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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1665
Couldn't agree more. In particular, the level to which the HUN stoop when pursuing an agenda is simply deplorable.

Breaking up these Oligarch 'empires' is imperative. Especially 'Malcontent Media', News Corp.


The petition website crashed after being overwhelmed with demand when I attempted to sign.  I persisted and eventually joined the multitude who have signed.

Sadly, Albo won’t support the petition  :(

And, of course, the Oligarch’s organ is questioning the validity of signatories  ;D

That brings me back to the subject, the Oligarch’s goons repeat the questions because they don’t listen.  They are programmed to follow the Oligarch’s mantra and will not deviate.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1666
Thats a bit extremist. Maybe so, but it got the point across. Though you do feel deeply for hospitality & tourism... Mrs Baggers and I have made a point of eating out a couple of times a week to help our re-opened restaurants, and our holidays will be within Victoria supporting tourism locations in the process.

If you are young, fit and healthy, what is a positive test going to do for you? Have you seen just how this virus can effect some of our young? Long Covid in parts of the world is very real. A positive test also tells the young one to self-quarantine... wonder how that will work out?

I'm not saying i'd do it, but i guarantee a few youngings wouldn't want to know if it could mean taking away their freedom. 'Freedom' is a fascinating concept, I suggest we're more enamoured with the choice of freedom, as precious few humans on this ball in the sky are truly 'free'. But that's a psychological/philosophical/spiritual discussion for another day.

This is a byproduct of keeping us in lockdown so long. We've all had the shizens with this lockdown at various stages for various reasons. But our (Victoria's) handling of the 2nd wave will be and is a model for many countries... with the exception of guarding quarantined masses in motels, and how to protect our elderly  ::)
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1667
Albo won't sign it because that's political suicide in this country.   Merde-doch is the kingmaker.
DrE is no more... you ok with that harmonica man?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1668
Don't be confused by what i wrote vs what i'd do.

I'm just pointing out what others could/would do.

I know of people have been flaunting the rules already. Further delay would not stop that from happening.

Most of these people are younger people, sure, the virus can hurt young people.....but so can driving drunk/on drugs, so can jumping out of trees, so can *insert stupid things only a younger person would do here*. You see my point?

Eventually there comes a tipping point, the hatred growing towards Dan Andrews is an indication of that. My facebook pages have been littered with rebelious remarks of late in regards to the lockdown. If Dan didn't let us out after zero cases, there would've been riots!

So this goes back to what i was saying before. Given this is how some people feel, would they put there hand up and ruin it for everyone else, or stay quiet and make everyone happy.

Remember back at school when someone did something and the whole class had to stay behind until someone owned up. Eventually the peer pressure would get someone to own up. On the odd occasion you might even get someone taking one for the team and owning up despite not doing anything wrong.

This is the same thing, but in reverse.
You are better off staying silent for the benefit of the group. Putting your hand up and doing the right thing hurts everybody else. If you are trying to do the right that putting your hand up, or sucking it up in silence for the benefit of the group? There is no benefit in coming forward, quite the opposite.
Now when there are 100's of cases, it doesn't matter if you come forward.
But when there is only a a couple of cases state wide, what you do has a big impact on a lot of people.
Its a philosophical dilemma.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1669
Thats a bit extremist.

If you are young, fit and healthy, what is a positive test going to do for you?
Statistically a disproportionate number of moderate to severe cases in the USA are occurring in 25 to 40 year olds, with about 1/2 of those cases experiencing significant long term effects( aka, long COVID ), it is not all about the elderly as the media like to suggest.

The actually driver of this statistic seems to be healthy young people not going to the the doctor and not being tested early enough when they first experience symptoms, I suppose they are thinking it is an old persons problem and not bad for younger patients, which is exactly as you have suggested you might do to avoid an extension to lock down! :o

Taking one for the team might be quite extreme, so be careful what you ask for!

At this stage there are no similar results reflected broadly in European locations, so it really does seem an attitude makes a difference to the outcome! But it's clear that in locations where available treatment levels are poor, India, Russia, Turkey, etc., etc., the outcome is quite bad regardless of age demographic! Of course naysayers will say death rates are higher in elderly, but long COVID is not something you would wish on anybody as a viable alternative.

Being young and willingly getting tested and treated the outcome seems good, being young and not being diagnosed or rejecting early treatment is bad. I presume nobody rejects late treatment! :o

The media have largely ignored the hypocrisy in the Trump diagnosis and treatment, it isn't like the flu, he was rapidly, radically and aggressively treated when first diagnosed. People should do the very opposite of what he stated and be quite scared and careful, because the vast bulk of general society won't get his treatment no matter how wealthy they may be!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1670

The media have largely ignored the hypocrisy in the Trump diagnosis and treatment, it isn't like the flu, he was rapidly, radically and aggressively treated when first diagnosed. People should do the very opposite of what he stated and be quite scared and careful, because the vast bulk of general society won't get his treatment no matter how wealthy they may be!

Do we really even know if he had it?  Remarkable recovery for a 74 yo, really, only 3 days, with virtually no apparent lingering issues (and his driver didn't even wear a mask when Trump was taken for a drive-by in his hospital gown).  That, together with so many conflicting stories of how he was treated, make me wonder if he hasn't pulled a massive pre-election stunt.  His spin doctors would be only too aware that Boris Johnson's approval rating skyrocketed after he was hospitalised with COVID.  Just what a flagging Presidential candidate needed.

