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Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #75
Charlie and Camilla had to repent their wicked affair and sins when they got married and look at them now, everyone loves a repentant Royal giving a good prayer of Penitence...

Unless your name is Andrew, then you're buggered ;)

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #76
Lods, you call it an idiotic comment. I think it's much worse than that. And there are no get out of jail free cards. There's a line that's been crossed, and it's not good enough to say she knew what she was getting into. Someone who has done no wrong doesn't deserve that treatment.

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #77
Unless your name is Andrew, then you're buggered ;)
He will do a couple of years in Royal Purgatory then be allowed out to attend Royal functions if he behaves himself.
My guess is all this Megan/Harry stuff has worked in his favour and allowed him to slip under the media radar a bit and he is probably hoping it continues that way for a while.

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #78
Lods, you call it an idiotic comment. I think it's much worse than that. And there are no get out of jail free cards. There's a line that's been crossed, and it's not good enough to say she knew what she was getting into. Someone who has done no wrong doesn't deserve that treatment.
I don't know what greater negative tag I can put on it than 'idiotic'.
If he actually meant that he'd like to see her treated in that way then 'psychopathic' may have been appropriate.

He was being a smart-arse but if you use 'pop culture' to make a point, no matter how silly, you will always find a group of folks who will find it more offensive because they don't understand the reference you're making.

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #79
Right. So if I claim to hate someone's mother / daughter etc., not in the same way that I hate Rose West, but on a cellular level, implying that the husband of this woman is pussy whipped, and that I twitch as I lie awake at night and dream of the day when this woman will be paraded through the streets, laughed at, ridiculed, spat at, carrying the cross to which she will be nailed, then crucified in a very visible and public place to send a clear message, then left to slowly and painfully die, then left on the cross for her body to decompose and be eaten by vultures, then finally tossed into a common grave, I guess I can also claim that I'm just making a zany joke, and not only that, I've added some intellectual rigour because I've presented a standard scholarly understanding of the last days and death of Jesus. And way more people should understand this reference than GOT, so I guess I'm really off the hook.

I think I understand context now.

I'm not saying its justified or whatever, just that there is humour in it that people are largely missing.
Not everyone has the same kind of humour and when you reach as many people as he does, these kind of comments are ALWAYS going to piss someone off, sometimes, most people.

Not sure if you've ever watched Eddie Murphy - Raw (or Delirious) filmed in the 80's. At the time, it was about the funniest thing going around, cutting edge and very much pushing boundaries (and potentially overstepping a few times).
Now, go back and watch that now and it is very cringey in a lot of places. You can't tell the same gay jokes that were acceptable then. Society has changed. Eddie Murphy has transformed into Mr Disney with all his kid friendly movies now. He has evolved.
I'm sure he still has that rude side, but he doesn't let it out in public.

Clarkson is only 1 year older than Eddie Murphy and grown up with similar humour. He has not evolved....or at least hasn't learned to hide his inner voice.

Personally, i am very thick skinned and there is not much you can say to me (if anything) that will make me 'lose it'. I know i'm in the minority these days and everyone is delicate flowers and want the right to have babies, even if they don't have a womb (No thats not a gay joke - rather a movie reference) but our societies right to get offended has very much taken over our logic, reasoning and humour.
So when something like this gets as much air time as it does, i can't help but push back at the cancel culture peeps and try and bring a bit of perspective back.

Again, i'm not saying he should've said it. Just that the reaction is not warranted.

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #80
Right. So according to this, the reason for him not to say it is not because it is vile, offensive, misogynistic and overall just plain wrong. Oh no. The reason for him not to say it is because there are certain demographics who have no sense of humour, or at least not the requisite sense of humour. And who might those demographics be ? Well let's see : there's 6000 complainants, there's women (50% of the human species), many young people, libtards and members of the wokerati, progressives, minority groups of various stripes. By the time you go through the list, there's really only one demographic who thinks this is funny.

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #81
He will do a couple of years in Royal Purgatory then be allowed out to attend Royal functions if he behaves himself.
My guess is all this Megan/Harry stuff has worked in his favour and allowed him to slip under the media radar a bit and he is probably hoping it continues that way for a while.

Andrew is getting all the perks without doing any of the chores that Royals are supposed to do.  Harry got stripped of all privileges when he withdrew from some Royal duties.

Of course, the young girls who Andrew abused all have managers and lawyers and took advantage of Andrew so that they can reach a generous settlement 🙄

Going back to the point I made earlier, Andrew got to wear a uniform with medals aplenty at the Queen’s funeral while his nephew had to wear a civilian suit. 

The thing is that the Palace is protecting the rock spider and calling in media favours to do so, while throwing Harry and Meghan under the media bus.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #82
Andrew is getting all the perks without doing any of the chores that Royals are supposed to do.  Harry got stripped of all privileges when he withdrew from some Royal duties.

Of course, the young girls who Andrew abused all have managers and lawyers and took advantage of Andrew so that they can reach a generous settlement 🙄

Going back to the point I made earlier, Andrew got to wear a uniform with medals aplenty at the Queen’s funeral while his nephew had to wear a civilian suit. 

The thing is that the Palace is protecting the rock spider and calling in media favours to do so, while throwing Harry and Meghan under the media bus.
Andrew is doing the one thing Harry and Meghan are not and thats keeping his gob shut, he should be doing Porridge down at the Scrubs or similar but we know that will never happen. Yep all his victims were paid off by his brother I presume with taxpayers money and I guess he will spend the majority of his time pretending to be a Good Prince by walking the Queens Corgis and hanging out with his ex trying to make it appear one big happy family again.
I think Harry and Meghan have done a fair job of throwing themselves under the bus and in front of anything that looks like a camera crew, media shy they are not.....

