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Topic: Trumpled (Alternative Leading) (Read 423624 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1770
And a massively right wing judiciary, and an increasingly militarized and violent police force, and.............
I listened to a podcast a month or so back in which the commentator acknowledge the bias and discrimination in the US system, in regards to justice and social equity, then finished off the report telling preaching to us how great of a country the USA was!

It was bizarre, listening to 45 minutes of reasoned and objective commentary, problems, fixes and issues, only to be delivered what was otherwise a deliberate position of ignorance and indifference as a conclusion!

The poor and downtrodden are there to be harvested!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1771
I listened to a podcast a month or so back in which the commentator acknowledge the bias and discrimination in the US system, in regards to justice and social equity, then finished off the report telling preaching to us how great of a country the USA was!

It was bizarre, listening to 45 minutes of reasoned and objective commentary, problems, fixes and issues, only to be delivered what was otherwise a deliberate position of ignorance and indifference as a conclusion!

The poor and downtrodden are there to be harvested!

The US is 100% a failed democracy, and well on the way to becoming a fascist state. So many things wrong with that country.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1772
The US is 100% a failed democracy, and well on the way to becoming a fascist state. So many things wrong with that country.

Democracy, as we think of it, is globally is under seige. A grim ideological struggle is being fought and all contestants involved will not give up easily. It saddens me to witness the cynicism and sheer greed on display and I worry about what kind of world my grandchildren will be forced to live in.
Reality always wins in the end.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1773
The US markets will want Trump back in to kick start the economy again, no matter what you think of Trump and his political decisions he has corporate America on his team and I'd expect red neck USA ferals to also support his stand up to China approach.
The economic damage appears to be having greater weight than the death toll around the world.
eg That nut case running Brazil wont admit there is a problem and wants everyone working, Putin is ignoring the large death toll in Russia and sending everyone back to work and even here ScoMo wants to back out of jobkeeper etc to save a buck and send everyone back to work early even if it costs a few lives. A poll on the ABC had 67% of folk in Aus preferring to continue in lockdown than gamble on a early return.
Democracy has a price as does the lives of citizens around the world but at the moment its a buyers market and lives are not worth much anywhere, being part of a herd is a fairly accurate description of who we all are, when it comes down to the basics we are just cattle to the politicians worldwide, only difference is which paddock you graze in.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1774
The US markets will want Trump back in to kick start the economy again, no matter what you think of Trump and his political decisions he has corporate America on his team and I'd expect red neck USA ferals to also support his stand up to China approach.
The economic damage appears to be having greater weight than the death toll around the world.
eg That nut case running Brazil wont admit there is a problem and wants everyone working, Putin is ignoring the large death toll in Russia and sending everyone back to work and even here ScoMo wants to back out of jobkeeper etc to save a buck and send everyone back to work early even if it costs a few lives. A poll on the ABC had 67% of folk in Aus preferring to continue in lockdown than gamble on a early return.
Democracy has a price as does the lives of citizens around the world but at the moment its a buyers market and lives are not worth much anywhere, being part of a herd is a fairly accurate description of who we all are, when it comes down to the basics we are just cattle to the politicians worldwide, only difference is which paddock you graze in.

Thoughtful and realistic piece, EB1... like it. Biden will be wanting to buddy-up to corporate America, quick smart if he's to have a chance.

I notice today that the orange Orangutan's son-in-law has floated the idea of delaying the Nov election. He's a cunning little turd, this Trump. He sees his popularity dwindling so starts laying groundwork for an election delay so he can 'wait-out' C-19, tell the gullible he beat it and is the only one to be trusted with making America 'great again.'

As for democracy, well, it works and it doesn't ...depends on the collective intelligence of the population and how well educated they are - that makes things especially hard for the Yanks.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1775
There is no provision in the US constitution to postpone or delay a presidential election.

Biden knows it.  So do the democrats

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1776
The boss is a big problem,  but the son in law,  quite frankly,  is the one who really scares me.  If I was really drawing a long bow,  you could interpret his musings as one with designs on some kind of hereditary dictatorship...... a la North Korea. How exactly did he get a role in the upper echelon of Government?
DrE is no more... you ok with that harmonica man?

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1777
There is no provision in the US constitution to postpone or delay a presidential election.

Biden knows it.  So do the democrats

Yep, but never underestimate the rat-cunning of a cornered narcissist. The rest of us know that the election date wasn't even changed during WWs and is enshrined... but the orange Orangutan is capable of anything.

Professory - spot re son-in-law. One scary individual, with a very dark brown ring around the base of his neck.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1778
The Democrats have been buddying up to corporate America for decades. The Clintons, Obama, Biden all as matey with the elites as any Republican. They appeal to dim witted liberals who still believe that voting actually involves genuine choice.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1779
The Democrats have been buddying up to corporate America for decades. The Clintons, Obama, Biden all as matey with the elites as any Republican. They appeal to dim witted liberals who still believe that voting actually involves genuine choice.

I bet you love the work of George Carlin (one of my fave comedians, by the way).
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1780
Mike Pompeo, Pence and their ilk are way more dangerous than any Trump.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1782
It makes me want to vomit, but Trump will probably win.  His faults as a human being are numerous and grave, but his rat cunning is something else.  And he doesn't care what he destroys along the way.

I watched some 30/30 docos on Kayo (when I had it).  There were heaps of very interesting stories on there, so good that it didn't matter if i was a fan of the sport or knew the athlete at all, just fascinating stuff to watch.  Anyway, one of them was about the USFL, a short lived spring alternative to the NFL (that plays in 'the fall').  Long story short - Trump tried to buy an NFL team but couldn't, so bought a USFL team.  The USFL had carved out a nice niche and was doing well, but Trump wasn't happy being in the spring, it had to be in the fall coz that was the bigger stage.  He stooged enough of the other teams in the USFL to agree they should change to play in the fall and sue the NFL for being a monopoly in the fall comp.  He won the case, and was awarded a dollar, coz the case couldn't prove they'd actually lost anything anyway at that stage, coz they played in the spring so hadn't actually been disadvantaged... Anyway - he bankrupted the USFL, and destroyed the entire comp, and everyone in its livelihood.  His final words were something along the lines of 'it was a crap comp anyway, the fall comp is all that matters, and if it can't be in the fall comp, then stuff it'.  He's an A grade, self centred, selfish, butthole.  The kind of kid that would break your toy just so you couldn't enjoy it.


Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1783
The wilful naivety of the Trump supporters is mind blowing, they think he is looking after them but all he really offers is a short term sugar hit for which they are going to pay a massively high long term price. Trumps America is for the elite, not the Joe Average, but he has stooged Joe Average into voting for him!

Before his boosters go on the attack, this statement bears not relationship to Trump's opponents, claiming they are also bad or even worse doesn't make Trump better. It just highlights how pathetic the whole US situation has become!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1784
Anti establishment figures like Trump will always appeal when the establishment lets people down. Both the Democrats and Republicans have left common folk for dead, and its been happening for decades. Along comes a figure like Trump who has no allegiance to anything expect himself, and portrays himself as a person who won't be told what to do by anyone, dances to his own tune, will fix the country, the Democrats, the Republicans and everything in between. Add in nonsense like making America great again, and the usual scapegoating of minorities, and his appeal to a disenfranchised and ill informed body politic becomes obvious. It's happened often enough throughout history.

But focusing on him rather than the system is a waste of time.