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Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4890
Nothing to see here, Flyboy77 is peddling certain uncertainty, the report conclusions are the exact opposite of the fears Flyboy77 wants to promote.

The report notes LNP(Lipid Nano-Particles, the particles which encapsulate the mRNA vaccine) also form in the body naturally as a response to inflammation, and the detected LNP levels are not outside the normal range expected for an inflammatory response.

Further no detrimental effect is expected from the LNP levels found in the study, the conclusions are that this response should be noted and monitored which is the perfect reasonable and the sensible option. It does not mean there is something to fear.

The report also omits any longer term data - 9 day is the norm, at least....

Odd that.

Conclusions can't be drawn on a lack of - or no - data.

But thanks LP. For trying to wash away the unwashable.
Finals, then 4 in a row!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4891
The FOI gift that keeps on giving.

The same biodistribution studies released from Japan showing LNP accumulation in the ovaries of rats were actually released by the TGA in a FOI document here

Why weren't women told?

Note the spleen and liver too.

You should see what happens to lab rats and mice when fed a typical western diet of processed foods, high sugar and high carbs (not complex carbs). Those figures you have go through the roof... especially bad for liver, kidneys, heart, brain, pancreas, immune system... and so on. Doesn't take long for the rats and mice to be obese, diabetic with developing cardiac issues!!

If you're going to be passionate about something, be passionate about the food (or excuse for food) we shove in our cakeholes. No grey areas, universal agreement (scientifically) and the proof is walking our streets, shopping centres and hospital corridors - walking their IVs out into the car park for a coupla durries. And too many families teach their kids to consume cr@p, breeding more unhealthy, overweight, sick humans. And that's without factoring in that toxic substance we guzzle - alcohol.

No vaccine yet has anywhere near the toxic effects on the human body than that of a bad diet - especially alcohol, processed foods and white poison (sugar). Then there's smoking... you get the drift.
Only our ruthless best, from Board to bootstudders will get us no. 17


Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4892
Think we have problems?

Israel records over 10,000 Covid cases in 24 hours

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4893
It's not necessarily bad for the vaccinated. In the case of the fully vaccinated, it seems that what doesn't kill you does make you stronger. A breakthrough infection produces a big kick to the immune system. But the key to this is "what doesn't kill you". It wouldn't be great if you ended up dying, so doctors aren't keen on the idea of the fully vaccinated hosting "pox parties" with a view to boosting their immunity. but if it happens in the ordinary course of events, it's like winning Tatts.

It seems unvaccinated people who survive Covid infections often don't have the same level of immunity as the fully vaccinated and the immunity doesn't last as long. 

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4894
Think we have problems?

Israel records over 10,000 Covid cases in 24 hours
Interesting about some new research coming through, conducted by the UK Health in relation to global trends. They should be publishing a report soon that will show short interval mRNA (Pfizer / Moderna) vaccination is the delivering the weakest long term transmission prevention profile. I heard an audio summary of the report predicted that Israel would apparently be the worst case, because Israel vaccinated predominantly with Pfizer on a very short interval between the 1st and 2nd doses, just 21 days (3 weeks).

For this reason the finding is that Israel and other countries using short vaccination intervals will be forced to issue booster shots, and ironically those booster shots should actually be a cross vaccination instead of more mRNA.

Think about that when our Federal authorities dropped the interval from 12 to 6 weeks, it's basically putting a regime in place that will require a 3rd dose. No wonder they want more people taking AZ, because a 3rd dose of Pfizer means the cost of Pfizer goes up 50%!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4895
According to
Doctors say anti-vaxxers are visiting GPs and demanding a medical exemption in a desperate attempt to avoid getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
It comes after state leaders flagged that only those who are double jabbed or have a medical certificate will get to enjoy “freedoms” such as visiting the pub and going to the gym.
Watch the video above for more on this story
President of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Doctor Karen Price told Sunrise the issue is becoming “a big problem” across Australia.
“I hear it all over from our members about people coming in demanding certificates for an exemption for vaccination and it’s causing real pressure,” she said.
Dr Price explained that there are only a very small number of genuine reasons why a doctor can supply a jab exemption.
However, as there are multiple different jabs approved for use in Australia - including AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna - it’s highly unlikely a patient would be unable to take every single one of them.
“The guidelines are pretty clear, there are very, very few medical exemptions for vaccinations and if you can’t have one vaccine, you can have another.”
Dr Price said she is encouraging vaccine hesitant Australians wo want to enjoy the freedoms to “come in and talk about what their fears and concerns are” rather than asking their GP for an exemption.
“If they’re asking for an exemption certificate and they don’t fit the criteria, then they’ve probably had a dose of misinformation.”
Let’s hope the demand for dodgy certificates allows the identification of Anti-vaxxer doctors and their deregistration and leads to a series of highly publicised prosecutions of Anti-Vaxxers for forgery.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4896
There are ways around everything.  But this issue will tend to fuel much antagonism. And I'm not referring to the insane and irrational anti vaxxers.  Biden's learning this the hard way.                               

