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Topic: Trumpled (Alternative Leading) (Read 423992 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1620
Three aspects involved...
The "lax control of guns", the "politics of hate on both sides" and nutters putting the two together.
Hopefully the response from this incident from both sides will be "We have to tone it down a bit."

In the meantime the Washington Post is reporting that the special counsel may now be investigating the president for possible obstruction of justice.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1621
Maybe Trump will tone down the incendiary rhetoric?  Don't hold your breath.  Remember when Melania Trump said she wanted to do something about online bullying?  That didn't change Trump's behaviour.  Maybe it was fortunate for Hillary that she lost.  After all of the "Lock her up!" chants, labelling her as a criminal and a liar and suggestions that the 2nd amendment people might do something about her, how many right-wing wingnuts would have gone after her if she'd won?

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1622
Maybe Trump will tone down the incendiary rhetoric?  Don't hold your breath.  Remember when Melania Trump said she wanted to do something about online bullying?  That didn't change Trump's behaviour.  Maybe it was fortunate for Hillary that she lost.  After all of the "Lock her up!" chants, labelling her as a criminal and a liar and suggestions that the 2nd amendment people might do something about her, how many right-wing wingnuts would have gone after her if she'd won?

But that's the whole point.
We know what we have with Trump.
He won't change.
Is the best way to deal with him to fight the battle at his level?
It might make folk feel good, but they'll be fighting on his turf.

"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it." - George Bernard Shaw

He'll come unstuck by himself eventually...and watch his Republican support dry up.
It's only there as a thin veneer.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1623
But that's the whole point.
We know what we have with Trump.
He won't change.
Is the best way to deal with him to fight the battle at his level?
It might make folk feel good, but they'll be fighting on his turf.

"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it." - George Bernard Shaw

He'll come unstuck by himself eventually...and watch his Republican support dry up.
It's only there as a thin veneer.

So true. Good stuff. You do, however, need to keep him under pressure. Narcissists can't handle accountability/being exposed/wrong/not getting their own way. Stand at his pen with a powerful water hose and give him a burst from time to time.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17


Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1624
So true. Good stuff. You do, however, need to keep him under pressure. Narcissists can't handle accountability/being exposed/wrong/not getting their own way. Stand at his pen with a powerful water hose and give him a burst from time to time.

No doubt!
And there are plenty of legislative and judicial options to maintain that pressure.
Attack the words and policies and not so much the individual.
There is no shortage of material.
But do it in a rational, measured, non-hysterical way.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1625
No doubt!
And there are plenty of legislative and judicial options to maintain that pressure.
Attack the words and policies and not so much the individual.
There is no shortage of material.
But do it in a rational, measured, non-hysterical way.
And doing so will draw an over-the-top response which will then draw comment that both sides are as bad as each other  ::)

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1626
And doing so will draw an over-the-top response which will then draw comment that both sides are as bad as each other  ::)

That doesn't make a lot of sense. ???
Play a straight bat at him and let him rant and rave.
Let him burn himself.
It will be much more productive, because at the moment what's happening is the personal attacks on him are giving him energy.
The "combative" is his style and it's easier for him to cloud a situation.

Folk who aren't sure either way look at Trump and think "He might be bad, but he's not getting much of a go."
Take away the.... "but he's not getting much of a go" and we just have "he might be  bad."

Look back at our comments in the pre-election thread.
We're not arguing over his merits.
We're arguing over the way to tackle him and see him off.

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1627
It does make a lot of sense.  "Playing a straight bat" doesn't, though.  What doesn't it even mean in this context?

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1628
It does make a lot of sense.  "Playing a straight bat" doesn't, though.  What doesn't it even mean in this context?

It means you let the checks and balances inbuilt in the system take care of Trump.
You don't raise a level of hate and hysteria against the individual but you work to tone that down and work against him with reasoned logic and argument.

If you adopt this approach any over-reaction on his part clearly draws a line between him and his opponents

Some folk are working against him in that respect and slowly but surely it will do the job.
Others have gone off half cocked  (Arts, academia, politicians) and they're the ones that are being counter productive.


Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1629
The problem is Lods, I think that was tried at different times in both the presidential election and in the party nomination process and didn't work. At times there was the hysteria about how bad he was and I seem to remember a dismissive tone adopted by Hilary and some Republicans at times also.

I think the reason for the prodding is there is a large section of the US that sees the need to get him out of power as soon as is possible.
Goals for 2017
Play the most anti-social football in the AFL

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1630
The problem is Lods, I think that was tried at different times in both the presidential election and in the party nomination process and didn't work. At times there was the hysteria about how bad he was and I seem to remember a dismissive tone adopted by Hilary and some Republicans at times also.

I think the reason for the prodding is there is a large section of the US that sees the need to get him out of power as soon as is possible.

Reality has struck though hasn't it.
He's here!

The problem with "Doing him quickly" rather than letting the nation realise he was done fairly and legitimately is the division it will cause.
He needs to be done fairly and transparently with there being no question he deserved to go.... otherwise it sets a precedent that could bounce back on any future President.
I'm confident the processes are in play.

In the meantime

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1631
That is a shocker by Turnbull.
Funny, but not acceptable.
Goals for 2017
Play the most anti-social football in the AFL

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1632
That is a shocker by Turnbull.
Funny, but not acceptable.

It'll be viral by this time tomorrow.
Fox and CNN already have reports on it up on their websites
Bets on who goes first Trump or Turnbull ;D

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1633
It'll be viral by this time tomorrow.
Fox and CNN already have reports on it up on their websites
Bets on who goes first Trump or Turnbull ;D

I don't see a problem with it!

The thing that disturbs me mostly is the breach of trust that has come out of the winter ball, that is meant to be a no holds barred piss take of politics, political media, bureaucrats and commentators for the purposes of raising money for a number of charities. The politicians take the charity seriously, but he night is meant to be light hearted and they piss-take themselves every bit as much as any body else who has a profile in politics or political commentary.

I'm mean Trump had his wife repeat Michelle Obama's speech word for word just to take the piss out of the media! The modern media didn't get it, primarily because it's now full of unqualified unprofessional cheap-as-chips syndicated bloggers rather than the very expensive career journalists that Murdoch replaced!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Trumpled (Alternative Leading)

Reply #1634
The issue is how it is perceived. It already has traction in the UK also.
I agree it should never have been leaked, it could not have been considered to be in the best interests of Australia and it was a pretty average thing to do  (and I don't even like Liberals).

Will be very interesting to see the fall out, but traditionally Trump doesn't take too well to mocking, he tends to get a bit sulky, just ask Alec Baldwin
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Play the most anti-social football in the AFL