And now he can stand up at rallies and debates and say he knows exactly what it's like to have COVID and it's not so bad.....
This is now the longest premiership drought in the history of the Carlton Football Club - more evidence of climate change?

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1671
And now he can stand up at rallies and debates and say he knows exactly what it's like to have COVID and it's not so bad.....
Hmmm,  "It's not so bad  ............. if it's detected and treated early!"

Boris was ill and tried to push through by self-isolating before being hospitalised, I doubt he was treated the same way as Trump, or perhaps that Trump still is for that matter! I notice Melania Trump is pretty much fully masked now, no doubt she knows what a more serious dose is like courtesy of her loving husband!

Even worse for the COVID naysayers, repeat infections are now being confirmed all over the globe meaning there is either no herd immunity or if some herd immunity exists it is very short lived.

By his inaction and wilful misinformation, Trump has probably caused more additional American COVID deaths than the Vietnam and Korean wars combined!
The Force Awakens!


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1672
Do we really even know if he had it?  Remarkable recovery for a 74 yo, really, only 3 days, with virtually no apparent lingering issues (and his driver didn't even wear a mask when Trump was taken for a drive-by in his hospital gown).  That, together with so many conflicting stories of how he was treated, make me wonder if he hasn't pulled a massive pre-election stunt.  His spin doctors would be only too aware that Boris Johnson's approval rating skyrocketed after he was hospitalised with COVID.  Just what a flagging Presidential candidate needed.

And now he can stand up at rallies and debates and say he knows exactly what it's like to have COVID and it's not so bad.....

That was my theory.

His whole point has been to deny covid was a real issue, and largely the election hinges on this, which is possibly why they are spiking in numbers so great to go with the rest of the northern hemisphere.

Also, they are holding stimulus to ransom for similar reasons.  They are trying to blame Biden's camp for not coming to an agreement regarding stimulus but meanwhile, I remember reading somewhere that Trump took control of the Fed not that long ago to help print money.

What that means, is that once the election is over, stimulus will return but by then it will be a bridge too far.
"everything you know is wrong"

Paul Hewson

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1673
Aircrews including flight attendants dressed in full PPE.

How safe is that going to make you feel next time you fly, if ever?

btw., The concept seems a bit misplaced and I think perhaps more about employer liability than anything else.

Some recent reports suggest the airport is far more dangerous than the aircraft cabin, although I realise this is hard to accept. But as I understand it most or many modern aircraft turnover the full volume of cabin air several times per-hour and have specific air flows designed to shower passengers with warmed and humidified externally sourced air. The fundamental concept seems to be you are safer is a small volume space that is well ventilated, than a high volume space that is poorly ventilated.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1674
What that means, is that once the election is over, stimulus will return but by then it will be a bridge too far.
In a country, that has COVID running rampant through it's population, where you have to empty your wallet for basic health care and no real controls over the cost of medication other than interventions by the Supreme Court. How the feck does getting $500 in your pocket help?

It's like offering you a gold star while standing you in front of the firing squad!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1675
Also, they are holding stimulus to ransom for similar reasons.  They are trying to blame Biden's camp for not coming to an agreement regarding stimulus but meanwhile, I remember reading somewhere that Trump took control of the Fed not that long ago to help print money.
Biden has no role in this. It’s up to Congress & the White House, and this is often summarised as Pelosi, McConnell & Trump. Americans with an interest in politics would know Steve Mnuchin (Trump’s man) & Pelosi were in negotiations but McConnell warned Trump not to make a deal as fiscally conservative Republican Senators didn’t want to approve any deal.

It’s easy for Aussies to make the error of conflating Congressional Democrats with Biden. In our system, it goes without saying that the Prime Minister and the Opposition Leader control parliamentary votes. But while Biden and Pelosi are both Democrats, Biden won’t control Pelosi if he wins the election. They will have their own battles and Biden will have to negotiate with Pelosi to make sure he gets the sort of legislation he needs through Congress.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1676
Not confirmed, but I read reports the COVID cost to the US economy is now reported as $3.8T, which is apparently about 15% of US GDP, on top of nearly $500B in direct stimulus packages.

Shizen that's like US$4000 per person?

How the feck is this good fiscal management?
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1677
Bit of inside gossip from the medical world...Vic Nurses being recruited for Covid Vaccination's...

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1678
Bit of inside gossip from the medical world...Vic Nurses being recruited for Covid Vaccination's...

Very interesting EB. Also heard today that about 150 Vic gov staff are being redeployed and trained as hotel quarantine staff. The training includes aspects of the prison officer training course apparently.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #1679
Bit of inside gossip from the medical world...Vic Nurses being recruited for Covid Vaccination's...
Yes, I read they are testing a potential prophylactic, not a vaccine, it is only being targeted for health professionals.

There was a smaller trial of about 300 medicos that has shown some promise in reducing the deleterious effects of a bout of COVID, and now it's being extended to about 10000 staff. But as I understand it, it doesn't stop infection, just reduces the severity and may also reduce the transmission.
The Force Awakens!