Amy Winehouse died in 2011, and I'd still probably have her the No.1 and most influential female artist of the 2000s!
Important observation, Spotted One. Yours truly has a very special appreciation for great vocalists. Other amazing female vocalists: Ann Wilson, Janis Joplin, so many Tamla Motown artists, Stevie Nicks etc.
Couple of points that i'd like to straighten out as it appears to be lost amongst the generalising.
1. I never said musicians can't be entertainers as well. I said there are plenty of entertainers and artists, that i wouldn't call musicians. Regards to Elvis, he was a great entertainer, but wasn't doing anything revolutionary with his guitar. As Chubbs' from Happy Gilmore would say....."It's all in the hips".
2. I wasn't specifically talking about top 40 (honestly, couldn't tell you whats on it as i don't listen to it), but the majority of this discussion was based around that....but it is a little broader than that.
3. I did say there were exceptions. I'm not talking about classical, jazz or anything too far outside of 'pop music' in terms of talents. Those guys (and girls.....and 'others') are true musicians. As mentioned originally, those guys don't need power to play and modify (read fix/imrpove upon) what they do. They qualify.
4. re Nirvana vs Spice Girls..... It was about musical talent. Not about what you were listening too or avoiding. The spice girls were pushed upon people (outside of their music) with ads, movies etc. All of this outside of music.....which is my point.
Good points and fair-enough too, K.
Point 1. Yep, Elvis was no Hendrix on the geeeetar, but holy mackerel, he had a magnificent voice - and that's an instrument. 2. Yep, most of the discussion is about the mainstream. Likewise, wouldn't have a clue what the top 10, 20, 40 or 100 is! 3. 100% same page. 4. Nirvana vs Spice Girls... I just laughed. Yet I have enjoyed music from both but a certain 'standards and expectations adjustment' has to take place.
Virtually impossible to tell the difference between the studio version and the live version. Though the live version strings were also amazing.
I was talking more about some of the big orchestra covers of the song, sometimes by symphony orchestras.
One of the features of 'Unchained Melody' is the use of strings. Lots of 60s songs had this 'musical interlude' featuring violins, cellos etc
Burt Bacharach who was one of the premier songwriters of the period used strings extensively in his compositions. They have that kind of emotional, sometimes uplifting, aspect. I'm not familiar enough with modern music to say they're not used very much, but I'm guessing thats the case.
Lots of folks have covered Unchained Melody over the years, but Hatfield's is far and away the best version. It's a great song The funny thing is that even the instrumental versions of it are great tunes.
Virtually impossible to tell the difference between the studio version and the live version. Though the live version strings were also amazing.
Many moons ago a close friend asked me what I'd miss most when I carked it and without thinking I said, "Music."
In many respects I feel incredibly lucky that I grew up with 50s, 60s and 70s music. But also loved so much music from the 80s, 90s and early 00s. There was only one kind of music I couldn't relate to and that was country and western. Though country crossover I did love (Gordon Lightfoot etc.). Even so many 'standards' were terrific - Sinatra etc.
Couldn't give a rats clacker as too how 'entertaining', showy or produced the music was, did it have soul ...and invariably realised how soul and talent are/were inseparable.
On reflection, and very biased and personal, my fave bands had real talent in charge of every instrument. For example, every member of Chicago, Beatles, Earth Wind & Fire, Led Zeppelin, Hall & Oates, Tears for Fears, Stones, Style Council, Elton John, ELO, Queen, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Bon Jovi, Pink Floyd, Van Halen, Linkin Park, Foo Fighters, U2 and so on, were blessed with every band member having real talent - including superior song writers!
Singling out Chicago - multiple quality vocalists, a rarity now. Jimmy Hendrix was once asked which lead guitarist inspired him and he responded with Terry Kath (Chicago) who he thought was the best in the world!
When we listen to exceptional talent we can't (big assumption from me here) help but feel admiring and connected.
And when it comes to vocalists I still think Bobby Hatfield was the very best, and still would be soul he was labelled way back then!
