the microphones sitting in the commentary boxes that actually need bionoculars to see anything? Turn it up. Leave the farken thing as it is, the umps, for all the crap they cop, are the best placed and closest to the action to give out the votes. Just because they dont give everyones favourite player a vote, doesn't mean they made a mistake. They clear saw something better from someone else.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: 2024 Brownlow Medal Thread
Sigh. Just do a google search for “Brownlow Medal.” The whining and bitching has already started.
People can whine all they like. Good things come to good people and Patrick is just that, a good, solid, hardworking person who was brought up the right way. Those around him, family, team mates, coaches, opposition players, opposition coaches and umpires know exactly just how good a person and player he is. Let those people judge and influence opinion, not the dingbats typing away on forums, facebook and twitter and the like. They are just ill informed and uneducated and a more worthy winner you will be hard pressed to find.
Robert Heatley Stand / Re: 2024 Brownlow Medal Thread
Nice win from the skipper and a worthy win given the mixed year we have had overall but he never lowered his standard or colours ever and as many have said through the season he carried his team on his back in many a game.
Nick Daicos is a great young player but I wouldnt put him in the humble department, more in the entitled its all about me department and Id rather see a player like Bontempelli win the medal if Cripps doesnt...
Humility is not the Daicos boys specialty. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.