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #83
Clarkson actually profits from this attention, I don't even know what he stated, but I suggest it's no better or worse than a few million other 2-bob social media slobs from both genders.

The difference between Slob Average(Gender Neutral) on FB and the likes of Clarkson and Harkle, is that the professionals monetise the gig be it the latest version of bigotry, misogyny, misandry or the very trendy passive aggressive psychopathy, etc., etc., etc..

The only hard evidence I can see from much of this activity is proof of the ability of the celebrities to be completely tone deaf to the struggles of the vast population of the planet, and for the gullibility of fans to accept whatever is spoken by their idol regardless of evidence pointing to the contrary.
The Force Awakens!

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #84
Clarkson actually profits from this attention, I don't even know what he stated, but I suggest it's no better or worse than a few million other 2-bob social media slobs from both genders.

The difference between Slob Average(Gender Neutral) on FB and the likes of Clarkson and Harkle, is that the professionals monetise the gig be it the latest version of bigotry, misogyny, misandry or the very trendy passive aggressive psychopathy, etc., etc., etc..

The only hard evidence I can see from much of this activity is proof of the ability of the celebrities to be completely tone deaf to the struggles of the vast population of the planet, and for the gullibility of fans to accept whatever is spoken by their idol regardless of evidence pointing to the contrary.

You worry me at times, Spotted One. So many sweeping generalisations and absolutes.

Have you watched the Harry and Meghan doco on Netflix? If you have you will see clearly that, especially Meghan, is constructing and using her celebrity to effect change, at the coal face, of important social causes. Because someone is a celebrity it doesn't automatically follow that their sole obsession is publicity for self.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17


Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #85
You worry me at times, Spotted One. So many sweeping generalisations and absolutes.

Have you watched the Harry and Meghan doco on Netflix? If you have you will see clearly that, especially Meghan, is constructing and using her celebrity to effect change, at the coal face, of important social causes. Because someone is a celebrity it doesn't automatically follow that their sole obsession is publicity for self.
I get it @Baggers , I also get that she is a professional actress.

None of what I have seen or read explains the apparent contradictions in words versus actions.

As for the charitable stuff that wins over the public, I suspect that is what it is designed to do with little on no attached altruism, if and it is a big if, if there is some altruism it's potentially just a side effect. Win, win!

Personally, if you want to sign me up for a 8 digit media contract I'll also happily make a 7 digit donation without hesitation, you can trust me on that! ;)

Poor old Bill Gates, that bloke donates 10 and 11 digit amounts and they paint him as a megalomaniac and nutter, of course he's a WASP and not nearly WOKE enough!
The Force Awakens!

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #86
Well well, more alleged fakery, well maybe at the bare minimum Hollywood style smoke and mirrors!
London: New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has moved to distance herself from Prince Harry and Meghan, saying her involvement in a new Netflix documentary series on leadership had nothing to do with the couple.

Ardern, along with teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg, is among seven “extraordinary leaders” interviewed on Live to Lead , presented and co-produced by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
So not quite the Harkle booster that Ardern has been played out to be, obviously that will just be an oversight by the producers, all clear nothing to see here just an aberration. Who were they?

Yet, I bet I'm still expected to fall in line with a Harkle apology, and I will get lambasted if I don't!

Like myself @ElwoodBlues1 might have just reached a new level of contentment, disappointed in humanity, but very happy not to be completely fooled!

Trust nobody, especially if they make a living off the back of the public's perceptions.
The Force Awakens!

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #87
Bill Gates has been in the public eye for close to 50 years, and in that time would be lucky to have received 1% of the vitriol and hate that Markle has received in 2022., despite Gates being guilty of a string of personal and professional misdemeanours, and Markle being guilty of precisely nothing, other than the very sophisticated grievance that she is a (gulp)........opportunist, or even worse, (double gulp)...................... a hypocrite. Wow. Talk about protected species.

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #88
Poor old Bill Gates, that bloke donates 10 and 11 digit amounts and they paint him as a megalomaniac and nutter, of course he's a WASP and not nearly WOKE enough!

Sorry LP, but Bill isn't a WASP, even if you include Northern Europeans within the artificial Anglo-Saxon construct.  Bill's Scottish ancestors would be spinning in their graves at being lumped in with Sassenachs!  Although he attended a Congregational church as a child, Bill, Melinda and their children regularly attend/ed a Catholic church.  He is white, but not really from a US political elite family so the WASP label doesn't apply. 

Apart from when it clashes with his interests and objectives, Bill is as woke as you can get and is criticised by groups like Parents Defending Education and the Murdoch media for bankrolling the woke education agenda.
“Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don’t you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don’t you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?”  Oddball

Re: Harry and Megan

Reply #89
Apart from when it clashes with his interests and objectives, Bill is as woke as you can get and is criticised by groups like Parents Defending Education and the Murdoch media for bankrolling the woke education agenda.
While I agree, I suspect the accuracy of the labels and the various definitions mean very little to the social media trolls imposing their agendas on the wider general public.

Debating the very same definition of those labels just pigeon holes those participating in the debate of the definitions as elitist academics. The mad buggers have switched off before you've even closed your opening sentence! ;)

These labels are all media / social media stones, when most throw them they don't care if they are igneous or sedimentary, or if it started off life as a tomato and metamorphised!
The Force Awakens!