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4897
Biden isn't learning this the hard way. He knows the GOP has already allied itself to the anti-vaxxers and the anti-maskers. He's learnt the lesson already that there's no point trying to humour them: just go bang. Let the GOP squeal all they like. The reality is that the majority want the vaccination drive to succeed and they blame the anti-vaxxers for standing in the way. Apart from in ruby-red States which are already controlled by the GOP, the anti-vax/anti-mask policies are likely to hurt the GOP when elections come.

The only way "this issue will tend to fuel much antagonism" is that vaccine refusal will result in the vaccine passport system being necessary. The anti-vaxxers know they need to try to undermine that system and that will lead to the certification process being strengthened to thwart their attempts. Showing proof will have some inconvenience attached to it, but the majority will appreciate being able to avoid mixing with the unvaccinated. God bless the unvaccinated anti-vaxxers: they're so generous they want to share everything they have with us. The majority will blame the anti-vaxxers for the inconveniences they face.   

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4898
I suppose there is a fundamental problem in that society can propagate untruths free of liability, but I do wonder how long that will persist under the current political system because it seems to be self-destructive.

Currently, the only motive to pursue this is through potential financial claims against large commercials entities like FB or Youtube.

But sooner or later it seems inevitable that this social movement will bite it's own tail. The first test will be when the wealthy estate of a deceased individual chooses to sue a commercial entity, then perhaps those individuals who were unvaccinated as well.

I know some will argue that there is a burden of proof, but it's actually the anti-vax movement that is diminishing that burden of proof by it's very actions. They'll get what they are asking for, the right to make a judgement based on an unfounded and unsupported opinion. They seem oblivious that the the rules they crave can be turned back on them!
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4899
I think a major delusion is that anti-vaxxers will get away with thumbing their noses at the vaccination passport system in the way anti-maskers & anti-lockdown protesters have. Sure, a few of them copped fines, but they haven't really been dealt with as criminals unless they assaulted police or destroyed property. But anti-vaxxers who try to bring the system to its knees by forging exemptions or vaccination certificates will be crossing the Rubicon. That will draw prosecutions for such dishonesty offences as making and uttering false documents (forgery) or obtaining financial advantage or property by deception (theft). Convictions for those offences will cause them far more problems than a fine for not wearing a mask.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4900
The politics of Sars-CoV-2 is very interesting, if not a little bit disturbing.

In particular the horror stories coming out of regions that have used Sinopharm and Sinovac, the efficacy is so low the outcome borders on chance, it reminds me of that "street fogging" the Chinese did to scare the public into staying home.
Sinovac, how efficacious is the vaccine? A large phase 3 trial in Brazil showed that two doses, administered at an interval of 14 days, had an efficacy of 51% against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection, 100% against severe COVID-19, and 100% against hospitalization starting 14 days after receiving the second dose
Countries like Malaysia and Indonesia would severely dispute these claims! Even the 14 day interval is highly dubious, it flies in the face of knowledge on how human bodies react to vaccines. Stuff just doesn't normally happen that quickly, never has and probably never will! Keep in mind both vaccines are "weakened whole virus" vaccines, that is the work at the same rate as the virus, not much much faster. So how can it be that they are administered in 14 day intervals when a Sars-CoV-2 infection might even be asymptomatic or undetectable after just 14 days? To get natural or vaccine immunity, you have to get infected, develop resistance/response and fight it off, then begin to recover before you'll even have a detectable presence of long term T-Killer cells.

It's perhaps another potential error along the same lines of Israel's 21 day vaccine cycle.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4901
As if anyone would trust a Chinese Vaccine.....I think even Kim Jong turned it down and preferred the Russian sputnik version complete with rocket fuel additive. Nth Korea of course have zero cases...... ;)

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4902
As if anyone would trust a Chinese Vaccine.....I think even Kim Jong turned it down and preferred the Russian sputnik version complete with rocket fuel additive. Nth Korea of course have zero cases...... ;)
It's not really the vaccine efficacy that is the issue, it's the idea it works with two doses at a 14 day interval, that suggests the efficacy figures for the specific promoted 14 day regime are a tad rubbery.
The Force Awakens!

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4903
How about these ideas to counter the campaign to circumvent the vaccine passport system via exemptions:
  • provide that only doctors who have consulted with a patient in person can issue an exemption (which will prevent anti-vaxxers using go-to doctors en masse via the TeleHealth system);
  • require doctors who are asked by a patient to issue an exemption to record a refusal (to avoid doctor shopping);
  • require patients who have been refused an exemption with a right to appeal to a medical panel;
  • provide that no exemption is effective until it's registered (which will enable authorities to keep track of doctors who hand out exemptions like candy);
  • enable the panel to call on all patients who obtained exemptions from problematic doctors to show why their exemptions shouldn't be revoked (or require them to submit to a review by a panel of doctors);
  • empower the panel to ban particular doctors from issuing exemptions.

Re: CV and mad panic behaviour

Reply #4904
Presenting a fake certificate works against the anti-vaxers own agenda, so we do not need excessive validation, they want to go without certificates not promote the use of fake certificates. Faked certificates just make the anti-vaxers appear to the general public like an even smaller minority than they already are!

I think there is already enough governance, after all anti-vax doctors are also a minority, and all the other doctors do not want to be put at risk.

The Force Awakens!