Rolf Harris, Zig from Zig and Zag, the father from the TV show Hey Dad and now Alan Jones...what is with all these creeps exploiting kids at young ages via their trusted nice guy show business personas? What drives this sicko behaviour to do this stuff?
I have only one explanation, and thats the cycle perpetuating itself.
I.e. These people were abused as youngsters by people who were themselves, etc etc etc.
Its like a cycle of domestic violence, where people perpetuate the cycle based on learned behaviours.
Thats not to absolve, I think its hideous, but there has to be something in it that makes it recur, otherwise it would have dissapeared millenia ago.
Sorry 3 Leos, but nuh. Most abused people as kids actually don't pass it on. Enough do for it to be a statistic, but not an inevitable reason.
Many victims of abuse either deal with it (therapy), lock it inside (later disaster/emotional collapse), act out angrily or self-medicate with some addiction to numb and distract themselves from the trauma. Anecdotally, I know plenty of folks who experienced abuse as kids and did not pass on that abuse (for a variety of reasons).
In fact most narcissists/sociopaths are so due to brain injury and/or faulty brain wiring (put bluntly) and/or an horrendous upbringing.
Rolf Harris, Zig from Zig and Zag, the father from the TV show Hey Dad and now Alan Jones...what is with all these creeps exploiting kids at young ages via their trusted nice guy show business personas? What drives this sicko behaviour to do this stuff?
Sociopathy or in clinical terms Anti Social Personality Disorder (ASPD). A sinister mental health disorder. Narcissism on steroids, they see themselves as the centre of the universe with their needs, wants and opinions as the supreme authority/all important.
These slithering reptiles have absolutely no regard for their victims, being devoid of empathy, compassion, remorse and common decency - their victims are experienced and seen as only 'things' for their pleasure/use. It's compulsive. As hard as it is to comprehend, these creatures do not experience any regret, guilt or shame when confronted by the suffering their actions have caused. In fact, when caught and held to account (accountability is their enemy) they often see themselves as the victims!
Combine all that with money and power and you have a bulldozer of exploitive, revolting behaviour delivering trauma and suffering to their countless victims, often for many years.
The other surprising things is how he got away with it for so long!
It has been an open secret for yonks, but the bastard wielded a hell of a lot of influence through his media role and lily-livered politicians who were happy to do his bidding.
He has been charged now and I expect his cronies will rally around him as they did with Cardinal Rockspider.
Bastard - Yep. Lily-livered politicians - Yep. Cardinal 'Rockspider' - Yep. In fact, that's what his headstone should read. And he also had his little troupe of lily-livered pollies and opinion writers.
1) Mt Arapiles climbing ban - the possibility has been in the news for a while, however, one of the affected groups (the rock climbers) is saying that they weren't listened to. Now it's going to be in place, what is it that is really aiming to be achieved?
2) Nazi Salute. First Victorian sentenced, receives 1 month accommodation curtesy of the King. The available sentencing options are (max) 12 mnths gaol, or $24k fine. Fine would be paid by mates in no time, is gaol going to rehab the offender or harden their stance against authority (especially when they have no remorse). Don't know the solution, but this doesn't feel right - is there a better way to address the issue? (The offender does get a criminal record, which makes it harder to get employment, but possibly more likely to be employed by same/similar minded people).
Id rather our wannabe Nazi do some work to pay back the community by doing some months of community work helping cleanup the area, removing graffiti, paint the local synagogue etc etc, sitting in some jail costing the rest of us money and just building up resentment wont change his/her attitude imho and at the end of their jail term we have another antisocial unemployable individual who will be more vulnerable to be recruited by these Neo Nazi type organizations.
Like it.
Off to jail? Get to meet other crims and perhaps even begin to hone his criminal skills and ways! Community work? Great suggestion. Especially help out the Jewish community with maintenance work - will get to meet and mix with Jewish folks and hopefully learn something... perhaps even make a friend or two.